Deposits related to Felsic Phanerocrystalline Rocks
1) Pegmatitic
2) Granitic Tin
3) Granitic U
4) IOCG (Iron Oxide, Copper-Gold)
Generally dike like or lensoid which formed late in the crystallization associated with plutonic or Hypabyssal Rocks where volatiles cannot readily escape but in the deep seated high pressure environment
Mineralogically simple, unzoned, formed when the more mobile qtzfldsphtc constituents of a rock are concentrated in dilation openings during met differenntiation and does not have economic value
Metamorphic Pegmatites
Products of Plutonic activity (Precambrian - Present )
Igneous Pegmatites
Type of pegmaites that is Uranium bearing but are not economical
Syenite Pegmatites
The only pergmatites associated with economic deposits
Granitic Pegmatites
a.k.a Unzoned Pegmatites
Homogenous Pegmatites
Zoned Pegmatites which are results of one period of crystallization after injection of water rich siliceous late stage melt
Heterogenous pegmatites
4 zones of heterogenous Pegmatite
1) Border Zone - outermost and have the Same mineralogy as wall zone but finer grained
2) Wall Zone - Plag, Perthite, Qtz and Muscovite subordinate tourmaline, apatite, Berly and garnet
3) Intermediate Zone - Up to 11 subzones can be present
4) Core Zone - Solid Mass of Barren Milky qtz w/ feldspars or qtz w/ large crystals of tourmaline or spodumene
IN what type of Granites is Uranium most abundant?
I-type granite, Alkali-rich Granites, S-type, pegmatites and related veins
Enrichment of U increases in
Silicecous Fractionated Late Melt
Morphology of Uranium
Disseminated and less veinlets
Main Ore
Other U-bearing Mienrals
traces in
Uranothorianite (U Th)(SiO4)2
Coffinite and
80% of the World’s Present Tin production came from this type which is a specialized, advanced differentiates of crustally derived granitoid melts due to partial melting of continental crust or sed rocks in orogenic belt
Tin Granites