Heirarchy of Heavnly Bodies
Cluster of Galaxies
Stars,Pulsars, Black Holes
Dust Particles
Atoms of H and He
An evidence of Bigbang wherein the further away a galaxy is the more red shifted their emitted light is
Red Shift (Dopple Effect)
The energy of radiation produced at a specific wavelength when the universe was at temperatures greater than 3000K
Cosmic Microwave Background Radition
The basic unit in the cosmological heirarchy
Diagram use to show the temperature of the star (x) as a function of its luminosity (y)
Hertzsprung russel Diagram
The bluer the Bigger the hotter
Stars produced by CONTRACTION of INTERSTELLAR GASES resulting in increase in temperature. Energy production by Hydrogen Fusion becomes possible to produce the star
Main Sequence Star
High Luminosity and high temperature Stars
Blue Giants
Stars less Massive than the sun
Red Dwarfs
Bigger than the Sun and is formed by depletion of H in the core during the main phase, the energy production shifted from the core to the outer shell
Red Giants
End stage of stellar evolution contraction leads to the increase in core temperature and eventually explodes to form supernoca
Pulsars (Nuetron Stars), White Dwarf, Blackholes
The Sun is what type of Star?
Yellow Dwarf Main Sequence
The process of making atoms or molecules and the theory that explains the complexation of materials from the simple structure of H and Deuterium H2
Most abundant Isotopes in the Universe
H and He
The abudnace of the first 50 Elements (Decreaseses, Increases), (Logarithmically, Exponentially)
Decreases Exponentially
Why are the abudnaces of the elements higher than 50 are ver low?
Because they are only produced during supernova
What is the oddo harkins effect?
Elements with even atomic numbers are more abundant than their immediate odd numbered neigbors
Isotopes or elements that do not occur in the solar system because their isotopes are unstable and thus decay rapidly
Tc and Pm
Elemens having atomic number greater than this element have no stable isotopes but still occur naturally at very low abundances because they are the daughters of long-lived radioactive isotopes of U and Th
83 Bismuth (Bi)
Theory of solar system formation which states that the Sun and the planets are formed by the collapse of clouds of gas and dust which accompanied by accretion and differentiation
Solar Nebular Hypothesis
Diffuse Mass of intersetallar gas and dust
Solar Nebula
States that condensates accreted to form larger bodies as a result of selective adhesion caused by electrostatic and magnetic force
Planetisimal Theory
Who proposed the Planetisimal theory?
Viktor Safronov
Planets that are nearer the sun have:
Higher Temperature
Elements with higher melting Temp
Thin Atmosphere
Less mass and weaker Gravitational pull
Higher density
Plantes that are farther from the sun are mostl composed of
Methane amonia and water and other volatiles
Lower density but larger
The phenomenon where H and He are so light that they’re espcaing the atmosphere
Jeans Effect
Volatile rich planetisimals that are composed of water, ammonia methan e and other volatiles
Icy Bodies beyond neptune including pluto
Kuiper Belt
Source of long period comets and may be made of icy bodies
Oort Cloud
Common Minerals in metorites
Kamacite and Taenite (Fe-Ni)
Pyroxene esp Bronzite
Olivince (Pallasite)
Kinds of Meteorites
Stony Iron
Predominanty Kamacite and Taenite w/ minor of other minerals such as Troilite (FeS)
Magmatic Iron/ Iron Meteorites
Type of Iron Meteorites
Octahedrite (w/Widsmantatten)
Exsolution features in meteorites
Meteorites that are chiefly silicates and mostly ferromagnesisa up to 1/4 Fe-Ni
Stone Meteorites
Types of Stone meteorites compose chiefly of silicates such as olivine pyroxene and plagiolcaise and contains boulder size round bodies called Chondrules
Most primitive chondrites w/ high content of volatiles including water and non bioenic carbon and have the same composition as that of the Sun
Carbonaceous Chondrite
Most abundant Meteorite
Oridinary Chondrite
Type of Chrondrite composed of Mg Pyx
Enstatite Chrondrite
Type of Stony Meteorite that has no Chondrules and has the same composition as terrestrial mafic and Ultramafic rocks are mostly breccias said to be derived from the crusts of planetisimals
Meteorites containing EQUAL amounts of silicates and Ni-Fe allows
Stony Iron
Meteorite mostly compose of olivine
Meterite composed of Pyx and Plag
contains nearly all the mass of an atoms accounting for only one ten thousandths of its iameter
How much more massive is Prtons than Electrons?
denotes different atomic forms characterized by a distinct combination of protons and neutrons of which only 279 are stable
Elements with anomalously low abundance due to them being consumed during stellar nucleosynthesis
Li, Be, B
the most pronounced peak in terms of abundance is at
Isotopes with Mass Number which are multiples of (4,5,6 or 7) have enhanced abundance
4 (Alpha Partucle Mass Number)
How to Eliminate Oddo Harkins Effect?
Most Primirive Meteorite on Earth that is used as standard
Play a crucial role by overcoming repuulsive forces between protons thus binding the nucleus to a tight structural unit
Number of Proton in an atom of an element
Atomnic Number
Proton plus Nuetron
Atomic Mass
What is Atomic Weight?
Sum of the masses of the naturally occuring isotopes weighted in accordance to their abudances (Sum of (Atomic Mass*Weighted Abundance)
Variations in atomic mass due to difference in the number of NEUTRONS of an element (Proton same, Nuetron not same, Mass (sum) not same)
Isotopes (diff Mass number, diff neutron)
(P for Constant Proton)
Nuclides having CONSTANT MASS NUMBER but DIFFERENT ATOMIC NUMBER (Proton) (Proton not same,Nuetron Same, mass same)
Isotones (Same Mass Number, Diff Proton)
(N for Constant Neutron)
Nuclides having the SAME ATOMIC MASS but different atomic number and neutorn number (Mass SAME, Proton and Nuetron NOT SAME)
Isobars (Same Mass Number, Diff Proton and Neutron)
A region surrounding the nucleus occupied by electrons having approximately same energy
Electron Shell
A process by which charge deficiencies result from the subsitution of ions of unequal charges that must be compensated by a second substitution involving an ion having a different charge
(Charge Defienciency needs second subsitution)
Couples Substitution
A process of compensating for excess charge by ions ataching on the charges surfaces of small ions and is usually displayed by clay minerals (ATTACHING ON THE SURFACE)
A type of substitution which occurs if a Minor Element has the same charge and atomic radius as the major element it is replacing
Camouflage (Zr+4 to Hf+4 in Zircon (ZrSiO4)
A type of substitution that takes place when an ion of higher ionic potential enters a crystal preferentially over the ions of a major elements that have lower ionic potential
Inolves entry of foreign ion that has a lower ionic potential because it has either lower charge or larger radius than the ion of the major element. The higher the difference the lesser the extent of substitution
State that posses lowest possible potential energy for the mineral
State in which the mineral has the highest potential energy
State that requires an energy hurdle to put I the most stable form or at lower potential energy
Energy required for transformation to take place and is represented by the height of the energy hurdle
Activation Energy
Shows the ranges of stability in pressure-temperature space for any possible physical, chemical or mineralogical parameters
Phase Stability Diagram
Areas representing the range of applied pressure and temperature in which a mineral may exist in its most stable form
Stability Fields
The line separating various stability fields and defines a restricted set of circumstance under which the separated phase may exist in equilibrium
Phase Boundary
heat dynamics and is concerned on the free energy changes associated with chemical equilibrium between phases and provides tools for working out w/c mineral assemblages will be stable under which conditions
Deals with the mechanics of the reaction that lead to equilibrium and the rates at which they occur
Chemical Kinetics
A part or part of the system occupying a specific volume and having uniform physical and chemical characteristics which distinguishes it from the other parts of the system (State of Matter)
comprise the minmimum number of chemical species (Atoms and Molecules) required to specify completely the compositions of all the phase present
State of heat balance in a system
Thermal Equilibrium
Distribution of components among phases of a system has become contstant which shows no net chane with time
Chemical Equilibrium
State when diffusion rates in and out of the crystal are unequal thus there’s a net change of composition of each phase with time
a formula whch expresses the number of phases that can coexist in mutual equilibrium in terms of number oc components, variance and number of factors
Phase Rule
Whats the Gibbs Phase Rule?
P+F = C+2 (No. of Factors)
Triple junction of Aluminum Sillicates
3.8K bar 503
locus or a curve below hich a given substance is completely solid
Locus of a curve above which a given substance is completely liquid and the maximum temp at which crystals can coexist with melt
Point on a phase where the max number of allowable phases exist in equlibrium and is an invariant point
Represents the composition of the first melt
Eutectic point (Invariant)
Point at which reaction takes place between a previsoulsy precipitated phase and the liquid or melt to produce a new solid phase
Peritectic Point (Invariant)
Melting wherein phase melts to a liquid with the same composition of the solid
Congruent Melting (Water)
Melting wherein a phase melts to a liquid ith a composition different from the solid and produces a solid of different composition to the original solid
Incongruent Melting (Basalt)
A process in which a solid soln phase unmixes into two separate solid state
the locus on a phase diagram indicating limits of solubility of one solid phase in another and on which homogenous solid unmixes into several phases
> 1% in abundance and has direct effect on the material when it changes
Major Element
Occur at concentration between 1-0.1%
Minor Element
Occur at concentration between <0.1%
Trace Element
The time by which a trace element stays in a particular solution
Residence Time
Units of Trace Element Concentration (mass of solute/Mass of soln)
ppm (10^6) ppb (10^9)
Examples of Trace element
1) REEs
2) PGEs (Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt)
3) Transition Metals
Ions that do not fit into the structure of the rock forming minerals or minerals precipitating in the magma and therefore accumulate in the residual magma
Incompatible Elements
Where are Incompatible Elements usually disovered on field
Aplite Dikes, Pegmatites, Hydrothermal Veins
Elements which can easily fit in the mineral structure
Compatible Elements
Nernst Partitioning Coefficient of Incompatible Elemens
Nernst Partitioning Coefficient of Compatible Elements
For Dilute Solutions, Partitioning Formula is equal to
D = Cs/Cl
Factors affecting K (Partioning Coefficient)
1) Concentration of the systm (More Silicic more Incom)
2) Pressure
3) Temperature
Types of Incompatble elements that have High Charge but smaller ionic Radius
HFSEs (REEs, Th, U, Ce, Pb, Zr, Hf, Ti, Nb, Ta)
Type of incompatible elements that have large ionic radius but low charge
LILEs (K, Rb, Cs, Ba, Pb, Se, Eu)
A set of 17 elements (15 lanthanides +Sc and Y) and is named not because thay are rare but are unsual to find in significant quantities enough to support economic mineral devt
Rare Earth Elements
La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd
(Screening Last Christmas, Peter nd Paul Saw Europe’s gateway
Y, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu
Magma derived from the Mantle
Primitive Magma
Fo# of such magma
Mg# of Such magma
> 65
Cr# of such magma
the first magma to be derived from the primitive magma and can be classified as parental which is derived primarily by partial melting of the same source and have no chracteristics that reflect the subsequent effects of differentiation
Primary Magma
A magma where other magmas are derived and is not necessesarily primitive or primary
Parental Magma
Mod -High Rb/Sr
Continental Crust Derived
Low to zero Rb/Sr
Upper Mantle Derived
Rb is incompatible wirh
the melt
What type of rock has High Rb
What type of rock has High Sr
Between Sm and Nd which is more compatible to melt (or incompatible with the rock)
Higher Sm/Nd implied that
Evolution of Depleted Mantle (Source is deplete Mantle)
Lowe Sm/Nd implies that
Evolution of an enrhicched mantle or melt
What type of rock has signature of hig Sm/Nd (High Sm)
What type of rock has signature of low Sm/Nd (High Nd)
Signature of Granite
High Rb and Nd
Signature of Basalt
High Sm and Sr
shows the Fe:Mg in a rock
Magnesium Number
High NiO (Nickel Oxide) implies
Mantle Origin (melt compatible)
Low NiO implies
Cumulate melt
High TiO2 implies
MOR Derived (Tholeeitic)
Low TiO2 implies
Island Arc Derived (Calc-Alkaline)
Oldest discrimantion Diagram
Harker Diagram (Alfred Harker, 1909)
Evolutionary sequence of Alkaline Magmas
Alkali Basaly > TrachyBasalt > TrachyAndesite > Trachyte/Phonolite
Eveolutionary sequence of Calc Alkaline
Basalt >Andesite >Dacite> Rhyolite
a diagram which correlates alkali and silica content with the rock name
TAS Diagram
Separates subalkaline from the alkaline fields at Low P and serves as Activation Energy which can not be crossed just by fractional crystallization
Therma Divide
Anomaly when Plagioclase forms
Europum Anomaly
Type of Magma with elevated Trace Elements but low in Cs, Ba and K
Type of magma which is high in Ba, K, Cs and low in Ti
Calc Alkaline
Low Trace Elements and Uniform in composition (Increasing in less incompatible)
Granet fractionates to
HREE (Heavy REEs) thus High Rees in the melt siginified presence of Garnet
Ni, Co
Compatible with Olivine
Compatible with Spinel and Opx
High Ni,Co, and Cr implied that
Mantle source
Limited Fractionation
Crystal Accumulation
Zr and Hf
May Raplace Ti in titanite or rutile
Implies exensive liquid evolution or enriched source
Nb and Ta
Partitions w/ Ti-Rich phases (Titanite, Ilmenite, Rutile and Ti-Amphiboles)
Low conc in Subduction Related metls (Calc Alkaline)
PGEs (Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt)
?used in Melting and crystallization studies of Mafic and Ultramafics
?hosted by sulfides
?Re/Os applie to mantle evolution and mafic melt processes
?Concentrates in PYX and can be use an indicator of pyroxene fractionation
?Substitutes for Ca in plag but not in pyx
?Also subs for K in K felds
?Compatible at Low P where plag forms early
?Incompatible at High P where plag is not stable
?Garnet favors HREEs
?Hbld and Opx also do so but a lesser degree
?Titanite and Plag favor LREEs
?Eu is strongly partitioned to Plag (That?s why may anomaly kasi kinoconsume sya ni Plag pag nagfoform)
?Strongly partitioned to garnet and Amphibole
?Titantie and Apatite also concentrate Y