Surface Guides
- Favorable Strat and Host Rocks
- Weathering and Leaching
- Ancient Mining and Smelting
- Shear Zones
- Lineament
Most suitable target for Cr-Ni-Pt-Cu
Best and most significant surface signature for a base-metal exploration Guide
What are Gossans
Yellow or Red Colored Iron Oxide Rich Zones
Oldest Zinc Smelting Site
the result of a huge volume of rock deformation due to intense regional stress typically in the zones of subduction at depths down to a few Km
Shear Zones
What type of ores usually occurs at shear zones?
Syngenetic or epigenetic Hydrothermal
Characteristics of ores or rocks in Shear zones
Metasomatized and often display retrograde metamorphism assemblage
A record of geological facts, occurrence or rocks in space, and their contact, weathering effects such as leaching or gossan, anfd structure in their correct space relation
Geologic Map
Maps that are prepare by taking traverse on the surface at various intervals and plotting records like rock types, contancts and all other observatons inclusing strike and Dop
Surface Map
Maps that are used to select boundaries for a reconnaissance exploration and represents overall regional picture
Regional Scale Surface Map
Features highlighted in a Regional Map
Geomorphology and Draianage Pattern
Scale of Regional Map
1:50K- 1:250K
What type of sampling are employed at regional scale?
Soil, Grab, and Rock chip Samples of Rocks and weathered profiles
Represents a part of the regional map having cluster of deposits and recorded with closely spaced traverses and rock/Soil sampling use to selecr area for prospecting
District/Belt Scale Map