Mod 3 - Pathology Of Skeletal System Flashcards
Ankyl = crooked , bent, stiff
-osis = abnormal condition or disease
Loss or absence of mobility in a joint due to disease
Adhesive capsulitis
known as ‘ frozen shoulder’
Capsul= little box
-itis = inflammation
- painful ankylosis in the shoulder
- caused by adhesions in synovial capsule surrounding the shoulder
- makes joint thicker and tighter
ARTHR/O = joint -sclerosis = abnormal hardening
Bakers cyst
also known as ‘ popliteal cyst’
- usually results from conditions like rheumatoid arthritis
- triggering production of excess synovial fluid
Inflammation of bursa
Chondr/o= cartilage
Abnormal softening of cartilage
Hallux valgas
known as ‘ bunion ‘
Hallux= Latin for big toe Valgus = bent
Enlargement of joint at the base of big toe
ARTHR= joint
- Blood within a joint
- due to joint injury
- also caused by blood thinning agents or patients with hemophilia
Polymyalgia rheumatica Poly=many My=muscle ALGIA=pain Rheumatica= Latin word for rheumatism -
- inflammatory disorder of muscle and joints
- pain and stiffness in shoulder , neck, upper arms, hips and thighs
- obsolete term for arthritis and other disorders causing pain in joints and supporting tissue
Ligament that connects bone to joint is wrenched or torn
Synov= synovial membrane
- Inflammation on synovial membrane
- can be caused by arthritis, trauma, infection, irritation produced by damaged cartilage
also known as ‘luxation’
Subluxation- partial displacement of bone from joint
ARTHR = joint
- known as wear-and-tear arthritis
- associated with aging mostly
Degenerative joint disease
- wearing of the articular cartilage within joints
- characterized by hypertrophy of bone
- and formation of osteophytes ( bone spurs)
known as ‘ spinal osteoarthritis’
Spondyl= vertebrae Osis= abnormal condition or disease
- degenerative disorder
- causes loss of normal spinal structure and function
known as ‘ gouty arthritis’
- deposits of Uric acid crystals in the joints
- usually begins with big toe
- causes joints to be warm, red, and sensitive
Ankylosing spondylitis
Ankylosing= progressive stiffening of joints
Spondyl= vertebrae
- form of rheumatid arthritis
- inflammation of joints between the vertebrae
What Types of chronic inflammatory back disorders collectively called ?
Spinal column
Herniated disc
Slipped or ruptured disk
- breaking of an intervertebral disk
- pressure on spinal nerve roots
Lumb= lumbar ago= diseased condition
- low back pain
- pain in lumbar region of spine
Spondyl= vertebrae listhesis = slipping
- forwarding slipping movement of the body of one of the lower lumbar vertebrae on the vertebra or sacrum below
Spina bifida
Bifida= split
- ## spinal canal fails to close completely around the spinal cord
Curvatures of the spine
- Kyphosis
Kyph= hump
Known as ‘ humpback’ or ‘ dowagers hump’
- abnormal increase in outward curvature of thoracic spine
- Lordosis
Lord= bent backward
- known as ‘ swayback’
- abnormal increase in the forward curvature of the lumbar spine
- Scoliosis
Scoli= curved
- abnormal sideways ( lateral ) curvature of the spine
Avascular necrosis A= without Vascul = blood vessel Ar = pertaining to Necrosis = tissue death
- also known as ‘ osteonecrosis’
- bone tissue death caused by insufficient blood flow
- often happens in hip joint
- needs hip replacement
CRANI/O = skull Stenosis = abnormal narrowing
- malformations of skull due to premature closing of the cranial sutures
Bone inflammation
- known as ‘adult rickets’
- abnormal softening of bones in adults
- caused by VIT D deficiency , calcium and / or phosphate deficiency
Oste = bones Myel = bone marrow
- inflammation of bone marrow and adjacent bone
- bacterial infection from another part of body spreads through blood to the bone
Pagets disease
- chronic bone disease
- abnormal breakdown of bone
- pelvis, skull, spine and legs
- new bone is structurally enlarged, misshapen and weak
Peri- outside
- inflammation of periosteum
- defective bone growth caused by deficiency of vit D, calcium, phosphate
- known as club foot
- congenital deformity of foot involving talus ( ankle bones )
Bone tumors
Primary bone cancer
- relatively rare malignant tumor originating in bone
Eg Ewings Sarcoma- tumor in bones of upper arm, legs, pelvis or rib
Secondary bone cancer
- tumors that have metastasized ( spread ) to the bones from organs such as breasts and lungs
Myel- bone marrow
-oma= tumor
- cancer in blood making cells in red bone marrow
- benign bony projection covered with cartilage
- also known as exostosis
Por= small opening
- loss of bone density
- increase in bone porosity
- aging
OSTE= bone
Penia= deficiency
- lesser than average thickness of bone density
- not osteoporosis yet but increased chance of it
- calcium deficient
Osteoporosis related fracture
- Compression fracture
- known as vertebral crush fracture
- bone is pressed together on itself
- caused by spontaneous collapse of weakened vertebrae or injury
- causes pain, loss in height , dowagers hump - Colle’s fracture
- known as fractured wrist
- fracture at lower end of radius while falling
- Osteoporotic hip fracture
- known as ‘ broken hip ‘
- Green stick ( incomplete )
- bone is bent
- partially broken
- primarily in children - Closed
- simple or complete fracture
- bone broken
- NO skin wound - Open
- compound fracture
- bone broken
- skin wound - Comminuted fracture
- bone is splintered or crushed
- comminuted means crushed into small pieces
Oblique fracture
- happens at an angle to the bone
Transverse fracture
- straight across the bone
Pathologic fracture
- weakened bones break u see normal strain
- due to osteoporosis or cancer
Spiral fracture
- bone has been twisted apart
- sports injury
Stress fracture
- overuse injury
- small crack from chronic overuse
Additional fracture terms
- Fat embolus
- formed when long bone is fractured and fat cells from yellow marrow escapes to blood stream
- embolus - any foreign matter in blood that blocks the blood vessel - Crepitation
- known as crepitus
- sound heard when ends of broken bone move together
- unusual crackling sound within body
- popping or clicking sounds with joint movement
- bulging deposit around the area of the break
- tissue eventually becomes bone
- thickening if skin caused by repeated rubbing
Inflammation of cartilage that connects to rib