- A rock body in which there is a naturally enriched concentration of one or more metals and from whic it is economic to extract these metals?
Ore deposit
2, Ore that is economically feasible to mine for which there are no legal or engg imediments to mining?
- Ores that may potentially be extracted at some time in the future
- General term for refining and pocessing minerals
- studies the physical and chemical behavior of metallic elements, their inter-metallic compounds, and their mixtures, which are called alloys
- Minerals groups which are considered important ore minerals? (7)
Native Metals, Sulfides, Sulfosalts, Oxides, Hydroxides, Silicates and Carbonates
- Elements that combine with oxygen and are dominantly oxides and silicates
- Element that combine with sulfur and dominanly in sulfide minerals
- Element that occur as native metals or alloys
- Elements forming elemental gases
- What are the goldschmidt classes eof economically important metals?
Chalcophile and Siderophile
- Chemical Bonding in Sulfides which led to a relatively small extraction energy?
- Chemical Bonding of Oxides and Silicates?
- Elements which partitioned into the core during differentiation and is strongly depleted in crust?
- Elements which partitioned into the Mantle over the crust?
Compatible Lithophile Elements like Cr
- Elements which partitioned into the crust?
Incompatible Lithopile Elements like REEs
- Concentration of the element in the rock
- Relationship between cost of extraction of a commodity per mass and concentrtaion of the element in a rock?
Inversely Proportional
- Trend of Enrichment factor as the clark of concentrtaion of elements decreases in the crust?
- Accumulations of ore minerals that are too small to be extracted
- Accumulations of ore minerals which have potential to be identified as ore deposits thuogh exploration
- Deposits which belong in the top 10% of any category with respect to the metal contained
- The cheapest ore body to mine?
Flat lying body
- Whc is more cheaper to mine, a sub-sperical shape ore or a thin vein?
- Ratio of waste rock to ore
Stripping ratio
26.Additional products which control the economic feasibility of a mine?
- Extracted from mined and milled ore or waste which do not significantly affects the economics of mining
- Geologic factors whic affects economics of ore extraction?
1) Shape and Depth of Deposit 2)Mineralogy and texture of Ore 3)Presence of multiple Extractable products
- Commonly used attribute to classify ore deposits?
1) Element or mineral extracted 2)Host-rock type 3)Tectonic Settings and/or geological age 4)Major genetic process of enrichment
- Types of deposits which resulted from the concentration through chemical and mineralogical processes in magma
- Concentration as a result of mehcanical or chemical process at the time of sedimentation?
Sedimentary deposits
- Enrichement as a result of weathering procceses?
- What is the maximum achievable recycling rate for metals?
70% due to losses from abrasion
- A conceptual or emipiral standard , ideally fo a population of natural phenomena, embodyin both descriptive features of the depsit type, larger ore-bearing envi, and an explanation of these features in terms of geological, and hence of chemical an phsyical processes
Ore Deposit model
- Rocks or minerals which are mined, processed and delivered ar a profit
- Categories of Ore deposit
Metallic, non Mettalic, Energy, Water
- Non-valuable minerals in the Ore
- Minerals from which metal is derived
Ore Mineral
- Minerlized rock that is too lean in ore minerals to yield a profit
- Non valuable portion of ore
- Concentration of minerals which can possibly be recovered econmically?
Mineral Deposit
- Concentration of minerals which certain elements that can be recovered economically
Ore deposit or orebody
- Lowest grade, or quality of mineralized materials to qualify as economically mineable
Cut-off Grade
- Average content of an elemet in the Crust
Clarke of Concentration
- Ore formed same time as host rock like VMS
- Ore formed after the formation host rock like epithermal
- Ore fomed within the earth like VMS and Epitermal and mesothermal
- Ore formed on the surface like Ni Laterite
- Ore which yield only a single metal like Galena yielding lead
Simple Ore
- One/two metals dominate an ore, with the minor one called as by-product
Complex Ore
- Ore formed directly from magmas or fluids like chromite
Primary ore
- Ore formed as consequene of alteration of pre-existing minerals like Ni Laterite and Met. VMS
Secondary ore
- Metals recovered from newly mined ores
primary metals
- Metals recovered from recycled or e-processed metals
secondary metals
Study of genesis of mineral deposits with emphasis on their relationships in space and time to geol features of the crust
Any geological, tectonic, lithological, or geochemical feature that has played a role in the concrentration of one or more elements in the crust
A unit of geologic time favorable for depositon of ores or characterized by a particular assemblage of deposit types
Metallogenic Epoch
A region characterized by a particular assemblage of mineral deposit types
Metallogenic Province
At what depths and temperature conditions will epithermal deposits form?
<1.5 km @50-200 deg cel
At what depths and temperature conditions will mesothermal deposits form?
1.5 -4.5 km @200-400 deg cel
At what depths and temperature conditions will hypothermal deposits form?
> 4.5 km @400-600 deg cel
<6Km, 150-300 deg cel
6-12 km 300-475 deg cel
> 12 km <475 deg cel
Father of the study of Ore deposits who believed that ores have been deposited from circulating solutions in ore channels and argued against the use of divining rod “forked hazel twig”
George Agricola
His book about mineral deposits in 1556
De Re Metallica
Believed that ores are product of condesation from vapors ascending thru fissures
Nicolas Steno
First to recognize Metasomatc Replacement and improtance of hydrothermal solutions of deepseated origin
Henkel & Zimmerman
Distinguised conordant beds from disconcordant veins
Von oppel
Metals as products of alteration of country rocks
veins as product of leaching from country rocks
Idea that ores are direct magmatic products or are formed as products of differentiation
Propoenents of plutonism
J. Hutton, Breislak, Brunner
Ore deposits, basalts, sandsontes and limestones were formed from primeval ocean
Proponents of neptunism
Abraham werner
C. Anderson
Created society of econ geol 1905
Raf Penrose
Hi T replacement deposits near igneous intrusive according to lindgren
He first provided for classification of hydrotherma deps
W. lindgren
deposits at shallow depths from nearly spent solutions accdng to graton
high T deposits at very shallow depths accdng to buddington
what led to the abandonment of hypothermal and mesothermal classification of lindgren
Improved knowledge on Volcainism esp submarine type
Salt ions which transports metal in hydrothermal fluids
Chlorite and Bisulphide ions