OCTA 222 Lecture Final Exam Flashcards
True or False: Therapeutic use of self will be developed before you begin your OT practice.
What is the OTA mostly responsible for in the intervention process?
How would the OT/OTA use a consultative process?
treat pt. with group not straight OT
What is the OTA’s role in evaluations?
help OTR collect information, carry out structured interviews
What needs to be considered when selecting treatment options?
what pt. needs or wants
Is the pt. motivated?
Decide goals
What is the purpose of supervision?
to make sure you are doing everything right, get help from OTR, safety of the pt., for your own benefit of learning
What areas are considered IADLs in the Framework?
cleaning, laundry, meal prep, grocery shopping, financial management, gardening
The Practice Framework uses terms to describe group roles. T or F
What are some of the principles of the Code of Ethics?
beneficence (concern for others), non-maleficence (no harm), autonomy(respect others privacy), justice (fairness), velocity (accurate info), fidelity (respect for others)
What are the Standards of Practice?
explains what OTR, OTA, and aides should or should not be doing
What does the ADA do?
American Disabilities Act decide on the adaptations needed for pt to be independent
What are the requirements for adaptations?
have to identify an issue
T or F: When teaching skills in the clinic, they will always transfer to the community?
What is the major life role that many people with mental illness do not have?
What are the three subsystems of MOHO?
volition- values and motivation
habituation- habits and routines
performance- skills to do
What are some adaptive skills according to Mosey?
Dyadic Skills (Interaction between 2 people), perception skills, and group interaction skills.
What is meant by a structured assessment?
specific lists of questions
What is meant by a standardized assessment?
to answer the same items/questions in the same way and that is scored in a standard or consistent way
What are some non-OT assessments you may use in practice?
mini mental status exam, MOCA, CLOX
What assessments would you use to assess cognitive status?
ACL, routine task inventory
What assessments can you do by observing patients in any activity?
COTE scale
What assessment would you not use with patients with severe cognitive deficits?
OCARE, COPM, interview assessments
What assessments have both a task and interview component?
KELLS, BAFPE, scorable self-care, mini mental, SSCE
Assessments related to MOHO are…?
role checklist, occupational performance history 2.0, NPI interest checklist, MOHOST, Adolescent Role Assessment, ALIP, OCAIRS, Assessment of Occupational Functioning
Assessments related to cognitive disability are…?
ACL, routine task inventory
What assessment is related to the PEO model?
What assessment are interview only?
COPM, Occupational Performance History 2.0, OCAIRS, Assessment of Occupational Functioning
What is inference?
interpretation of observation
What is the difference between observation and inference?
Observation= what you see Inference= interpretation of observation
What do you need to check when you write a note?
time, signature, pt. name and number, date, black/blue ink
What kinds of OT documentation will you find in the chart?
evaluation, progress note, re-evaluations, discharge note
What are some measurable terms when writing notes and goals?
identify, demonstrate, initiate, complete, participate, attend to, display, follow, state, demonstrate use of, respond to…by…, select, imitate
What are components needed in a progress note?
name/number, date, goals, attendance, behaviors, progress, what happened in group, plan, OT/OTA signatures
What is missing from this goal: “Patient will identify 2 coping mechanisms”?
Time frame
What does RUMBA stand for?
relevant, understandable, measurable, behavioral, achievable
What does SMART stand for?
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time frame
What does SMART and RUMBA help you to write?
What components are needed in a goal?
activity, cues/prompts, measurements/quantifier, reasoning, time frame
What are you observing when you observe affect?
facial expressions
What should not be in a progress note?
space, unneeded details, jargon
Why do we write protocols?
to inform others about group; see who meets the criteria of being in group; goals to “graduate from group”
Why do we do an activity analysis?
see what pt. will be able to do; learn what parts of the activity to grade/adapt for patient’s needs
What is included in an activity analysis?
sensory, motor, mental functions; materials, safety, name of activity, sequencing/timing, physical functions/structures, new learning
How would delusions interfere with a patient’s ability to do a task?
refocus to the group
How do hallucinations interfere with patient’s ability to do a task?
distracted, distressed (auditory-may not listen)
How do impulsivity interfere with patient’s ability to do a task?
safety, disruptive of others, take materials
How would delusions interfere with a patient’s ability to participate in discussion group?
depends on delusion may not be related
How would agitation interfere with a patient’s ability to participate in discussion group?
cause fight, uncomfortable
How would impulsivity interfere with a patient’s ability to participate in discussion group?
take others turn, answer all questions
What adaptations would you make if a person could only follow one-step directions and the project was multi-step?
give pt. one step at a time, break it down
What type of OT activity would be appropriate for someone experiencing mania?
active activity
What adaptions could be done in a task group for hyperactivity?
have pt. stand, give them extra roles like passing out materials, doing something active
Which group level would need the most direction form the leader/staff?
Would hyperactivity be more problematic with a discussion or a task-oriented group?
discussion group
If you have someone who is only 7 or 8 years old, what level of group would you not expect them to be in?
mature and cooperative
What are some appropriate activities for a task group?
crafts, card making, bracelets, sun catchers, tile trivet
What are some appropriate activities for a social skills group?
introduction, go to a restaurant, role playing, conversation starters, boundaries
What are some appropriate activities for a cognitive group?
word puzzles, word search, crossword, card games, trivia, pencil and paper
What are some appropriate activities for a directive group?
uno, hangman, trivia, bowling, Velcro darts, horseshoes, exercise
What are some of the basic skills addressed in a directive group?
concentration, attention span, simple and short activities, orientation
What are some of the basic skills addressed in a task group?
concentration, follow directions, improve attention
Project-taking turns
What are some of the skills addressed in an IADL or independent living skills group?
meal prep, laundry, transportation, money management, stress management
What skills are addressed in a stress management/coping skills group?
relax, coping strategies, identify stressful situations
What would be addressed in pre-vocational training( skills that help prepare them for community employment)?
job application, resume, proper dress, role play
What would you do in a task group when someone was too frustrated to do a specific task?
take break, find another task to do
If a patient is being discharged form the hospital but has never taken medicine before, what groups might be appropriate for her?
medication management, independent living skills
What is done in a self-care group?
brush teeth, shower, brush hair, dress for appropriate weather
What is the OT/OTA’s role in a parallel group?
directions, what to do
What are some of the things you observe in a group?
appearance, behavior, concentration, interaction
What is the most effective means of disease prevention?
washing hands
What are universal precautions?
treating everyone like they a disease; keeps from spreading germs
What would you do if a patient reported to you that they felt like hurting themselves?
report it and stay with the patient
What are some safety concerns related to seeing patients in a clinic area?
keys, mirrors, sharps, plastic bags, jewelry, toxic materials, choking, flammable materials
What might happen if you leave your keys on the table?
pt may take and hurt themselves or swallow or try to escape
What are symptoms of an illness (in general terms)?
What is the difference between hyperactivity and impulsivity?
hyperactivity- perpetual motion, moving around a lot
impulsivity- can not control thoughts or impulses