Malaria Flashcards
What species are responsible for malaria and they are under phylum what?
Plasmodium species under phylum Apicomplexa
Vector of Malaria?
Female Anopheles mosquito
Female Anopheles minimus flavirostris
Malaria came from the italian word that means bad air
Final host of Plasmodium?
Female Anopheles mosquito
Anopheles minimus flavirostris
Intermediate host of Plasmodium?
Infective stage of Plasmodium to man?
Infective stage of Plasmodium to mosquito?
Diagnostic stage of Plasmodium spp?
- Trophozoite (imma & mature)
- Schizonts
- Gametocytes
MOT of Plasmodium spp?
- bite of female anopheles
- Blood transfusion
- Congenital transmission
Habitat of malarial parasites in our body?
Liver and RBCs
hepatocytes (or parenchymal cells) in liver
Sporozoites that are inoculated in the blood stream must reach the liver within how many minutes to undergo schizogony?
invading its parenchymal cells
40 mins
30-60 from markell
What do you call the asexual reproduction that is undergone by sporozoites in the parenchymal cells?
this results in the production of merozoites
What do you call the cell that contains the merozoites?
apparently, same lang siya sa exoerythrocytic pati erythrocytic stage
What do you call the resting stage of some malarial parasites and which of the parasites have this stage?
Hypnozoites; P. ovale & P. vivax
hypnozoite may also be called as cryptozoite
What do you call the recurrence when there is reinvasion of the bloodstream by hypnozoites after being cleared of erythrocytic infection?
What do you call the recurrence of symptoms in a patient whose initial bloodstream infection levels are too low to be demonstrated clinically?
from ineffective treatment where there is high antimalarial resistance
What do you call the recurrence of symptoms wherein the individual was healed, but a new infection of malaria caused new symptoms?
take note n there is no immunity acquired but increased tolerability to malaria lng
The immature trophozoite or its early form is also known as what form?
ring form
What do you call the process wherein gametocytes are produced?
Among the gametocytes, which are male and female?
Micro = male; Macro = female
What do you call the sexual reproduction that gametocytes undergo in order to produce a zygote?
this happens in the mosquito
What do you call the process where 8 sperm-like structures are released by microgametes to fertilize the macrogametes?
What is the most prevalent (predominant) malarial parasite worldwide and the only one whose range extends into the temperate regions?
P. vivax
This malarial parasite has a very active ameboid motility that is exhibited during growth period. It may also assume bizarre and irregular forms w/in the RBC.
P. vivax
it was this ameboid activity that suggested the specific name vivax
vivax = latin for vigorous
The morphologic feature that originally led to the establishment of P. ovale as a separate species, is its ____ shape of many of the infected red blood cells,
ovoid shape
What is the Gold Standard for diagnosing Malaria?
Thick and Thin Smear
thick for quantification/general screening; thin for species identification
EDTA-blood may be used for blood smear but must be made within how many hours?
w/in 1 hour
bcoz true stipplings of infected RBCs may not be retained
Blood specimens ideally are collected when?
before the next anticipated fever or onset of fever
If parasites are not found in the first blood films, it is advisable to take additional thick and thin films every how many hours?
every 6-12 hours
for as long as 48 hours if necessary
For a patient to be declared ABSENT OF INFECTION, morning and afternoon afternoon thick smears during symptomatic period must be negative for how many consecutive days?
3 consecutive days
meaning, kapag 3 days sunod-sunod walang nakita, absence of infection
The first level of diagnosis is the presumptive differentiation of ____ from the other species, as the presence of this parasite in a non-native constitutes a medical emergency
P. falciparum
A presumptive diagnosis of ____ can be made on the basis of finding exclusively ring forms with or without characteristic gametocytes in a blood film
P. falciparum
The incubation period of malaria is longest in ____ and shortest in ____.
P. malariae; P. falciparum
Chronic P. malariae infections in children may result in immune-complex deposition on the glomerular walls, leading to ____.
nephrotic syndrome
What is identified as the most serious complication of P. falciparum and a frequent cause of death?
Cerebral malaria
This is a consequence of the lysis of the RBCs and the formation of hemozoin due to the heavy parasite load in falciparum malaria
Along with malarial malaria, this disease is common too in falciparum malaria. What is it?
characteried as a result of tubular necrosis and then acute glomerulonephritis
renal disease
What do you call the syndrome that results from massive intravascular hemolysis and the passage of usually black urine?
Blackwater fever
from falciparum
what do you call the result of the expression on the surface of the parasitized RBC that is characterized as the formation of knobs on its surface?
small vessels may be plugged by masses of RBCs then result to Ischemia
Rupture of the infected red blood cells brings on the
malarial ____
Lysis of numerous uninfected cells during the paroxysm, plus enhanced phagocytosis of normal cells in addition to the cell remnants and other debris produced by schizogony, leads both to ____ and to ____ of the spleen and liver
anemia; enlargement
____ is derived from the hemoglobin of the infected red blood cell, and, as it is insoluble in plasma
its formation depletes the iron stores of the body, thus adding to the anemia IDA (higher hemozoin higher # of parasites)
Drugs for Malaria
Chloroquine, Primaquine, Quinine
these are all quinone compounds
formula to calculate for # of malarial parasite/ul
(#of parasites counted / WBC) x 8000 (or WBC count per uL)
formula for %infected RBCs
(infected RBCs/total RBCs counted) x 100
two types of stain that can be used for thick and thin smear
- Giemsa (ideal)
- Wright’s (alternative)
what do you call the diagnosis technique that uses a capillary tube stained with acridine orange then its positive result will be bright green and yellow under fluorescent microscope?
Quantitative Buffy Coat
What is the antigen produced by P. falciparum that is detected by rapid diagnostic tests (immunochroma)?
histidine-rich protein
Identify the species based on characteristics
Malignant Tertian Fever; Blackwater fever
P. falciparum
with paroxysmal cycle of 36-48 hrs
Identify the species based on characteristics
Benign Tertian Malaria
P. vivax
paroxysms every 48 hours
Identify the species based on characteristics
Ovale Tertian Malaria
P. ovale
paroxysms every 48 hours
Identify the species based on characteristics
Quartan Malaria
P. malariae
paroxysms every 72 hours
Identify the species based on characteristics
Infects all RBCs regardless of senescence
P. falciparum
Identify the species based on characteristics
Infects young RBCs (reticulocytes)
P. ovale & P. vivax
Identify the species based on characteristics
Infects senescent RBCs
or old
P. malariae
Identify the species based on characteristics
Normal parasitized RBC
P. falciparum & P. malariae
Identify the species based on characteristics
Parasitized RBCs are enlarged by 1.5 to 2x
P. vivax
Identify the species based on characteristics
Parasitized RBCs are oval in shape and some may be enlarged
P. ovale
Identify the species based on characteristics
Ring form has 2 chromatin dots; arranged in Accole or Applique forms
P. falciparum
Identify the species based on characteristics
Ring form is 1/3 the diameter of the RBC and has a heavy chromatin dot
Signet ring appearance
P. vivax
Identify the species based on characteristics
Has similar rings to P. vivax but larger
P. ovale
Identify the species based on characteristics
Ring form covers 1/8 of the RBC and has a Heavy Chromatin Dot
Bird’s eye appearance
P. malariae
Identify the species based on characteristics
Its developing trophozoite has heavy ring forms and not commonly seen
P. falciparum
Identify the species based on characteristics
Its developing trophozoite is amoeboid in shape
P. vivax
Identify the species based on characteristics
Its developing trophozoite has a ring appearance which is usually maintained until late in development
P. ovale
Identify the species based on characteristics
Its developing trophozoite is band-shaped and basket forms may be seen
P. malariae
Identify the species based on characteristics
8-36 merozoites in schizonts
24 average number
P. falciparum
Identify the species based on characteristics
12-24 merozoites in schizonts
P. vivax
Identify the species based on characteristics
8 merozoites
P. ovale
4-12 (12-18 sometimes) - Markell & Voge’s
Identify the species based on characteristics
6-12 merozoites in schizonts and has a rosette or fruitpie appearance
daisy-head or flower-like in appearance
P. malariae
Identify the species based on characteristics
Gametocytes may be sausage-shaped w/ diffuse chromatin and crescent-shaped w/ compact chromatin
P. falciparum
Identify the species based on characteristics
Gametocytes are round with a large chromatin mass colored pink to purple and is surrounded by a pale halo. May also be round w/ eccentric chromatin mass
P. vivax
P. ovale & P. malariae has d same gametocyte description as w/ vivax but smaller in size
Identify the species based on characteristics
Stipplings are called Maurer’s Clefts which are comma-like red dots
P. falciparum
Identify the species based on characteristics
Stipplings are called Schuffner’s dots or eosinophilic stipplings
these are very fine, reddish granules
P. vivax
Identify the species based on characteristics
Stipplings present are called Jame’s dots (in old terminology) or Schuffner’s dots which are larger and thicker than in vivax
P. ovale
Identify the species based on characteristics
Stipplings are called as Ziemann’s dots
P. malariae
What Plasmodium parasite resembles P. malariae and originally was described as such by microscopy in the infected humans and is seen in long-tailed macaque monkeys?
P. knowlesi
What is the causatige agent of quotidian malaria which is characterized by 24-hour cyclic paroxysmal attacks?
P. knowlesi
Are malaria parasites obligate or facultative?
“Malarial parasites are generally obligate intracellular parasites”
life cycle of malaria
own words hehe (pls press 5 na agad hehe)
- sporozoite entry through proboscis of Anopheles minimus flavirostris
- liver invasion of sporozoites w/in 30-60 mins
- schizogony of sporozoites (to merozoite)
- schizont rupture then merozoite RBC parasitism
- schizogony in the RBCs w/ 4-36 merozoites (depends on species)
- RBC schizogony (w/ 4-36 merozoites inside each RBC)
- then schizont rupture then gametogony to produce gametocytes
- gametocyte ingestion by femaleAnopheles mosquito
- then gametocytes will undergo sporogony then sporozoites will enter salivary gland of female Anopheles mosquitoes
What do you call the trophozoites with a red dot of nuclear material that has a small wisp of blue cytoplasm at one side?
comma trophozoite
What do you call the trophozoites with a red dot of nuclear material that has thin lines of cytoplasm on either side of the nucleus?
swallow trophozoite
what species of malaria is almost entirely confined to the tropics and the subtropics?
Plasmodium falciparum
In falciparum malaria, schizogony usually does not take place in the peripheral blood. Thus, what forms of the parasite are usually seen?
- young trophozoites (rings)
- gametocytes
Due to the ischemic changes in the intestinal wall capillary bed, what complication of falciparum malaria may arise?
characterized by abdominal pain, nausea, vomitin, and upper gastrointestinal bleeding
Dysenteric malaria
What do you call term used for falciparum malaria attacks characterized by rapid development of hypotension and impairment of vascular perfusion?
Algid malaria
African descent people who have the Duffy blood group characteristic of Fy (a-b-) have resistance to what malarial parasites?
P. vivax and P. knowlesi
This is the main stay malarial treatment and is the treatment of choice for uncomplicated malarial infections. What is it?
What drug is used for severe malarial infections and for infected pregnant women?
What do u call the drug that’s an Artemisinin derivative and is used for severe malarial infections?
This drug is used for relapsing P. vivax & P. ovale. What is it?
Only primaquine is effective against tissue stages, including the hypnozoites of vivax and ovale
What antibiotics for malarial prophylaxis must u intake?
Tetracycline and Doxycycline