The scale and speed of exploration primarily depend on?
1)The land Acquisition Agreements
2)Overall Budget
A geologist who heads an exploration project with a separate budget allocation
Project Geologist
Whats the recommended distance of in house facility for staff to the site?
Less that 1 hour commuting time
If the areas is really remote what would be the possible setup?
In field camps and commute by air
Difference of Reconnaissance budget to Prospecting Budget?
More expensive because of Driling
Estimates of a contractor for geochemical and geophysical surveys are usually on the basis of?
Cost per line-Kilometer or Sample
What should be the first thing to be done when starting work on a prospect?
Define a local grid for the Prospect using GPS :
-Relate to the national grid system
-Must be parallel to the regional strike
Surveying Methods
1) GPS - Problematic in Forested Areas
2) Tape and Compass
Type of traverse which is often used to minimize erros in Tape and Compass Survery and done by starting and retusning to the initial point
Closed Traverses
The most accurate method of obtaining height difference between stations and is used to obtain the elevation of each station when undertaking gravity survey
How is leveling done?
Measures height difference between a pair of station using a surveyor’s level
Where is leveling required?
?In an underground mine - Determine minimum slope to drain an adit or drive
?In a surface mine - Determine the max gradient up which load, haul and dump trucks can climb when fully laden (<10%)
a more accurate survey equipment than compass?
What is the scale of the Map needed at the prospecting stage?
1:10,000 to 1:2,500
What instruments can be used for accurate mapping?
1) Telescopic Alidade - used to plot points
2) Plane table or Differential GPS
What must be highlighted in Geol Mapping in terms of prospecting?
?Known Mineralisation or any discovered during survey
?Geological Relationship of the mineralisation to the geological model sought
?Mapping of Hydrothermal Alteration
Conventional wat of producing Maps
Indian Ink Pen on Transparent Film
Computer softwares that aid in Map Making
1) Autocad
2) ArcGIS
3) MapInfo
Intervals of sampling for vein gold deposit?
1m intervals
Intervals for copper deposit?
5 or 10 m
What must be specified when bagged and labelled samples are sent to the laboratory for analysis?
1) Elements of Interest
2) Type of Analytical Procedure
A form needed to be accomplished when sending samples to the lab?
Sample Control Form
What error instances must one be alerted?
Gold values of several Percent
Copper values in ppb range
Who must discuss or decide about the lements that needs to be tested?
Project Manager
Field Staff
Chief Geologist
A relatively inexpensive method of analysis
AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectometry)
Detailed identification of individual minerals
Sequence of Activities on site during Prospecting
1) Estabilishing Organization and bugdeting
2) Topographic Surveying
3) Geologic Mapping
4) Sampling
5) Testing and Analysis
6) Prospecting
When is prospecting usually conducted?
1) Follow up to Geochem and Geophysical anomalies
2) Routine Geol Mapping
Field characteristics of Copper deposits
Green stained top
Field Chracteristics of Iron deposits
Field characteristics of Hydrothermal deposits?
Smaller scale silicification resulting in slight topographical ridges
Karst hosted deposits are characterized by?
Distinct Depressions
Kimberlite pipes usually occur under
Under lakes in glaciated areas
Iron Rich Rocks contraining sulfides
Iron oxides overlying Metallic sulfide deposits
Gossans or Iron Hats