Ciliates Flashcards
What do you call the largest protozoan infecting man?
only ciliate known to cause human disease
Balantidium coli
MOT of Balantidium coli?
Ingestion of cysts
Infective stage of Balantidium coli?
usually found in fecally contaminated food or water
nucleus number of Balantidium coli troph & cyst?
2 nuclei
Macro & Micro
What is the natural host of Balantidium coli?
also definitive host
What types of hosts are humans in Balantidium coli infections?
Accidental hosts
Habitat of Balantidium coli?
Colon (cecum)
Large Intestine
The ____ of Balantidium coli trophozoite is for sexual reproduction.
what nucleus? micro or macro?
it also lies in concavity of the macronucleus (near d macro). contains DNA and involved in genetics & cell division.
The ____ Balantidium coli trophozoite is for vegetative function. Responsible for the daily metabolic activity of the parasite.
what type of nucleus? macro or micro?
Appearance of Balantidium coli trophozoite?
Ellipsoid, tapered in anterior portion
Balantidium coli cyst appearance?
The cyst wall of Balantidium coli cyst is what?
- double-walled
- refractile (shiny)
cilia is enclosed within the cyst wall
what do you call the structure of a Balantidium coli trophozoite that is funnel-shaped and represents the mouth?
What structure of a Balantidium coli trophozoite serves as the anus of the parasite where waste products are eliminated?
Motility of Balantidium coli trophozoite
- Thrown-ball motility
- Rotary motility
Balantidium coli may cause what diseases?
- Balantidiasis
- Balantidial Dysentery
- Intestinal perforation
- Colonic Ulceration
Virulence factor of Balantidium coli?
lytic enzyme that causes ulceration
it is an enzyme capable of digesting hyaluronic acid present in the epithelial tissues, thereby causing ulcerations.
Three clinical manifestations of Balantidium coli?
- Asymptomatic
- Acute
- Chronic
Laboratory diagnosis of Balantidium coli?
- Biopsy (possibly thru sigmoidoscopy; tusok sa pwet)
- Bronchoalveolar washings (in case of pulmonary infections)
Drug treatment for Balantidium coli infection
- Metronidazole
- Iodoquinol
- Tetracycline (or Terramycin)