*Pilot Controller Glossary Flashcards
Distant Early Warning Identification Zone Over the coastal waters of Alaska
Air Defense Identification Zone Area of airspace over land or water, extending upward from the surface, within which the ready identification, location , and the control of aircraft are required in the interest of national secutity
Domestic Air Defense Identification Zone
ADIS within the US along an international boundary of the US
Coastal Air Defense Identification Zone
ADIZ over the coastal waters of the US
Which Part of 14 CFR describes ADIZ requirements and operations?
Part 99
Where is the US NOTAM office located?
Air Traffic Control System Command Center (ATCSCC)
Small aircraft for wake turbulence separation
41,000 lbs max takeoff weight
Large aircraft for wake turbulence separation
MORE THAN 41,000 lbs to LESS THAN 300,000 lbs max takeoff weight
Heavy aircraft for wake turbulence separation
Aircraft capable of Max takeoff weight of 300,000 or more regardless of current weight
Area on land or water that is used or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of aircraft and includes its buildings and facilities
Airport Elevation is the highest point of what?
An airport’s usable runways measured in feet from mean sea level
Runway edge lights are uniformly spaced at intervals of:
Touchdown zone lighting consists of two rows of transverse light bars normally at what interval?
Touchdown zone lighting extends how far?
3,000’ along the runway
Runway centerline lighting begins and ends how many feet from each runway threshold?
75’ from the threshold
Interval of runway centerline lights
Airport reference point is the approximate geometric center of what?
All usable runway surfaces
Airport surveillance radar can extend up to how many miles?
60 miles
Which type of airspeed is used under the general term “airspeed” for pilot/controller communications?
Indicated airspeed
Altitude reservations are normally for the mass movement of aircraft or other special user requirements which cannot otherwise be accomplished. They are approved by whom?
The appropriate FAA facility
Domestic airspace extends how many miles offshore?
12 miles off shore
What is the size of a downburst?
1/2 mile to 10 miles
Damaging winds from a downburst can last how long?
5-30 mintues
Downburst can reach speeds as high as?
An ELT radiates a downward sweeping tone how many times per second?
2-4 times per second
A Flight Information Region provides what two services
Flight Information Service- provided for the purpose of giving advice and info for the safe and efficient conduct of flights Alerting Service- notify appropriate organizations regarding aircraft in need of S&R aid and to assist as required
Pilot stating they “have the numbers” means they have what?
Runway, wind, and altimeter
No Radio
Meteorological Impact Statements describe conditions expected to begin within how long?
4-12 hours
A microburst has damaging winds extending how far?
2.5 miles or less
An intense microburst could induce wind speeds as high as…
150 kts
Civil twilight ends when?
The center of the sun’s disk is 6 degrees below the horizon and begins in the morning when the center of the sun’s disk is 6 degrees below the horizon
Notice containing information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any component of the NAS
How often is the NOTAM publication issued?
Every 28 days
What type of NOTAM is regulatory?
An offshore airspace area provides air traffic control services how far off shore?
Between the 12nm limit of US airspace and the oceanic FIR boundary.
Offshore airspace areas may be classified as what class of airspace?
Either A or E airspace
Services provided in a Class C outer area include what?
IFR-IFR separation IFR-VFR separation VFR-VFR separation
Size of a Class C outer area?
Light precip on radar
According to AIM 7-1-12 it is <26dBz
Moderate precip on radar
According to AIM 7-1-12 it is 26-40 dBz
Heavy precip on radar
Extreme precip on radar
Are Remote Communications Air/Ground Facilities equipped with emergency frequencies?
Remote Communications Air/Ground Facility
What is a Remote Communications Air/Ground Facility?
An unmanned VHF/UHF transmitter facility which is used to expand ARTCC air/ground communications coverage
Reporting point
Geographical location in relation to which the position of an aircraft is reported
What is a SIGMET?
Weather advisory issued concerning weather significant to the safety of all aircraft. Including severe turbulence, severe icing, and widespread dust and sand storms
Special Emergency
Condition of air piracy or other hostile act by a person aboard an aircraft which threatens the safety of the aircraft or its pax
Alert Area
Airspace which may contain a high volume of pilot training activities or an unusual type of aerial activity, neither of which is hazardous to aircraft
Controlled Firing Area
Airspace wherein activities are controlled to eliminate hazards to nonparticipating aircraft
Military Operations Area
Used to separate certain nonhazardous military activities from IFR traffic and to identify for VFR traffic where these activities are conducted
Prohibited Area
Airspace within which no person may operate an aircraft without the permission of the USING AGENCY
Restricted Area
Airspace within which the flight of aircraft while not wholly prohibited is subject to restriction
Warning Area
Airspace of defined dimensions extending from 3nm off the cost that contains activity that may be hazardous to nonparticipating aircraft
Can Warning Areas be located over international waters?
Supplemental Weather Service Location staff do what?
Take weather observations and provide current local weather to pilots via phone or radio
At controlled airports with tetrahedrons, does the tetrahedron indication or tower instruction take priority?
The tower instruction
Touchdown zone
The first 3,000’ of the runway beginning at the threshold
Touchdown zone elevation
The highest elevation in the first 3,000’ of the landing surface
The ability to see and identify prominent unlighted objects during the day and prominent lighted objects by night. Reported in SM
Flight visibility
The average forward horizontal distance from the cockpit of an aircraft in flight at which prominent unlighted objects may be seen
Ground visibility
Prevailing horizontal visibility near the Earth’s surface as reported by the National Weather Service
Prevailing Visibility
Greatest horizontal visibility equaled or exceeded throughout at least half the horizon circle which need not be continuous
Runway Visibility Value (RVV)
Visibility determined for a particular runway by a transmissometer
Runway Visual Range (RVR)
Derived Value that represents the horizontal distance a pilot will see down the runway from the approach end. It is based on what a pilot in a moving aircraft should see looking down the runway
Can VOTs only be used on the ground?
No, they can be either for ground or air use
Eastern time zone
Standard: -5 Daylight savings: -4
Central time zone
Standard: -6 Daylight savings: -5
Mountain time zone
Standard: -7 Daylight savings: -6
Pacific time zone
Standard: -8 Daylight savings: -7
Central Altitude Reservation Function Responsible for coordinating, planning and approving special user requirements under altitude reservation concept (airspace utilization technique)
CARF functions are located where?
Air Traffic Control System Command Center (ATCSCC) in Virginia
Can Enroute ATC radars (WARP radars) see light precipitation?