What is processes of scientific method?
Observation - Defining the Problem - Hypothesis formulation - Experiment - Conclusion
A systmetic and interdiciplinary area of study that includes both applied and theoretical spects of human impact on the world
Envi Sci
What is a baseline data?
Description of the system in its normal or original state, used to determine the effects of human intervention
Preservationist vs conservasionist
Preservationists does not want to use resources, Conservationist use resources but want to secure sustainability
What are the different aspects of envi issues?
Scientific and Technical, Socieconomic, and Ethical
Any undersirable changes in the characteristics of air water soil, or foods that have adverse effects on health and survival of life forms
What is sustainable devt?
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromision the ability to meet the needs of the future generations
what is carrying capacity?
Optimum number of a species individual that can survive in a specific area over time
What is the relationship between production and resource availability?
a much efficient production will result to more resource availability
What is ecology?
Stidy of the home, the inertaction among organisms and between theri phy. envi. which provides tool which can be effective in tackling envi problems
He coined Ecology in 1869
German Biologist Ernst Haeckel
He coined Ecosystems in 1935
Sir Arthur Tansley
What is ecosystem?
Interactions between biological organisms and their physical envir
What is principle of emergent property?
New properties emerge that were not present at the lower levels which results from the functional interction between components
Requirements of ecosystem
One way flow of Energy and Cycling of Matter
Explain the law of thermodynamics in relation to ecosystem
The more energy we use, the more heat we add to the environment
relate law of conservation of matter to ecosystem
The things we throw away is still here with us
Where can carbon originate?
From weathering of terrestrial rocks
Differentiate Nitrogen Fixation and Nitrification
Nitrogen fixation is the ocnvertion to ammonia while Nitrification converts NH4 to Nitrite
How do humans contribute to Nitrogen increase?
By using fertilizers
What are the sources of Phosphorous?
weathering of rocks, and Guano which became part of marine seds
The totality of all species on earth and the ecosystem where they thrive
Why is the Philippines one of the mega biodiversity of the world?
We are part of the circum pacific belt, with subduction zones, trenches and faults and volcanism produces rich productive soil and mineral resources.Rich limestones,
What does endemic species mean?
Species found only in a particular area only and nowhere else
What are the anthropogenic causes of extinction of organisms?
Destruction of Habitat, commercial products and live specimens, Introduction of alien species
The generation of different igneous rock from single primary magma
Magmatic Differentiation
Why are magmatic areas are the most fertile areas in the world?
Magma contains major elements requred for plant growth , P Ca, Mg, S
How is Geothermal Energy generated?
The head from the magma heats the underground water which are tapped by well to warm houses and run turbines
What is the general sequence of sedimentation?
Weathering, Erosion, tranpo, Deposi, Lithi
Term used for earth porcesses were large masses of rocks and or earth mats spontaneously move downward either slowly or quickly by gravity
mass Movement
Force acting on the materials to move exceeding the shear sthrenth of mats
Geologic factors leading to mass movement?
Active Seismicity, Faults, Rock types
Geomophological factors leading to mass mvmt?
slope steepness, stream gradient, Relief or elevtaion, stream valley configuration
Climatological factors?
Tropical weathering, Typhoons and high rain fall
Anthropogenic factors?
Road Building,Deforestations
A term used to describe both sudden slip on a fault and the resulting ground shaking and raduated seismic energy or volcanic and magmatic activity or sudden stress change within the earth
What are long waves
Surface waves
differentiate intensity and magnitude
Intensity measures the perception and uses the mercalli scale while magnitude measures the energy released and uses the richter scale
What law implements guidelines on Engg geological and geohazard assesement as additional requirement for ecc applications covering subdivisions, housing and other land dev’t and infrastructure projects?
DENR DAO 2000-28 (EGGAR)
This use the geologic fundamentalss an princeiples in the investigation and evaluation of naturally occuring rocks and soil for the use in the design of civil works
Engineering geol
Refer to natural and man induced geol processes that have potential to cause destruction and posse a threat or risk to mans life and property
What MGB memo cicrular includes details of EGGAR?
MGB Memo Circular no.2000-23
What does EGGAR stands for?
Engineering Geolological and Geohazard Assesment Report (EGGAR)
What are the inclusions of EGGAR?
- Gen Info of the Project 2. Regional Setting 3. Site Geology w/c includes Topography, Hyrology, Bedrock Lithology, Surfucual Deposits and Structural Feature. 4. Hazard Assesments 5. Conclusions and Recommendations (Specialized studies, monitoring, mitiating measures)
What are some ways of managing natural disasters?
Adequate info and Tech, Zoning Restrictions and Improved Structures, Proper prediction and Monitoring, warning and evacuation systems
What is the breakdown of the water resources of the world?
97% Seawater 3% freshwater of which 1% is usable and 2% is frozen
How does geology affects Global water Budget?
Geol Settings influences the local availabilty and access to water thus even though water is renewable, local supplied may be inadequate due to geological barriers
What is the primary source of Freshwater supply?