AIM Chapter 7 Meteorology Flashcards
Where can more details on weather products be found?
Advisory Circular 00-45, Aviation Weather Services
AIM 7-1-1
When will a SPECI be issued for a wind shift?
Wind direction changes by 45 degrees or more, in less than 15 minutes, and the wind speed is 10 knots or more throughout the wind shift
Table 7-1-1
When will a SPECI be issued for visibility?
When surface visibility decreases to less than or increases to equal to or exceeds:
3 SM
2 SM
1 SM
1/2 SM
1/4 SM or the lowest standard IAP minimums
Table 7-1-1
When will a SPECI be issued for RVR?
The highest value decreases to less than or increases to equal or exceed 2,400 ft during the preceeding 10 minutes
Table 7-1-1
When will a SPECI be issued for a Tornado, Funnel Cloud, or Waterspout?
When one is observed or disappears from sight or ends
Table 7-1-1
When will a SPECI be issued for a thunderstorm?
When one begins and is not already reported, or ends
Table 7-1-1
When will a SPECI be issued for precipitation?
Hill begins or ends
Freezing preciptation begins, ends, or changes intensity
Ice pellets begin, end, or change intensity
Snow begins, ends, or changes intensity
Table 7-1-1
When will a SPECI be issued for a squall?
When a squall occurs
(wind speed suddenly increases by at least 16 knots and is sustained at 22 knots or more for at least one minute)
Table 7-1-1
When will a SPECI be issued for the ceiling?
The ceiling decresases to less than or increases to equal or exceed:
3,000 ft
1,500 ft
1,000 ft
500 ft
200 ft or the lowest standard IAP minimums
Table 7-1-1
Will a SPECI be issued for a Volcanic Eruption?
Yes, when an eruption is first noted
Table 7-1-1
Will a SPECI be issued for an Aircraft Mishap?
Table 7-1-1
What is a Squall?
The wind speed suddenly increases by at least 16 knots and is sustained at 22 knots or more for at least one minute
Table 7-1-1
When can Graphical Forecasts for Aviation (GFA) data be viewed?
14 hours in the past to 15 hours in the future
AIM 7-1-4(a)
What does the Aviaiton Cloud Forecast provide?
Clouds coverage
Bases, layers, and tops
AIRMETS for mountain obsuctaion and icing
AIM 7-1-4(b)(4)
What does the Aviation Surface Forecast provide?
Weather phenomena
Winds (including gusts)
AIRMETs for instrument flight rules and sustained surface winds of 30 knots or more
AIM 7-1-4(b)(4)
How often are the Aviaiton Surface Forecast and Aviaiton Cloud Forecast updated?
Every 3 hours
AIM 7-1-4(b)(4)
When should a Standard Briefing be requested?
Any time a previous briefing or preliminiary information through online resources has not been received
AIM 7-1-5(b)
When should an Abbreviated Breifing be requested?
Any time supplemental data is needed, to update a previous briefing, or when only a few specific items are needed
AIM 7-1-5(c)
When should an Outlook Briefing be requested?
When the propesed time of departure is 6 or more hours from the time of the briefing
AIM 7-1-5(d)
Who are SIGMETs intended for?
All pilots
AIM 7-1-6(d)(1)(a)
How long are SIGMETs valid for?
4 hours
6 hours for tropical cyclones and volcanic ash clouds
AIM 7-1-6(d)(1)(c)
How long are SIGMETs for tropical cyclones or volcanic ash clouds valid for?
6 hours
AIM 7-1-6(d)(1)(c)
When are SIGMETs issued?
As required
AIM 7-1-6(d)(1)(c)
What are SIGMETs issued for?
Severe icing not associated with thunderstorms
Severe or extreme turbulence not associated with thunderstorms
Clear air turbulence (CAT)
Widespread dust storms or sandstorms lowering surface visibility to below 3 miles
Volcanic Ash
AIM 7-1-6(d)(2)(d)
What are SIGMETs over Alaska and Hawaii/Oceanic Regions issued for?
Same as contiguous US
Lines of thunderstorms
Embedded Thunderstorms
Hail greater than or equal to 3/4 inch in diameter
AIM 7-1-6(d)(3)(e)
AIM 7-1-6(d)(4)(d)
What is a severe thunderstorm?
Surface winds greater than or equal to 50 knots
Hail at the surface greater than or equal to 3/4 inches in diameter
AIM 7-1-6(e)(1)(a)
What will a Convective SIGMET be issued for?
A severe thunderstorm
Embedded thunderstorms
A line of thunderstorms
Thunderstorms producing precipitation greater than or equal to heavy precipitation affecting 40% or more of an area at least 3,000 square miles
AIM 7-1-6(e)(1)
How often are Convective SIGMET bulletins issued?
Hourley at H+55
As required
AIM 7-1-6(e)(3)
Will a Convective SIGMET bulletin be issued if there is nothing meeting the required criteria?
The bulletin will state “CONVECTIVE SIGMET…NONE”
AIM 7-1-6(e)(3)
How long is a Convective SIGMET valid?
2 hours
AIM 7-1-6(e)(3)
What is an AIRMET?
A concise description of the occurrence or expected occurrence of specified en route weather phenomena that may affect the safety of aircraft operations, but at intensities lower than those which require the issuance of a SIGMET
AIM 7-1-6(f)
Who are AIRMETs intended for?
All pilots, but especially Visual Flight Rules pilots and operators of sensitive aircraft
AIM 7-1-6(f)(2)(a)
How long are AIRMETs valid for?
6 hours
8 hours in Alaska
AIM 7-1-6(f)(2)(b)
How often are AIRMETs issued?
Every 6 hours
Every 8 hours in Alaska
As necessary
AIM 7-1-6(f)(2)(b)
When are AIRMETs issued over the Contiguous US?
0245, 0845, 1445, 2045 UTC
Table 7-1-2
When are AIRMETs issued over Alaska?
Standard time
0515, 1315, 2115 UTC
Daylight savings time
0415, 1215, 2015 UTC
Table 7-1-2
When are AIRMETs issued over Hawaii?
0400, 1000, 1600, 2200 UTC
Table 7-1-2
What will an AIRMET Tango be issued for?
Moderate turbulence
Non-convective low-level wind shear potential below 2,000ft AGL
Sustained surface winds greater than 30 knotes
What will an AIRMET Zulu be issued for?
Moderate icing
Freezing levels
What will an AIRMET Sierra be issued for?
Widespread mountain obscuration
Instrument flight rule conditions
When are G-AIRMETs valid?
Discrete times no more than 3 hours apart for a period of up to 12 hours into the future
AIM 7-1-6(f)(3)
What is a Center Weather Advisory?
Unscheduled inflight, flow control, air traffic, and air crew advisory
(Not a flight planning product)
AIM 7-1-6(h)(1)
When will ARTCCs broadcast a Convective SIGMET, SIGMET, AIRMET, Urgent Pilot Report, or CWA?
Any part of the area described with within 150 miles of the airspace under their jurisdiction
AIM 7-1-8(a)
What does AWOS stand for?
Automated Weather Observing System
AIM 7-1-10(b)
What does ASOS stand for?
Automated Surface Observing System
AIM 7-1-10(d)
What does an AWOS-A report?
Altimeter setting only
Any other information is advisory only
AIM 7-1-10(b)(3)(a)
What does an AWOS-AV report?
Any other information is advisory only
AIM 7-1-10(b)(3)(b)
What does an AWOS-1 report?
Altimeter setting
Wind data
Dew point
Density altitude
AIM 7-1-10(b)(3)(c)
What does an AWOS-2 report?
Altimeter setting
Wind data
Dew point
Density altitude
AIM 7-1-10(b)(3)(d)
What does an AWOS-3 report?
Altimeter setting
Wind data
Dew point
Density altitude
Cloud/ceiling data
AIM 7-1-10(b)(3)(e)
What does an AWOS-3P report?
Altimeter setting
Wind data
Dew point
Density altitude
Cloud/ceiling data
Precipitation identification
AIM 7-1-10(b)(3)(f)
What does an AWOS-3T report?
Altimeter setting
Wind data
Dew point
Density altitude
Cloud/ceiling data
Thunderstorm/lighting reporting
AIM 7-1-10(b)(3)(h)
What does an AWOS-3PT report?
Altimeter setting
Wind data
Dew point
Density altitude
Cloud/ceiling data
Precipitation identification
Thunderstorm/lighting reporting
AIM 7-1-10(b)(3)(g)
What does an AWOS-4 report?
Altimeter setting
Wind data
Dew point
Density altitude
Cloud/ceiling data
Precipitation occurrence, type, and accumulation
Freezing rain
Runway surface sensors
AIM 7-1-10(b)(3)(i)
What does an ASOS report?
Altimeter setting
Wind data
Dew point
Density altitude
Cloud/ceiling data
Precipitation identification, accumulation
Freezing rain
When will an AWOS report weather and obstructions to visibility?
When the reported visibility is less than 7 miles
AIM 7-1-10(b)(2)
When will an AWOS report density altitude?
When the density altitude exceeds field elevation by more than 1,000ft
AIM 7-1-10(b)(2)
How does an AWOS calculate visibility?
Using a 10-minute harmonic average
AIM 7-1-10(b)(2)
Where is the AWOS visibility sensor located?
Near the touchdown of the primary instrument runway
AIM 7-1-10(b)(2)
How does an AWOS calculate sky condition/ceiling?
Integrates the last 30 minutes of ceilometer data
AIM 7-1-10(b)(2)
When will AUTO be added to a METAR?
When the data is derived from an automated system
AIM 7-1-10(b)(2)
What is the service volume of an AWOS?
A maximum of 25 NM and a maximum altitude of 10,000 feet AGL
AIM 7-1-10(b)(4)
How often does an AWOS update?
Every minute
AIM 7-1-10(b)(4)
How long is the typical AWOS message?
20-30 seconds
AIM 7-1-10(b)(4)
What does AO1 mean in the remarks?
Automated weather reporting stations without a precipitation discriminator
AIM 7-1-10(d)(5)
What does AO2 mean in the remarks?
Automated weather reporting stations with a precipitation discriminator
AIM 7-1-10(d)(5)
What automated remarks can be added to an AWOS broadcast?
Density Altitude
Variable Visibility
Variable Wind Direction
AIM 7-1-10(c)(5)(a)
What manual remarks can be added to an AWOS broadcast?
Type and intensity of precipitation
Thunderstorms and direction
Obstructions to vision when the visibility is 3 miles or less
AIM 7-1-10(c)(5)(b)
What does WARP stand for?
Weather and Radar Processor
AIM 7-1-12(a)(4)
How old can precipitation data be by the time it reaches an ARTCC controller’s display?
Up to 6 minutes old
AIM 7-1-12(a)(4)
What does ARSR stand for?
Air Route Surveillance Radar
AIM 7-1-12(a)(4)
Can ATC radar detect turbulence?
AIM 7-1-12(a)(5)
What should a pilot state when requesting a deviation for weather?
Heading or degrees
Direction of deviation
Approxiamte number of miles
AIM 7-1-12 (b)(1)(a)
When will ATC advise pilot of light precipitation?
<26 dBZ
AIM 7-1-12(a)(2)(a)
When will ATC advise pilots of moderate precipitation?
26 to 40 dBZ
AIM 7-1-12(a)(2)(b)
When will ATC advise pilots of heavy precipitation?
> 40 to 50 dBZ
AIM 7-1-12(a)(2)(c)
When will ATC advise pilots of extreme precipitation?
> 50 dBZ
AIM 7-1-12(a)(2)(d)
When wil RVR be reported?
When the prevailing visibility is less than one mile and/or the RVR is 6,000 feet or less
AIM 7-1-13(g)
What is the definition of ceiling?
The lowest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomenon that is reported “broken,” “overcast,” or “obscuration”
What is the height of clouds reported in?
Height above ground level
In PIREPs, clouds are reported in MSL
What is prevailing visibility?
The greatest visibility equaled or exceeded throughout at least one half of the horizon circle, not necessarily contiguous
When will tower visibility be reported?
When it is less than 4 miles
AIM 7-1-15(c)
How is light rain identified?
Scattered drops that, regardless of duration, do not completely wet an exposed surface up to a condition where individual drops are easily seen
AIM 7-1-16(a)(1)
How is moderate rain identified?
Individual drops are not clearly identifiable; spray is observable just above pavements and other hard surfaces
AIM 7-1-16(a)(2)
How is heavy rain identified?
Rain seemingly falls in sheets; individual drops are not identifiable; heavy spray to height of several inches is observed over hard surfaces
aIM 7-1-16(a)(3)
How are light ice pellets identified?
Scattered pellets that do not completely cover an exposed surface regarless of duration. Visibility is not affected
AIM 7-1-16(b)(1)
How are moderate ice pellets identified?
Slow accumulation on ground. Visibility reduced by ice pellets to less than 7 statute miles
AIM 7-1-16(b)(2)
How are heavy ice pellets identified?
Rapid accumulation on ground. Visibility reduced by ice pellets to less than 3 statute miles
AIM 7-1-16(b)(3)
How is light drizzle identified?
Visibility more than 1/2 statute mile
AIM 7-1-17(a)
How is moderate drizzle identified?
Visibility from more than 1/4 statute mile to 1/2 statute mile
AIM 7-1-17(b)
How is heavy drizzle identified?
Visibility 1/4 statute mile or less
AIM 7-1-17(c)
How is light snow identified?
Visibility more than 1/2 statute mile
AIM 7-1-17(a)
How is moderate snow identified?
Visibility from more than 1/4 statute mile to 1/2 statute mile
AIM 7-1-17(b)
How is heavy snow identified?
Visibility 1/4 statute mile or less
AIM 7-1-17(c)
When is ATC requried to solicit PIREPs?
Ceilings at or below 5,000 feet
Visibility at or below 5 miles (surface or aloft)
Thunderstorms and related phenomena
Light icing or greater
Moderate turbulence or greater
Wind shear
Volcanic ash clouds
AIM 7-1-18(a)
Who can pilots give PIREPs to?
Terminal ATC
AIM 7-1-18(c)
It takes ____ inch of ice to reduce the lifting power of some aircraft by ____ percent and increases the frictional drag by an equal percentage
1/2 inch
AIM 7-1-19(a)