Paghology Of Muscular System Flashcards
- inflammation of fascia
FIBR = fibrous tissue My= muscle ALGIA= pain
- debilitating chronic condition
- fatigue
- diffuse of specific muscle , joint or bone pain
Teno= tendon
synov = synovial membrane
- inflammation of sheath surrounding the tendon
Inflammation of tendons
- caused by excessive or unusual use of joint
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
- known as myalgic encephalomyelitis
- debilitating
Similar to fibromyalgia
Band of fibrous tissue that holds structures abnormally
Weakness or wearing away of body tissue
- caused by disease or disuse of muscle for a long time
My= muscle Cele= hernia
Herniation of muscle substance through a tear in the fascia
My= muscle
Lysis = destruction or breaking down in disease
Degeneration of muscle tissue
Rrhexis= rupture
Rupture of muscle
Simultaneous inflammation of voluntary muscles in many parts of the body
RHABDOMY= striated muscle
Lysis= breakdown
- can result from direct or indirect muscle injury
- death of muscle fiber releases their content into bloodstream , where they can lead to complications such as renal failure
Sarc= flesh
Penia= deficiency
- ## loss of muscle mass, strength, and function that cone with aging.
Muscle tone
- Atonic
- lacking normal muscle tone or strength
Ton= tone
Dys= bad
Ton= tone
- condition of abnormal muscle tone that causes the impairment of voluntary muscle movement
Hypo = deficient
Ton= tone
- condition in which there is diminished tone of skeletal muscles
A= without
Tax= coordinAtion
is= condition
- lack of muscle coordination during voluntary movement
- frequently caused by abnormal activity in cerebellum
- permanent tightening of fascia, muscles, tendons, ligaments,or skin
When normally elastic connective tissues are replaced with no elastic fibrous tissue
- caused by scarring , immobilized
Intermittent claudication
Claudication • limping
- ## pain in leg muscle during exercise and is relieved by rest
Clon=violent action
- quick involuntary jerking of muscle
- may occur when a person is falling asleep
- neurological disorder
- side effects of medication
- also known as ‘hiccups’
- myoclonus if the diaphragm
- called ‘wryneck’
- stiff neck due to spasmodic contraction of the neck muscle
- pulls head towards affected side
Brady= slow
Ia= condition
- extreme slowness in movement
- a symptom of Parkinson’s disease
- distortion or impairment of voluntary movement resulting in fragmented or jerky motions
- abnormally increased muscle function
Myasthenia gravis
My• muscle
Asthenia- weakness or lack of strength
- chronic autoimmune disease
- affects neuromuscular junction( where the neuron activated the muscle to contract)
Muscles usually affected
- eye movement, facial expression, chewing, talking, swallowing
Muscular dystrophy
Progressive weakness and degeneration of skeletal muscles
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
- most common in children
Becker muscular dystrophy
- similar but less severe than above
Repetitive stress disorder or repetitive motion disorder
- muscular conditions due to repetitive motions performed at work
Compartment syndrome
- compression of nerves and blood vessels due to due to swelling within “ compartment “ an enclosed space created by fascia that separates groups of muscles
Overuse tendinitis
Inflammation of tendons by overuse
Stress fracture - caused by overuse injuries
Myofascial pain syndrome
- chronic condition
- affects fascia and muscles throughout body
- caused by muscle contracted repetitively
- characterized by trigger points causing local and referred pain
Trigger points
- tender areas where fascia comes into contact with muscle
Referred pain
- pain that originates in one area of body but is felt at another
Impingement syndrome
- occurs when inflamed and swollen tendons are caught in the narrow space between bones within the shoulder joint
Rotator cuff tendinitis
Inflammation of the tendons of rotator cuff
Carpal tunnel syndrome
- when tendons that pass through carpa tunnel are overused
Carpal tunnel release - name of surgery to enlarge carpel tunnel or cut the carpal ligament
Ganglion cyst
- harmless fluid filled swelling
- commonly known outer surface of wrist
Epi =on
Condyl= condyle
Condyle = round prominence at end of bone
Lateral epicondylitis
- ‘tennis bone ‘
pain in outside of forearm
Medial epicondylitis
- golfers elbow
- pain in inside of forearm
Heel spur
- calcium deposit in the plantar fasciitis near its attachment to Calcaneous bone
- Injury to joint
- ligament is wrenched or torn
- injury to body of muscle or to the attachment of a tendon
Shin splint
- caused by tibia low anterior muscle tearing away from tibia
- can develop in anterolateral( front and side ) or posteromedial(back and middle ) muscles of lower leg
- caused by running in hard surfaces
Hamstring injury-
- strain or tear in any of these threes hamstring muscles
Illiotibial band syndrome
- overuse injury
- illiotibial band runs from
Hipbone , diagonally across leg to the tibia - pain caused when this band rubs against bone at the knee
Spinal cord
- surrounded and protected by bony vertebrae
- spinal cord is soft with consistency of toothpaste
- types of paralysis caused by spinal cord injury is determined by level of vertebrae close to it
- injury occurs when vertebrae goes out of alignment or breaks and pokes the spinal cord
- ability of brain to communicate to the body is broken
- loss of sensation and voluntary muscle movement in a muscle
Paresis= partial or complete paralysis
- weakness or slight muscular paralysis
- slight paralysis or weakness affecting one side of body
Plegia = paralysis
- total paralysis
- affects one side of the body
- stroke or brain damage
- paralysis of both legs and lower part of body
- paralysis of all 4 extremities