Cestodes (Cyclophyllidea) Flashcards
Common name of Taenia solium
Pork tapeworm
Adult Taenia solium may attain a length from 2 up to ____ meters.
The rostellum of Taenia solium is ____.
armed or unarmed
with 2 rows (or double crown kaya 2 rows)
The mature segments of Taenia solium are ____ than they are ____ and contain one set of reproductive organs.
wider than long
The gravid segments of Taenia solium are ____ than they are ____ and contain a branched uterus filled with eggs.
longer than wide
In Taenia solium the number of main branches on one side of the central stem varies from ____ to ____.
7 to 13 brances
The oncosphere of Taenia is enclosed in a thick, radially striated coat called the ____, usually dark brown in color.
remember that 6-hooked oncosphere = hexacanth embryo
Intermediate host of Taenia solium
only 1 IH
Eggs of Taenia solium ingested by a pig hatch into oncosphere larva and develop into the infective larval stages or ____ in the muscles, which may then infect humans who eat undercooked pork.
Cysticercus cellulosae
Ingested proglottids of Taenia solium may rupture and release eggs which hatch into oncosphere larva and develop into cysticerci and cause ____.
what disease by larva?
parang digestion of eggs din pala si digestion of proglottids
What are the infective stages of Taenia solium?
- Cysticercus cellulosae
- Embryonated egg
Diagnostic stages of Taenia spp
- Eggs
- Proglottids
report as Taenia eggs since morphologically similar; gravid segment lang hindi similar due to uterus branching
Specific identification of Taeniasis based on eggs is impossible; so one must examine ____ proglottids wherein the uterine branches are counted.
what type of proglottids?
If Taenia solium has 7 to 13 fingerlike branches, Taenia saginata has ____ to ____ treelike branches.
15 to 20
The ____ of Taenia solium once ingested, causes intestinal infection of the adult worm
Cysticercus cellulosae
The ____ of Taenia solium, once ingested, causes invasion of different organs and cysticercosis (due to larva)
MOT for Taenia solium
Ingestion of:
- Cysticercus cellulosae (from pork)
- Eggs
Similar to Enterobius vermicularis, Taenia eggs may also be diagnostically acquired through what procedure?
Cellophane swab
Specific diagnosis of Taenia solium and Taenia saginata is made by counting what?
uterine side branches
When humans eat insufficiently cooked cysticercus-infected meat, all but the ____ portion is digested, and this undigested portion attaches to the intestinal wall to begin growing a chain of proglottids.
omki so cno nga ulet responsible for attaching?
Upon egg ingestion of Taenia solium, the egg disintegrates in the small intestine and the contained embryo or ____ is able to invade the intestinal wall and enter a blood vessel by means if the six hooklets that it bears.
hexacanth embryo
carried into the bloodstream tapos tira sa kahit ano pero usually sa voluntary muscle
Though the majority of such infections are asymptomatic, invasion of muscle by the T. solium larvae may give rise to ____, with accompanying fever and eosinophilia.
What do you call the rare condition caused by muscle invasion of Taenia solium larva upon egg/proglottid ingestion?
muscular pseudohypertrophy
accompanied by muscle swelling leading to atrophy and fibrosis damn
In humans, cysticerci most commonly are given attention when they occur in what system?
The ____ of Taenia solium are responsible for ____ via the fecal-oral route of transmission.
eggs; autoinfection
What do you call the pathology caused by Taenia solium larva? If the brain is involed?
Cysticercosis; neurocysticercosis
Worldwide, ____ is the most common parasitic disease of the CNS caused by cysticerci.
What do you call the most common form of active neurocysticercosis?
arachnoid space is involved
Drug of choice for intestinal taeniasis
Niclosamide too, but take care in taeniasis solium coz proglottids may rupture then egg-release lmao cysticercosis agad
Since many cases of neurocysticercosis are asymptomatic, what is the drug of choice?
What is the common name of Taenia saginata?
beef tapeworm
Unlike Taenia solium whose intermediate hosts are pigs, Taenia saginata’s intermediate hosts are?
or cows
The rostellum of Taenia saginata is ____
armed or unarmed
presence of hooks may serve to differentiate saginata and solium
The mature proglottids of Taenia saginata is either ____ than ____ or nearly ____.
wider than long; square
The gravid proglottids of Taenia saginata is ____ than ____.
longer than wide
Usually, which of the two Taenia have longer gravid proglottids
Taenia saginata
What do you call the infective stage of Taenia saginata?
Cysticercus bovis
Drug of choice for Taenia saginata
MOT for Taenia saginata
Ingestion of Cysticercus bovis
not eggs na coz no pathology is associated w/ egg (n maghhatch into larva)
Is Cysticercosis of humans possible in Taenia saginata?
onli in solium
Which of the two Taenia is longer?
Taenia saginata
Unlike T. solium, infection w/ T. saginata is frequently encountered in the ____.
haha funny nga kasi “the prevalent liking for rare steak is one means of successful survival of this species…”
United States
wag kasi rare guys medium rare lng 0:)
What Taenia has its DNA morphologically similar w/ T. saginata but its scolex is from T. solium?
Taenia saginata asiatica
seen in asia kasi, but some wld consider this as a separate species (T. asiatica)
What is the common name of Multiceps multiceps?
Gid worm
What do you call the larva of Multiceps multiceps?
present in intermediate hosts: herbivores
The oncosphere of Multiceps multiceps is carried into the bloodstream after being hatched from the egg and most frequently develops in what system?
Infective stage of Multiceps multiceps to man
- Embryonated eggs
- Gravid proglottids (na may eggs ofc so defo eggs lang)
these will grow into coenuri
MOT of Multiceps multiceps in its definitive host?
ingestion of tissue w/ coenurus larva
Definitive host of Multiceps multiceps?
dogs (members of family Canidae)
Humans are what type of hosts in Multiceps multiceps?
Accidental hosts
Diagnosis of Multiceps multiceps is based on finding what?
sing. form: coenurus
What is the causative agent of cerebral and ocular coenurosis?
Multiceps multiceps
most reported px have coenuri sa brain/spine
Drug of choice for coenurosis?
wala coz surgical removal ng coenuri
but mebendazole is effective daw
Hydatid disease is caused by what genus?
What do you call the larval stage for Echinococcus?
or hydatid larva para sure
The adult worm of Echinococcus possesses how many proglottids?
three proglottids
immature, mature, and gravid
The eggs of Echinococcus cannot be distinguished from that of what cestode spp.?
Taenia spp
The rostellum of Echinococcus is ____.
armed or unarmed
2 rows of crowns w/ 28-40 hooks
tho not seen in human c adult haha
The adult worm of Echinococcus granulosus is seen in the intestines of definitive hosts such as ____ and others from family ____.
dogs; family Canidae
What are the two different cycles involved in the transmission of Echinococcus wherein different intermediate hosts are involved?
- pastoral (sheep as IH
- sylvatic (wolves as IH)
Upon the ingestion of Echinococcus ____ by intermediate hosts, hexacanth embryos inside them bore actively into the intestinal wall and enter a blood vessel.
Echinococcus eggs may lodge in any organ or tissue but are most frequently found in ____ and ____.
what organs
liver and lungs
80-95% of hydatids develop in these two organs
The hexacanth embryo of E. granulosus, once lodged, slowly develops into the ____ cyst, enlarging steadily so that at 10 yrs growth it may contain some liters of fluid.
hydatid cyst
By the time that the cyst of Echinococcus granulosus has reached 1cm in diameter, its wall is differentiated into a thick outer laminated membrane which covers the thin ____ epithelium.
what do u call the epith that the outer laminated membrane is covering?
germinal epithelium
In Echinococcus, what do you call the vacuolated masses of cell that grow from the germinal epithelium into the cavity of the cyst?
brood capsules
In Echinococcus, what do you call the structures that bud from the inner wall of the vacuolated masses of cell inside the cyst?
hint: attachment structure
plural for protoscolex (developing scolex)
In Echinococcus, what do you call the miniaturizations of the entire hydatid cyst that may be found inside the cyst?
daughter cysts
daughter cysts (w/ laminated & germinal layer too) will produce brood capsules which may contain protoscolices
Gradually, in Echinococcus, the ____ and ____ break down, liberating the developed scolices.
brood capsules and daughter cysts
Infective stage of Echinococcus granulosus to man
embryonated eggs
hydatid cyst infective sa definitive hosts (dogs)
What are the three Echinococcus infecting man and causing hydatid disease?
- Echinococcus granulosus
- Echinococcus multilocularis
- Echinococcus vogeli
all are found in dogs. except E. oligarthrus which is in felids
The limiting membrane of what Echinococcus is thin and the germinal epithelium may bud externally, proliferating in any direction or even to metastasize.
resulting in cysts w/ many chambers/vesicles
Echinococcus multilocularis
alveolar and multilocular hydatid cysts may be attributed to Echinococcus what?
Echinococcus multilocularis
Unilocular hydatid cysts may be attributed to Echinococcus what?
Echinococcus granulosus
The germinal epithelium of the hydatid cyst of what Echinococcus may bud both internally and externally?
internally = to form septa that divides it into many sections
externally = to form new cysts
Echinococcus vogeli
parasite of bush dog ito
Common name of Echinococcus granulosus
Hydatid worm
The adult worms of Echinococcus acquired by dogs is by feeding on?
- entrails (intestines from slaughterhouses)
- eating intermediate host (sheep/herbivores)
Diagnostic tests for Echinococcus
- Radiology (CT, Ultrasound, Xray, MRIs)
- Serology (IHA & ELISA)
- Casoni Intradermal Test
The expanding hydatid cysts causes ____ of surrounding tissues
tissue death due to pressure
pressure necrosis
The most commonly used form of therapy for echinococcosis is described by the acronym ____
PAIR treatment stands for?
Percutaneous Aspiration, Injection, and Reaspiration
Injection of hypertonic saline or other scolicidal fluid
Drug of choice for Echinococcus even if inde impressive cure rates
Mebendazole; Albendazole
among the two, albendazole mas preferred
What is the common name of Dipylidium caninum?
Double-pored tapeworm
flea tapeworm, cucumber tapeworm
the presence of a genital pore on each lateral side supports its name
The rostellum of Dipylidium caninum is ____
armed or unarmed
1-7 rows of rosethorn hooklets
The mature proglottids of Dipylidium caninum is ____ than ____
longer than wide
The gravid proglottid of Dipylidium caninum is ____ than ____
longer than wide
The mature proglottids of Dipylidium caninum contain how many sets of reproductive organs?
2 sets
2 din genital pore (kaya double pored tapeworm)
In Dipylidium caninum, what do you call the discrete units that contains eggs enclosed in an embryonic sheath or capsule that is obtained by the breaking of the network uterus as the segment becomes gravid?
egg packets
apolysis = humiwalay gravid segment then andon egg
The gravid proglottid of Dipylidium caninum are ____-like in outline as they appear in the stool or perianal area.
melon seed or pumpkin seed or rice granule shape
The gravid segments of Dipylidium caninum are also described as having the appearance of the seeds of what fruit?
melon seed
or pumpkin seed or rice granule shape
The egg of Dipylidium caninum is infective to the larval stages of cat, dog, and human flea where it develops into a ____ and is retained until larva matures into an adult.
hint: IS ng Dipylidium caninum
What are the intermediate hosts of Dipylidium caninum?
- Ctenocephalides canis
- Ctenocephalides felis
- Pulex irritans
cat, dog, & human flea
MOT of Dipylidium caninum
ingestion of flea containing cysticercoid larva
Infective stage of Dipylidium caninum
Diagnostic stage of Dipylidium caninum
- Egg packets
- Gravid proglottids
Diagnosis of Dipylidium caninum is made on finding in the stool the characteristic ____ or, more rarely, ____
proglottids; egg packets
The infection with double-pore tapeworm is more common in ____ who kiss or are licked by their infected pets.
Drug of choice for Dipylidium caninum
Niclosamide is an alternative
What is the common name of Hymenolepis nana?
Dwarf tapeworm
Smallest tapeworm of man?
Hymenolepis nana
What tapeworm may not require an intermediate host to complete its life cycle?
Hymenolepis nana
There are two life cycles observed in Hymenolepis nana. In the direct life cycle, the ____ is the infective stage; in the indirect life cycle, ____ is the infective stage.
embryonated egg; cysticercoid larva
The rostellum of Hymenolepis nana is ____
armed or unarmed
one row of hooks
All segments of Hymenolepis spp. is ____ than ____
wider than long
Gravid segments of Hymenolepis nana contain a ____ uterus filled with eggs
description ng uterus
saclike uterus
The eggs of Hymenolepis nana contain a hexacanth oncosphere within a rigid membrane which has ____ polar thickenings or knobs which project ____ to ____ long, thin filaments called ____.
ilang thickening and filament?
2 polar thickenings; 4 to 8 filaments; polar filaments
The oncosphere of Hymenolepis nana burrows into the ____ of the small intestine and will develop into a cysticercoid then leave.
The eggs of Hymenolepis nana may develop into cysticercoids in intermediate hosts such as?
- Ctenocephalides canis (dog flea)
- Ctenocephalides felis (cat flea)
- Pulex irritans (human flea)
- Xenopsylla cheopsis (rat flea)
- Tenebrio (rice beetle)
- Tribolium (flour beetle)
Infective stages of Hymenolepis nana
- Cysticercoid larva (in IH)
- Embryonated egg
The presence of ____ is diagnostic and serves to differentiate the eggs of Hymenolepis nana from those of Hymenolepis diminuta.
polar filaments
Diagnosis of Hymenolepis nana and Hymenolepis diminuta is done by the detection of ____ in stool sx.
True or False
Hyperinfection of Hymenolepis diminuta is possible through the direct life cycle
H. nana lang possible hyperinfection via eggs (direct life cycle)
moreover, H. nana lang may direct & indirect life cycles
Drug of choice for Hymenolepis nana & Hymenolepis diminuta infections
Niclosamide & Nitazoxanide pwede
Common name of Hymenolepis diminuta
rat tapeworm
The rostellum of Hymenolepis diminuta is ____
armed or unarmed
Hymenolepis diminuta’s life cycle requires an ____ intermediate host
more than 20 diff spp is suitable for the development of cysticercoid
Although there are plenty of intermediate hosts for Hymenolepis diminuta, which are the most important?
- flour moths
- flour beetles
from Tribolium spp.
Infective stage of Hymenolepis diminuta
in flour beetle/moth
The oncosphere of Hymenolepis diminuta is enclosed in a membrane that has two polar thickenings but ____ polar filaments.
present or absent
absent polar filaments
no polar filaments
MOT of Hymenolepis diminuta
Ingestion of intermediate host
w/ cysticercoid larva
While Hymenolepis diminuta commonly parasitizes ____, it may occasionally be encountered in human beings
The ovary of Hymenolepis spp. is flanked by two testes on one side and ____ on another
how many on the other?
3 ovoid testes; 2 on one side ovary & one sa isang side