Another term for Podiform Chromite
Alpine Type Chromites
Ages of Podiform Chromites
<1.2 Ga Proterozoic to Phanerozoic
Layer 1
Deep Sea Siliceous or ocherous Sediments w/ Radiolarian cherts (Cm to m)
Layer 2
Layered Pillow Basalts and Sheeted Dikes (100s to 1000s m)
Layer 3
Massive Gabbro, layered Gabro serpentinized mafic to ultramafic rocks (10-15 km)
In which layer is Chromite formed?
Dunite and Harzburgite Sequence (Layer 4)
Alpine Type Ophiolites in the world
New Caledonia
Origin of Podiform chromite
1) An exotic melt reacts with mantle harzburgite to produce a more silica saturated melt and a dunite envelope
(Kakainin ng exotic magma ang Opx sa Harzburgite kaya may dunite na mafofofrm)
2) The secondary melt enriched in Si and Cr will then be mixed with a primitive melt melt yielding an magma oversaturated with spinel which effectively precipitate chormitite (Hybrid Melth)
The Dunite Envelope is of replacive origin
Known Philipines Examples
Acoje and Masinloc Zambales
IN what settings are harzburgite type of ophiolite form?
Back Arc and MORB
Common morphology of Podiform Chromite
Leopard Skin surrounded by Olivine
IN what type of subduction zones occurs higher degree of partial melting of the oceanic crust and mantle?
Suprasubduction Zone
Low degrees of partial melting associated with
Other known Podiform Chromite
Kempirsai, Kazakhstan