Mod 6 : Pathogenic Organisms Flashcards
Pathogenic organisms
- microorganisms that causes disease
- magnifies version of pathogens in picture
- Bacteria
- one - called microscopic organism
- most are not harmful to humans
Following are pathogenic bacteria
- Bacilli
- rod shaped , spore forming bacteria
- bacilli means rod shaped - Anthrax
- contagious disease
- transmitted through livestock - Rickettsia
- small bacterium that lives in live , fleas, ticks and mites
- causes Rocky Mountain spotted fever - Lyme disease
- transmitted to humans by bite of tick that had contact with deer infected with spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi
5. Staphylococci Staphyl= clusters or bunches Cocci= spherical bacteria - group of 30 species of bacteria - most are harmless
- Staphylococcus aureus
- known as ‘ staph aureus’
- often infects wounds
- toxic shock syndrome or food poisoning - Streptococci
- bacteria that form a chain
- strep throat , meningitis
- form irregular groups or clusters resembling grapes
Antibiotic resistant bacteria
- occurs when an antibiotic dose fails to kill all bacteria
- surviving bacteria becomes resistant to that particular drug
MRSA- Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- one is several types of bacteria resistant to most antibiotics
Fungus and yeast infection
- simple parasitic organisms
Eg: Tinea pedis - fungus - athletes feet
- type of fungus
- Eg: candidiasis - yeast infection
Oral thrush
- plant or animal that lives on another organism and uses its nutrition
- parasite that lives in mosquitoes
- parasite transferred from pets feces to humans
- causes
….. microcephalus- small head , underdeveloped brain
—— hydrocephalus
……. Excess cerebrospinal fluid accumulated in ventricles of brain
Viral infection
VIRUSES - small infectious agents that live only by invading other cells . - the virus spreads Eg : Ebola , flu, Measles Mumps Rabies West Nile virus
- Cytomegalovirus
- present as silent infection
- affects weakened immune system
- if passed mother to child serious congenital disabilities - Varicella
- is chickenpox
- varicella zoster virus
- if dormant can appear as shingles later life - Herpes zoster
- shingles
- - Postherpetic neuralgia
- when herpes zoster affects nerves - Infectious mononucleosis
- known as ‘ mono’
Medication to control infection
- Antibiotics
- Bactericide -
- cide = death
- anti fungal
- also known as ‘antimyotic’
4.antiviral drug
- study of tumors
- - also known as neoplasm
Neo= new
Plasm = formation
- non life threatening
Eg : myoma - benign tumor made up of muscle tissue - MALIGNANT TUMOR
- spreads to other parts
- life threatening
- becoming progressively worse
- angiogenesis - tumor supports it’s growth by creating own blood supply
- Antiangiogenesis - treatment that disrupts that blood supply
Angi= vessel Genesis = reproduction
- uncontrolled division of cells
- ability of theses cells to invade other tissues
- direct growth into adjacent tissues
- or spreading to distant sites - metastasis
- spread from one place to another
- cancer moves from primary site to a secondary site
- to bones liver and lungs - METASTASIS
- process by which cancer spreads to new site
- malignant tumor
- epithelial tissue
- tend to infiltrate
- can affect any organ
Carcinoma in situ
- malignant tumor
- original position
- not invaded other tissues yet
- large group of carcinomas
- derived from glandular tissue
Aden= gland
Carcin= cancer
Oma= tumor
- tumor arising from connective tissue
- hard soft and liquid connective tissue
Sarc= flesh
Hard tissue sarcoma
- arise from bone or cartilage
- Eg: osteosarcoma- upper shaft of long bones , pelvis or knee
Soft tissue sarcoma
- cancers of soft tissues
Liquid tissue sarcoma
- leukemia
Staging tumors - process of classifying tumors by How far they have progressed By stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
- malignancy affecting lymphoid tissue
- lymph nodes, spleen, liver and bone marrow
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- cancer of immune system
- large cancerous lymphocytes present
- called Reed- Sternberg cells
Non- Hodgkins Lymphoma
- refers to all lymphomas
- except Hodgkins
Breast cancer
- carcinoma that develops from cells of the breast
- spreads to adjacent lymph nodes
- majority of breast cancers are ER- POSITIVE
- ER POSITIVE - grow in response to hormone estrogen
BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes
— abnormal genes
- carry higher risk of breast cancer
- breast cancer at earliest stage
- before cancer has broken through wall of milk duct
- starts in milk duct
- invades fatty tissue inside duct
- most common form of breast cancer
- rare but aggressive form
- cancer cell blocks lymphatic vessels in the skin of breast
- geows rapidly
- redness , swelling , rash,
- on nearby lymph nodes as well
chemo prevention
- use of natural or synthetic substances drugs or vitamins
- reduce risk of developing cancer
- reduce size or slow development of existing tumor
- medication that blocks the development , growth of malignant cells
Plast= growth
Proliferation means increase rapidly
- used for immunosuppression and chemotherapy
Radiation therapy
- goal to destroy cancer cells NOT healthy cells
- radioactive materials made to contact or implanted into tissues to be treated
- radiation therapy administered at a distance from the body
- using 3D computer imaging
- aim doses more precisely
- combination of tomography and radiation therapy
- precisely targets tumor
- radiation is delivered slice by slice
- able to avoid healthy tissue
Additional cancer treatment therapies
Targeted therapy
- developing form of anti cancer drug
- identifies and attacks specific cancer cells
Eg: monoclonal antibody
Adjuvant therapy
- used after primary cancer treatments have been completed
- decrease chance of recurrence
- term adjuvant refers to agent intended to increase effectiveness of drug