CSMP - Notting Hill CS Flashcards
What is the more affluent area in Notting Hill called?
Norland Ward
What is the poorer area in Notting Hill called?
Notting Dale
Is there social inequality in Notting Hill?
Yes, due to the spatial patterns and historical divide between Notting Dale and Norland Ward.
How many people (and workers) live in Norland Ward and Notting Dale?
Norland Ward - 8750 residents (3961 workers)
Notting Dale - 9750 residents (4036 workers)
What is the percentage of people that have a UK passport in Norland Ward and Notting Dale?
Norland Ward - 95.1%
Notting Dale - 73.6%
What is the split between houses and flats in Norland Ward and Notting Dale?
Norland Ward - 70% flats, 29.6% houses
Notting Dale - 83.8% flats, 15.9% houses
What is the split between owned and rented properties in Norland Ward and Notting Dale?
Norland Ward - 35.9% owned, 23.6% rented
Notting Dale - 26.1% owned, 16.5% rented
Notting Dale
Born in the UK- 58%
Residents w/ degree/qualification- 80.6%
% No access to vehicles- 50%
UK Passport- 73.6%
English 1st language- 67.9%
Language/region- 18.6%
Health- 18.3% long term illness
Notting Hill (1840s)
Norland Ward - Suburbanisation: property developers built semi-detached villas for wealthy families (av. life exp. = 37).
Notting Dale - Worst slum in Victorian London: shacks and piggeries (av. life exp. = 11).
Notting Hill (1864 - Wall at the planned Union Street)
Norland Ward - St James’ Gardens had lawyers and bankers (upper-middle class).
Notting Dale - Biggest slum in London had criminals and prostitutes (lower class). Slum was demolished in 1870s, turning into Avondale Park.
Top 3 countries of origin: (ND)
English, 3.6% N African , 5% SE Asian
Notting Hill (Great Depression)
Norland Ward - Large homes too expensive to maintain + poor poeple lived nearby = outward migration. Vacated properties were divided into rented flats. Working class moved in these areas.
Notting Dale - High unemployment, huge inequality nationally. More people moved to London as population grew. Women worked as maids for wealthy people in Notting Hill.
Notting Hill (WWII and post WWII)
Both Norland Ward and Notting Dale were equally poor. 30,000 homes were bombed in Kensington.
Accommodation and ownership
-83.8% flats
-15.9% houses
-26.1% owner occupied
16.5% rented
Notting Hill (1948 - Arrival of Windrush generation)
Post WWII, UK was short of labour and advertised for workers from Old Caribbean colonies to come.
Norland ward
Born in the UK- 59%
Residents w/ degree/qualification- 85.8%
% No access to vehicles- 40%
UK Passport- 95.1%
English 1st language- 73.9%
Religion- 20% no religion
Health- 14.9% long term illness
Notting Hill (1957)
Abolishment of rent control: saw 30% rent rise as a result of law change. Landlords were racist, only one landlord, Peter Rachman, let black families rent, although he charged them much higher rents.
Notting Hill (1948-1960s)
Rise of White Defence League during Windrush generation. Racial tension, black people lived in fear.
1959 - Kelso Cochrane, a young black man, was murdered, finally bringing peace.
First multi-cultural community in London.
Notting Hill (mid 1960s - Carnival)
Notting Hill carnival was born in order to ease racial tension. Introduction of people, music and dancing along Portobello Road > started Notting Hill carnival.
Heavy influenced by Caribbean culture, expects over a million visitors every year.
Notting Hill (1960s-1975 - Slum Clearances)
Norland Ward - Large mansions not included in the slum clearance scheme.
Notting Dale - London County Council development plan > Lancaster West Estate to be built. Houses were knocked down for social housing to be built on the site.
Social housing was completed in 1975 (improved living environment, with slums being cleared).
Top 3 countries of origin: (NW)
50% English, 14.2% European, 5.5% n/a
Accommodation and ownership
70% flats, 29.6% houses
-35.9% owner occupied
23.6% rented
Notting Hill (1980s - Start of gentrification)
Gentrification caused inequality to increase again.
Norland Ward - Dilapidated homes were gradually refurbished.
Notting Dale - Personal safety decreased. Insect infestations occurred.
Thatcher Right To Buy Scheme: council homes could be bought by those typically renting.
Notting Hill (1990s-present - Super gentrification)
Super gentrification created further social inequality and divide.
Norland Ward - Area improved. New art galleries, high end shops and restaurants. 1999 Notting Hill film (rom com) raised profile of the area. House prices were rising.
Notting Dale - Byword of crime and anti social behaviour. Kensington Aldridge Academy (KAA) opened in 2014. Grenfell Tower disaster in 2017 bought attention to social housing and inequality in area.
What are the Flows of People in Notting Hill?
1840 - inward flow of people to Norland Ward, upper middle class people such as lawyers and bankers.
Post Great Depression - outward flow of people, large villas became too expensive to maintain, families moved into suburbs.
WWII - inward flow of people into London due to high unemployment and population growth.
1948 - mass inward flow of people, Windrush Generation. Notting Hill first multi-cultural community.
1975 - Lancaster West Estate provided social housing. More people lived in the area with more social housing being built.
1980s - Dilapidated mansions attracted middle class families who refurbished homes.
1990s - Present - inward flow of wealthy people into improved area. In 2010s, area is one of the most expensive to live in the UK, Russian oligarchs and billionaires live there.
What are Flows of Resources in Notting Hill?
1960s-1975 - Flow of resources improved the built environment following slum clearances.
What are Flows of Money and Investment in Notting Hill? (historical)
1840 - Natural environment shaped flow of money and investment with quality clay soil being used for brickmaking > development of potteries.
Inward flow of money and investment since 1840s with Ladbroke family turning area into fashionable London suburb.
1870s - Cut throat slum demolished and turned into Avondale Park due to inward flow of money into the area.
Great Depression - Outward flow of money, due to houses in of Ladbroke Estate being too expensive to maintain.
1948 - Flow of investment from Windrush generation; advertised for workers.
What are Flows of Money and Investment in Notting Hill? (recent)
1960s - Flow of money and investment into improved built environment and council housing atop slum clearances.
1980s - Flow of money and investment as middle class families refurbished dilapidated Victorian homes - gentrification.
2000s - Increased flow of money due to rising house prices. Increased flow of investment into changed local services > more high-end shops.
2010s - Flow of money and investment into education and lesiure > KAA and Kensington Leisure Centre (£29m investment from RBKC council for the leisure centre).
What are Flows of Ideas in Notting Hill?
Notting Hill Carnival - Local resident and community activist Rhaune Laslett organised street marches to ease racial tensions. She hired musicians and locals joined in the march with dancing > sparked idea of Notting Hill Carnival.
1960s - 1975 - The idea of council housing allowed for all types of people to live on the same street or block. Primarily for working class, decent comfort-ability > strategic and efficient idea post-war rebuilding.
2000s - present - There were no co-educational community schools in North Kensington. Idea to built KAA, offering 900 places for 11-16 year-olds for high education.
How has social inequality in Notting Hill changed over time?
There was vast social inequality between Norland Ward and Notting Dale during the 19th and early 20th century.
WWII and post WWII saw a decrease in social inequality.
Following the gentrification since the 1980s, social inequality began to increase again with Norland Ward being gentrified and Notting Dale being somewhat neglected.
What is the average house price of Notting Hill and how many sales in the last 10 years?
- £1,551,004
- 5,065
What are features of the built + natural environment which further implement divide between the two wards?
- Wall at St James Garden - Union Street never built
- Barrier between N/S -> Portland Road
- Dale low-lying
- Norland on a hill
- Majority Dale social housing
What are examples of good regeneration schemes in Notting Dale?
- Kensington Aldridge Academy
- Leisure centre (funded by the borough council)