Fluke identification Flashcards
Identify the parasite based on egg morphology
- Hen’s egg appearance
- Rounded
- Ovoid
- Brownish
- Operculated
- Immature when laid
since eggs of Fasciola are morphologically similar with Fasciolopsis, u may ans Fasciolopsis too
Identify the parasite based on egg morphology
- Germ ball egg
- smaller than Fasciola/Fasciolopsis but large ones look like them
- Conspicuous operculum
- Immature when laid
Echinostoma spp.
Identify the parasite based on egg morphology
- Yellowish-brown
- Ovoid; elongated
- Pitcher-like structure
- Old-fashioned lightbulb
- Well-defined opercular shoulders
- Comma-shaped abopercular end
- Operculated
- Mature when laid
Clonorchis sinensis
Morphologically the same w/ Opisthorchis and Heterophyids nag-iiba lang sa abopercular end
Identify the parasite based on egg morphology
- Yellowish-brown
- Ovoid; elongated
- Pitcher-like structure
- Old-fashioned lightbulb
- Well-defined opercular shoulders
- Thickened abopercular end/abopercular knob
- Narrow
- Operculated
- Mature when laid
Opisthorchis spp.
Morphologically the same w/ Opisthorchis and Heterophyids nag-iiba lang sa abopercular end (and if narrow or no)
Identify the parasite based on egg morphology
- Yellowish-brown
- Ovoid; elongated
- Pitcher-like structure
- Old-fashioned lightbulb
- Well-defined opercular shoulders
- No abopercular end
- Operculated
- Mature when laid
Heterophyids spp.
Heterophyids = H. heterophyes & M. yokogawai
Morphologically the same w/ Opisthorchis and Heterophyids nag-iiba lang sa abopercular end (and if narrow or no)
Identify the parasite based on egg morphology
- Small
- Dark brown in color
- Thick-shelled
- Elongated
- Narrow-bodied
- Operculated
- Mature when laid
Dicrocoelium dendriticum
Identify the parasite based on egg morphology
- similar to lancet fluke
—————eto lancet fluke—————– - Small
- Dark brown in color
- Thick-shelled
- Elongated
- Narrow-bodied
- Operculated
- Mature when laid
Eurytrema pancreaticum
Identify the parasite based on egg morphology
- oval
- yellowish-brown
- with flattened but prominent operculum
- thickened abopercular protuberance
- similar to Diphyllobothrium latum
Paragonimus westermani
Identify the parasite based on egg morphology
- more rounded/oval than other spp.
- Rudimentary/Minute lateral spine
- Acid-fast positive
Schistosoma japonicum
Identify the parasite based on egg morphology
- Elongated
- Prominent lateral spine (near the posterior end)
- Acid-fast positive
Schistosoma mansoni
Identify the parasite based on egg morphology
- Elongated
- Terminal spine
- Acid-fast negative
Schistosoma haematobium
Identify the parasite based on egg morphology
- Elongated
- Terminal spine
- Acid-fast positive
- often has a central bulge
- hourglass appearance
Schistosoma intercalatum
Identify the parasite based on egg morphology
- oval
- minute lateral spine
- smaller than japonicum
Schistosoma mekongi
Identify the parasite based on adult worm morphology
- Spatulate appearance
- Acetabulum is smaller than the oral sucker
- Vitellaria is found in the middle third of the body
- Simple intestinal ceca reaching until the posterior end
- branched testes in tandem positioned posteriorly
- lobate ovary
Clonorchis sinensis
almost the same Clonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis spp., and Dicrocoelium dendriticum but just look at testes description and location!
- C. sinensis = testes is branched in tandem; posterior
- Opisthorchis = testes is lobed arranged obliquely; posterior
- D. dendriticum = testes is lobed; anterior
Identify the parasite based on adult worm morphology
- Spatulate appearance
- Acetabulum is larger than the oral sucker (O< V)
- Vitellaria is found in the middle third of the body
- Simple intestinal ceca reaching until the posterior end
- lobate testes arranged obliquely; posterior
- lobate ovary
Opisthorchis spp.
almost the same Clonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis spp., and Dicrocoelium dendriticum but just look at testes description and location!
- C. sinensis = testes is branched in tandem; posterior
- Opisthorchis = testes is lobed arranged obliquely; posterior
- D. dendriticum = testes is lobed; anterior
Identify the parasite based on adult worm morphology
- Spatulate appearance; Lancet-shaped
- Simple intestinal ceca
- Lobed testes in tandem positioned anteriorly
- Lobate ovary just behind the testes
- Oral sucker larger than ventral sucker
- Vitellaria positioned in the midportion (laterally)
Dicrocoelium dendriticum
almost the same Clonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis spp., and Dicrocoelium dendriticum but just look at testes description and location!
- C. sinensis = testes is branched in tandem; posterior
- Opisthorchis = testes is lobed arranged obliquely; posterior
- D. dendriticum = testes is lobed; anterior
Identify the parasite based on adult worm morphology
- large; long
- has a cephalic cone on its anterior
- prominent “shoulders”
- branched intestinal ceca
- branched testes in tandem; posterior
- branched ovary
- lateral vitellaria (whole body)
Fasciola hepatica
We can differentiate Fasciola from Fasciolopsis by:
1. cephalic cone
2. intestinal ceca
3. larger ventral sucker than oral
Identify the parasite based on adult worm morphology
- large; longer than the other one w/ cephalic cone
- has a cephalic cone on its anterior
- less prominent “shoulders”
- branched intestinal ceca
- branched testes in tandem; posterior
- branched ovary
- lateral vitellaria (whole body)
- oral sucker larger than ventral sucker
Fasciola gigantica
We can differentiate Fasciola from Fasciolopsis by:
1. cephalic cone
2. intestinal ceca
3. larger ventral sucker than oral (Fasciolopsis)
Identify the parasite based on adult worm morphology
- lateral vitellaria (whole body)
- no cephalic cone
- no shoulders
- simple intestinal ceca
- ventral sucker larger than oral
- branched testes in tandem; posterior
- branched ovary (middle)
Fasciolopsis buski
We can differentiate Fasciola from Fasciolopsis by:
1. cephalic cone
2. intestinal ceca
3. larger ventral sucker than oral
Identify the parasite based on adult worm morphology
- reddish-gray worm
- tapered posterior end
- spatulate in shape
- presense of circumoral disk (ccollar spine)
- simple intestinal ceca
- ventral sucker larger than oral
- lobed testes in tandem
- single lobate ovary
Echinostoma ilocanum
Arty vs Echino = tapered or posterior end
Echinostoma ilocanum = tapered end
Artyfechinostomum malayanum = rounded end
Identify the parasite based on adult worm morphology
- rounded posterior end
- spatulate in shape
- presense of circumoral disk (ccollar spine)
- simple intestinal ceca
- ventral sucker larger than oral
- lobed testes in tandem
- single lobate ovary
Artyfechinostomum malayanum
Arty vs Echino = tapered or posterior end
Echinostoma ilocanum = tapered end
Artyfechinostomum malayanum = rounded end
Identify the parasite based on adult worm morphology
- Avocado/Pear-shaped
- Ventral sucker larger than oral
- Gonotyl located near the acetabulum
- Lobed testes located posteriorly
- Simple intestinal ceca
Heterophyes heterophyes
Identify the parasite based on adult worm morphology
- Avocado/Pear-shaped
- Ventral sucker larger than oral
- Lobed testes located posteriorly
- Absense of gonotyl
- Simple intestinal ceca
Metagonimus yokogawai
Identify the parasite based on adult worm morphology
- pear-shaped
- flattened ventral surface
- enlarged posterior end
- ventral sucker larger than oral sucker
- Simple intestinal ceca
Gastrodiscoides hominis
xori wala aqng mapagkunan ahahaha
Identify the parasite based on adult worm morphology
- coffee bean-shaped; spoon-shaped
- branching testes
- ventral sucker almost equal in size w/ oral sucker
- lobed ovary
- branched and wavy intestinal ceca
Paragonimus westermani
sabi ni ma’am diana lobed testes daw but cdc & other ol sources claimed branching
cdc paragonimiasis
zoology smth
Identify the parasite based on adult worm morphology
- reddish-brown
- leaf-shaped
- with ruffled borders
- oral sucker is larger than the ventral sucker
- two notched testes
- one notched ovary
- branched intestinal ceca
Eurytrema pancreaticum
Identify the parasite based on adult worm morphology
- no integumentary tuberculation
- 6-8 testes
- slender body
- centrally located ovary
male + female so u must know na this is a Schistosoma
Schistosoma japonicum
Identify the parasite based on adult worm morphology
- Prominent integumentary tuberculation
- 8-9 testes
- slender body
- anterior ovary
male + female so u must know na this is a Schistosoma
Schistosoma mansoni
Identify the parasite based on adult worm morphology
- Fine integumentary tuberculation
- 4-5 testes
- slender body
- posterior ovary
male + female so u must know na this is a Schistosoma
Schistosoma haematobium