OTCA 221 Flashcards
Early OT used activities to allow for expressing what was in unconscious?
True or False
Who used the term doing?
Gail Fidler
Name the senses according to Jean Ayres:
Sight Hearing Taste Smell Proprioception Kinesthesia Vestibular
Who developed sensory integration treatment?
Jean Ayres
Who used sensory integration treatment with persons with schizophrenia?
Lorna Jean King
person who needs extra stimulation
low registration
Who developed the 4 quadrants for sensory processing?
the ability to take in, sort out, and connect information from the world around us in an organized manner
sensory integration
What are principle of sensory integration treatment?
- outcome of the activity
2. must be pleasurable
seeking out and enjoying sensory rich environments
sensation seeking
What is the difference between sensory sensitivity and sensory avoiding?
sensory avoiding actively removes themselves from a high sensory environment
What senses do sensory integration treatment primarily treats?
Environmental compensation is a term associated with who?
Claudia Allen
Who develops cognitive disabilities of frame references?
Claudia Allen
Lela Llorens talked about types of groups.
True or False
Anne Cronin Mosey
Lela Llorens talked about development incorporation developmental theories.
True or False
What is the model developed by Fidler?
Life Style Performance Model
What are some of the premises of cognitive disabilities frame of reference?
6 levels:
1-4 have difficulty living unassisted
5-6 normal
What level of group requires the least amount of interaction with others?
parallel group
What level of group is not seen in the hospital -mostly seen in community groups?
mature group
In which level of group according to Mosey would the leader have to take the biggest role?
parallel group
Who developed the Lifestyle Performance Model?
Gail Fidler
Who talked about three frames of reference in mental health?
Anne Mosey
What are some adaptive skills according to Anne Mosey?
- sensory integration
- cognitive
- dyadic interaction
- group interaction
- self-identity
- sexual- identity
Who talked about “recapitulation of ontogenesis”?
Anne Mosey
What are Anne Mosey’s levels of groups?
- parallel
- project
- egocentric- cooperative
- cooperative
- mature
Name some components of the Recovery Model:
- self-direction
- individualized & person-centered
- empowerment
- holistic
- nonlinear
- strengths based
- peer support
- respect
- responsibility
- hope
Is psychiatric rehabilitation based on a particular theory? True or False
What does the transtheoretical model refer to?
model of behavioral change
model of intentional change
What theory uses precontemplation stage, action stage, and maintenance stage?
Transtheoretical Model
ability to understand and share feelings of another
Who developed client centered therapy?
Carl Rogers
Who developed hierarchy of needs?
Abraham Maslow
Who used terms non-directive, open invitation to talk and warmth?
Carl Rogers
Who are the theorists we discussed related to humanism
Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow
Who discussed object relations?
Sigmund Freud
How many stages of development did Freud discuss?
Who talked about the collective unconscious?
Carl Jung
Whose stages include anal, oral, and genitals?
Sigmund Freud
Name some defense mechanisms:
- repression
- denial
- projection
- rationalization
- conversion
- regression
- undoing
- idealization
- identification
- sublimation
- substitutipon
- displacement
- compensation
Who talked about drives?
Sigmund Freud
Which is more physiological- operant or classical conditioning?
What did Ivan Pavlov use in his experiments?
dogs and bells
Which theorist talked about distorted thinking?
Aaron Beck
What is the underlying assumption of cognitive behavioral therapy?
all behavior is based on what we think/believe
What is ABC’s associated with RET or REBT?
Who are some cognitive behavioral theorists?
Albert Ellis
Albert Bandura
Aaron Beck
Cognitive behavioral therapy underlying assumption is that all behavior is based on what?
what we think and believe
Who developed REBT?
Albert Ellis & Albert Bandura
Who developed operant conditioning?
B. F Skinner
Who researched classical conditioning?
Ivan Pavlov
What are the functions of work?
- income
- expenditure of time /energy
- identification/status
- association
- source of meaningful life experience
Who identified functions of work?
Robert Havighurst
Erikson believed in none of Freud’s ideas? True or False
Who talked about physical/intellectual and social/personal tasks?
Robert Havighurst
Who are some developmental theorists?
Erik Erikson
Robert Havighurst
Jean Piaget
What are rationalization, denial, projection, and sublimation examples of?
Defense mechanisms
Who was the father of the psychoanalytic theory?
Sigmund Freud
Who discussed Id, Ego, and Superego?
Sigmund Freud
Why did Id and Superego conflict?
demands are competing
According to Sigmund Freud what does superego mean?
represents conscience; if not followed can cause guilt, shame, and anxiety
According to Sigmund Freud what does ego mean?
reality principle; helps with conflicts of superego and Id
According to Sigmund Freud what does Id mean?
instinctual needs; pleasurable principle; wants what it wants now
What is the main concept of developmental theory?
Stages of development in sequential order
“All behavior is learned” is the premise of what theory?
Who had 8 stages of pyschosocial dysfunction?
Erik Erikson
Who talked about the development lag?
Erik Erikson
Who used the terminology “initiative vs guilt”?
Erik Erikson
Is ego integrity an early or late stage of development?
Late stage
Which theorist used the terms schema, assimilation, and accommodation?
Jean Piaget
Whose stages include sensorimotor and formal operations?
Jean Piaaget
What is chaining?
putting together multiple steps in a sequence to perform a task
What is shaping?
reinforcing certain actions to shape behaviors
Who used the terms shaping, chaining, and reinforcement?
B. F Skinner
Who developed the air crib?
B. F Skinner
Who did experiments with the Bobo doll?
Albert Bandura
Which theorists felt people learn through imitation than trial and error?
Albert Bandura
What were some early treatments used for the mentally ill?
music, occupations, and herbal remedies
When did they start talking about the importance of work and health?
Ages ago, late 1700’s
Who were the first ones to use “occupation and recreation”?
What physician was one of the founder of OT?
Adolph Meyer
all people entitled to consideration and human compassion
Moral Treatment
Where was most of the early work of OT done?
Critical development in the 1950’s was…
medications (tranquilizers
Critical development in the 1960’s was…
What did Philippe Pinel and William Tuke have in common?
moral treatment
ECT is done without anesthesia?
True or False
ECT is still used today