Mod 6: Diagnostic And Treatment Procedure Flashcards
Primary function of immune system
- immune first attempts to prevent entry of pathogens, allergens, toxins, malignant cells
- if that is not achieved it immediately begins work to destroy them
- uses complex system of chemical signaling between specialized cells to identify , attack and remember antigens
- coordinates highly specific response based on type of antigen and differentiating it from the body’s own tissues to avoid attacking itself
- after encountering antigen once , the immune systems ‘memory’ of the invader enables the body to mount a more efficient future defense against the antigen.
Immune systems first line of defense
- immune system not contained within a single set of organs or vessels
- it uses structure from several body systems
The first line of defense includes :
- Intact skin
- works as barrier for invading organisms
- skin covered with ‘acid mantle’
- this makes skin inhospitable for most bacteria - Respiratory system
- nose hair and moist mucous membranes traps breathed in foreign matter
- tonsils protect entrance of throat
- coughing and sneezing help if foreign matter crosses the above barrier - Digestive system
- acids and enzymes produced by stomach destroy invaders consumed with food - Lymphatic system
- specialized leukocytes ( WBC) attack and destroy pathogens that have succeeded in entering body
Antigen- Antibody reaction
- also known as ‘immune reaction’
- binds antigens to antibodies
- this reaction labels potentially dangerous antigen and is recognized and destroyed by ither cells of immune system
- immune system immediately responds to the presence of any antigen
ANTIBODY - disease fighting protein - creates by immune system - in response to presence of specific antigen -
-also known as ‘ antibody’
5 primary types
- specialized leukocytes
- act as part of antigen- antibody reaction
- destroys cell debris, dust, pollen, and pathogens by process ‘ phagocytosis’
Phag=eat or swallow - process of destroying pathogens by swallowing them
Phagocytes include:
- Monocytes
- leukocytes
- provide immunity against many infections
- they replenish macrophage and dendritic cells - Macrophage
- derive from monocytes that leave the bloodstream and enter tissue
- surrounds and kills invading cells
- remove dead cells and stimulate action of other immune cells - Dendritic cells
- leukocytes
- patrol body looking for antigens that produce infection
- when an antigen is found dendritic cell grabs it , swallows it and alerts Band T cells to act against it
Complement system
- group of proteins
- normally circulate in blood in inactive form
- when needed they complement the ability of antibodies to destroy pathogens
- they combine with antibodies to dissolve and remove pathogenic bacteria and other foreign cells
- state of being resistant to diseases
- Natural immunity
- also known as ‘ passive immunity’
- resistance to a disease without administration of antigen or exposure to a disease
- present at birth
- augmented by breast milk - Acquired immunity
- obtained by having the disease Eg. Chicken pox
- or being vaccinated
Complete blood count
- DIFF - differential - how much of different types of white blood cells
- HCT - percent of red blood cells
- HGB- volume of hemoglobin present . How much of the protein hemoglobin is present to carry oxygen
- Finds if there is excessive white blood cells which might indicate leukemia
- anemia I’d when there is right amount of white blood cells but very less red blood cells
AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Deficiency in lol of the blood cells - leukocytes, erythrocytes and thrombocytes
Allergic reactions
- when immune system reacts to harmless allergen as of it were a dangerous invader
- also known as ‘ hypersensitivity’
- overreaction by body to particular antigen.
Localized allergic response
- also known as ‘ cellular response ‘
- redness, itching or burning in skin
Systemic reaction
- anaphylaxis
- severe response to allergen
Autoimmune disorder
- when immune system produces antibodies against its own tissue
- healthy cells , tissues and organs mistaken as antigen
- this abnormal behavior of immune system is genetically transmitted
Immunodeficiency disorder
- when immune system is compromised
Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)
- inherited condition
- abnormalities in immune system cause increased susceptibility to infection
Human immunodeficiency virus
- blood borne
- damages or kills the T cells
HIV virus
- leaves body compromised to
— 1. opportunistic infections
… pathogens that don’t usually cause illness cause illness since host is debilitated ( weakened )
- most advanced and fatal stage of HIV
- - Kaposi’s sarcoma
- - - ELISA
- enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
- screens for presence of HIV as well as Lyme disease - Western blot test
- Elisa test sometimes gives false positive for HIV so this is a more definitive test
1 immunotherapy
- called ‘biological therapy’
- treatment involves either stimulating or repressing the immune system
- for cancer - used to stimulate ( cause greater activity ) immune response to fight the malignancy
- for allergies - immunotherapy used to repress body’s sensitivity to the allergen
- allergy desensitization
Antibody therapy
- synthetic immunoglobulin
- known as ‘ immune serum ‘
- administered post exposure as preventive measure
Eg rabies - temporary immunity
- Synthetic interferon
- treatment of multiple sclerosis, hepatitis C and some cancers - Monoclonal antibodies
- class of antibodies
- produced in lab
- identical offspring of a clone of specified cells
- enhances patient immune response to certain malignancies
- treatment to repress or interfere with ability of immune system to respond to stimulation by antigens
- prevent or reduces the body’s normal immune response .
- Eg to prevent donor rejection by the body immunosuppressant is given
cytotoxic drug
- medication that kills or damaged cells