OCTA 226 Lab Final Exam Flashcards
Which side do therapist move patient to first during a transfer?
strong side and assist to the weak side
To perform this activity:
- pt bend knees (while on bed)
- move left arm across body
- roll pt to the left side of body
- move legs to EOB
- lift pt up
Log roll (bed mobility)
Sit pivot transfer
this transfer allows pt to slide pt over w/o raising butt
Squat pivot transfer
this transfer allows pt to slightly squat off chair and transfer over to seat w/o fully standing
How do you step into the tub with anterior hip precautions? (transfers)
- hold onto shower wall with both hands
* step into tub using stronger side to weak side
How do you perform a bed transfer with posterior hip precautions?
- can’t flex 90
* walker, operated leg, non operated leg
Right lower extremity NWB stand pivot
- walker
- no weight in affected leg
- NWB up
- reach back
- therapist assist on affected side
How do you perform a Hoyer transfer?
- arms crossed
- roll to left and place hoyer under pt
- roll to the center and then to the right
- cross strap between legs
Lateral transfers
sit pivot laterally (can be done with and w/o a sliding board)
Shoulder flexion
- 0-180 degrees
* Acromion process (side of arm)
Shoulder extension
- 0-60 degrees
* Acromion process (side of arm)
Shoulder abduction
- 0-180
* Acromion process (back)
Shoulder horizontal adduction
- 0-90 degrees
- Superior acromion process (top of shoulder)
- Goniometer straight across top of shoulder while arm is up
Shoulder internal rotation
- 0-75 degrees
* Olecronon process
Shoulder external rotation
- 0-90 degrees
* Olecronon process
Elbow flexion
- 0-145
* Lateral epicondyle of humerus
Elbow extension
- 0-145
* Lateral epicondyle of humerus
Forearm pronation
- 0-90 degrees
* Lateral ulnar styloid
Forearm supination
- 0-90 degrees
* Medial ulnar styloid
Wrist flexion
- 0-90 degrees
* Lateral ulna styloid
Wrist extension
- 0-70 degrees
* Lateral ulna styloid