ParaLab - Fecal Artifacts Flashcards
Fecal artifacts are also called as what?
Confusers or Pseudoparasites
Fecal Artifact that resembles Taenia and other helminth eggs; it has little to no internal structures; lacks 6-hooked oncosphere and embryo wall
Fecal Artifact that appears polygonal and flattened, may be confused with helminth eggs but appear larger than them. They also have unorganized interior portions and contain large vacuoles.
Vegetable Cells
Artifacts with ladder-like appearance and may be confused w/ helminth larva because of size and shape; lacks head and tail region
Vegetable Spirals
Artifact that can be confused with helminth larva (strongyloides and hookworm) and has a reflective center. it also lacks internal structure and head/tail region.
Plant Hair/Fiber
Artifact that is round and oval in shape; may be confused w/ cryptosporidium, cyclospora, microsporidia, helminth eggs, or protozoan cysts.
Size of yeast?
4 to 8 um in size
what is normally present in stool so reporting isn’t necessary?
presence of what may be an indication of pathogenicity of the yeast present (Candida spp.)?
branching pseudohyphae
Artifacts that are round to irregular round-shaped and are very refractile; may resemble protozoan cysts
Starch cells/granules
A starch granule may be identified as it is if it is less than ____ um?
Starch granules if less than 10 um
In iodine staining, what is the color of undigested starch?
In iodine staining, what is the color of partially digested starch?
Artifacts that are the protozoan parasites of crayfsh. Present in stool if crayfish is consumed in significant amounts.
Beaver bodies
Sometimes known as corpora parasitica and resemble helminth ova; has no clinical significance
Beaver bodies
Artifacts that are spherical in shape and resemble protozoan cysts; present in steatorrhea
Fat globules
large amounts of this may indicate excess fecal fat
fat globules
clinical term for excess fecal fat?
observation of how many fat globules per HPO may indicate steatorrhea?
> 60 large fat globules
6 - 75um in size
Artifacts that are rectangular in shape and may appear with or without striations
Muscle fiber
Artifacts that are present in high red-meat diet
muscle fiber
Presence of striated fibers may indicate what?
gastrocolic fistulas and pancreatic sufficiency (cystic fibrosis)
Confuser that may be confused with tapeworm proglottid
Muscle fiber
Fecal Artifact that results from improperly prepared wet mounts/smear?
Air bubbles
Artifacts that appear as slender crystals w/ pointed ends (diamond-shaped) and are the breakdown products of eosinophils.
Charcot leyden crystals
Artifacts that stain purple with trichome stain and may indicate hypersensitivity/allergic rxn and helminthic infections
Charcot leyden crystals
Artifacts that appear large w/ refractile nucleus and distinct cell borders. Looks like amoebic trophozoites but lacks the interior structures of these trophs.
Epithelial cells
Squamous epithelial cells most likely came from where?
anal mucosa
Columnar epithelial cells most likely came from where?
intestinal mucosa
True or False
Vegetable cells may easily be confused with helminth eggs
True or False
Thick-walled pollen grains resemble the eggs of Taenia spp
True or False
Starch granules may appear at first glance to be protozoan cysts particularly those of E. hartmanni & E. nana.
True or False
Presence of air bubbles suggests uneven smear
True or False
Polymorphonuclear white blood cells are often mistaken for amebic cysts, especially those of Entamoeba histolytica
Confusers that are indicators of helminthic infection
Charcot Leyden crystals
higher eos breakdown = higher charcot leyden
what confuser may be confused with protozoan trophozoites?
immune system cell
white blood cells
- PMNs = likely protoz cysts
- Macrophages = likely amoebic trophz
Sphere-looking cyst-like structures; present in steatorrhea
fat globules
Rectangular structures representing undigested meat fibers
Muscle fiber
Coiled strand of vegetable remnants iwth a ladder-like appearance
Vegetable spirals
These are diamond-shaped crystals which develop from eosinophil breakdown products
Charcot Leyden