World’s deepest mine wth 4000 m depth?
Western Deep Levels Golds Mines, Johannesburg, South Africa
What is conrad discontinuity?
A zone which separates grainitc upper continental crust from mafic lower zone
Repeating cycle of the breaking and reamalgamating of cont. crust
Wilson Cycle
Deposits related to Contnental crust
1) Diamondiferous Kimberlites,
2) Anorthosite hosted Ti,
3) Cr,V,Pt,Cu,Ni in continental layered mafic intrusions, 4)Sn,W,F,Nb,REE,P,U in granites and alkali intrusions
Deposits related to Oceanic Crust
1) Pordiform Chromite MORB deposits with PGEs
2)Manganese Nodules
3)Metal rich pelagic muds and
4) Exhalatiev Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides
What are the four fundamental magma types?
Rhyolitic, and
Alkaline (kimberlite)
Conditions for ionic substitution*
Radius must be within 15% of one another and charges should differ by no more than 1 unit
What is diadochy?
Substitution of minor or trace elements for another element in the cyrstal lattice
Diadochich elements
Ni2+ and Mg2+ for Olivine and
V3+ and Fe3+ for Magnetite
What makes ultramafic basalts and komatiites suited for hosting viable magmatic nickel deposits?
Because of the substitution of Ni for Mg in MgO contents
A world class nickel deposit with archean komatiite as host rocks
Kambalda mining district, W,Australia
Tectonic environments which produced exclusively basaltic magma
MORs and Hotspots
Tectonic environments which produces basaltic magmas with a variety of more felsic magma
Island arcs and orogenic continental margins
An example of basaltic intrusion within continental crust and formed continental flood basalts
Great Dyke of Zimbabwe
This is said to be respoinsible for the formation world’s largest layered igneous complexof bushveld complex
Intraplate hotspot activity
A peridotite representing fertile/mantle which consists of cpx and garnet or spinel that produces basaltic liquids on metling
Alpine type peridotite consisting of Opx and Olivine and are too refractory to yield basaltic liquids
This is the mechanism of magmatism in continental active margins and island arcs
Oceanic crust of hydrated basalt drawn down into the subduction zone
Ultramafic magmas >18%MgO restricted in Archean greenstone belts and believed to represent high degrees of partial meting of mantle during the early hot ages of Earth
Ore deposit that are associated with mafic igneous rocks
Chalcophile and siderophile
Ni, Co, Cr, V, Cu, Pt, Au
how does andesitic magma form?
1) Direct partial melting of hydrous oceanic crust or the mantle wedge
2) In situ fractionation of basltic magma or of phases sch as hornblende and magnetite
3) Contamination of an orig mafic melt by more felsic melt
subducted slab that produces earthquake due to movement and fracturing of rocks
Benioff Zone
Which part of the benioff zone produces andesitic magma?
Asesismc parts
This magma type does not exhibit any primary association with any particular suite of metals or ore deposits and are only characterized by intermediate trace element abundances
Andesitic Magma
Tectonic environment which produces Calc-Alkaline magma?
Andean-type subduction zones
Processes attribute to production of calc-alkaine magmas?
Magma mingling and fractional crystallization
Tectonic environments which produces felsic magmas?
Ocean-continent island arcs and orogenic continental margins
What events ocur in anorogenic contental settings?
Rifting and crustal thinning
Typical magmatic sequence for anorogenic continental setting?
Bimodal - Mafic then felsic (Basalt plus rhyolite)
Example of Anorogenic setting?
Bushveld complex )2.06 Ga
types of ore deposits associated with felsic igneous rocks
Lithopiles Li, Be, F, Sn, W, U
What is an incompatible element?
elements which tend to be concentrated into the residual or differentiated magma and can be concentrated in crustal melts derived from low degrees of partial meltiing of the source rocks
What are the typical metal concenrated in S-Type granites
Sn,W,U, and Th
Typical metal concentrations in I-Type granites?
Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn, Au
What is Nephelinite?
Most common alkaline mafic magma which comprises unusual minerals such as Feldsphathoids, Ca-Pyx, and Carbonates
Where are Nepehelinite lavas usually observed?
Oceanic (Cape Verde, and hawaiian), best seen in young continental volcanic settings such as East African Rift Valley, Central Europer, and SE australia.
Best preserved old alkaline igneous complex with age of 2.05Ga and is mined for copper and phospgare
Phalaborwa Complex, SA
Magmas comprising essentially of CaCO3 and lesser Na2CO3?
a process that involves fluid ingress and enrichment of volatiles and other incompatible elements
This is the mechanism which help derive carbonatitic and nephelinitic melt
Liquid immiscibility
A carbonate mineral which is said to be involved in carbonatite generation?
ultramafic magma that are rich in potassium and is both hyrated and carbonated?
Typical K2O wt of Kimberlites?
1-3 wt%
Intrusive manifestation of kimberlites?
Pipe-like bodies, dykes and sills
Extrusive manifestation of kimberlites?
Highly explosive gas charged eruption
What are the evidences that kimberlites are deep seated?
It commonly tranposrts mantle-derived xenoliths of garnet lherzolite and eclogites
This is usually found as xenocrysts which is the stable carbon polymorph and exsists only at depths greater than 100km and temp greater than 900deg cel
This is said t be the anomalous minerals which is also melted to produce kimberlitic magmas when a garnet peridodite is melted
Phlogopite and K-amphibole or Richterite
What is implied by the enrichment of incompatible constituents in Nephelinitic and kimberlitic magmas?
Metasomatism of the mantle which enable deep seated environment to produce highly-enriched or fertile magmas
Largest gold deposit in the world
Witwatersrand Basin
Largest Pt deposit
Bushveld Complex
Largest Ni Deposit
Sudbury Complex
Largest Cu Deposit
Escondida Atacama, Chile
Areas where Diamondiferous kimberlites are typical
Ancient cratonic areas
What is late veneer hypothesis?
The idea that the mantle is enriched with precious metals due to the meteorite impact to the protocrust. This also states that the Au and Pt mined nowadays are of extraterrestrial origin
This diamond which can be found in Bahia state in brazil and central african republick are said to be of extraterrestrial orign
Carbonado Diamonds
Aside from kimberlite what other melt can contain diamond?
Concepts about diamonds
1) They diamondiferuos magmas only intrude ancient continental crust ytypically older than Proterozoic 2.5 Ga (rare 1.5Ga)
2) Dimondiferous magmas are younger than the rock they intrude (Mesozoic, Cenozoic, Devonian, 500 Ma and 1000 Ma) some during archean
3) Diamond xenocrysts are oler than the host rocks
Age range of dimaonds
1500 - 3000 Ma
which is the more common diamond?
P-type diamond (Peridotite xenolith)
Zone of diamond formation?
Transiztion Zone 400-650Km
Where does the diamond forming carbon origniate?
More fertile lower mantle
What is the contribution of the upper mantle to diamond formation?
Preservation of dimanods since within the upper mantle dimanods are more stable due to reducing environments
What transfes metls and volatiles from lower to upper mantle?
This is a mass transfer process which involves movement of fluids and volaties in the deeper mantles to higher leverls
What’s the evidence that Kimberlites also originated from lower mantle plumes and metasomatism from fertile lower mantle into depleted upper mantle?
Kimberlite intrusion correlate with superchron events
What are superchrons
Geologically long time periods of unidirectional polarity of eath’s magnetic field cause by core-mantle boundary disruptions which increases core convection causing damping of the geomagnetic field intensity promorting plume activity and mantle metasomatism
What geologic events are attributed to dimamondiferous kimberlites intrusion?
Continental rifting and flood basaltic magmatism
Biggest single deposit of diamond (Lamproitic)?
Argyle W.Australia 1.2Ga Lamproite
Richest diamond deposit in the world?
Orapa and Jwaneng Deposits of Botswana mid cret (kim)
volcanoes which are producct of highly overpressurized volatile rich magma and are usually formed when kimberlitic or lamproitic magma are emplaced in thec rust
Contrast Kimberlite and Lamproites
Kimberlites is richer in CO2 and usually have carrot shape while Lamproites have less CO2 and has champagne glass shape
What is mantle metasomatism and how is it related to deposit formation?
Metasomatism in this context is the redestribution and enrichment of metals particularly of the incompatible ones within the mantle driven by volatiles from the dehydrated subductiong slabs
What is one way of transfering mantle materials to crust?
Through partial melting
What is the significance of metasomatized mantle rock (Peridotite) in terms of magma production and mineral endownment?
Since the metasomatized mantle rocks are the ones partially melted due to subduction, given that they are enriched due to metasomatism, the resulting alkali basalt mgma will be inherited with significant metal endowment
Give an example of mantle metasomatism related deposit
Ladolam Mine, Lihir Island PNG
Where does the I and S scheme for granite origniated?
Lachland Fold Belt SE Australia
This granite type is derived from partial melting of igneous rock and tend to be metaluminous and typified by tonalitic (qtz-diorite) to granodioritic compositions
This granite type is derived from partial melting of sedimentary source rocks and are often peraluminous and have ademellitic (qtz monzonitic) to granitic composition