Principal Ores of Deposits related to Chemical Sedimentation
or Fe and Mn
Factors affecting Chemical Sedimentary Ore
?Environment of deposition
?Chemical reaction
?Bacteral Action
Mn Ore in reducing conditions
Alabandite (MnS)
Manganosite (MnO)
Mn Ore in Oxidizing Condition
Pyrolusite (MnO2)
Mn Ore at intermediate Eh and pH
Hausmannite (Mn3O4)
Rodochrosite (MnCO3)
Rhodonite (MnSiO3)
Mn Deposit Classification
Host Rocks Assoictaion/Tectonic Setting
?Agglomerates, Tuffs and other clastic rocks of subareial hot spring affinity
Non Volcanogenic
?Bog Ore, Lacustrine, Fluvial
?Continental-Terrigenous Seds in geosynclinal or shelf settings (Basinal)
?Ferromanganese Nodules in sediments related to Subamarint hot springs
Rock Concretions on the Sea Bottom formed of CONCENTRIC LAYERS of Fe and Mn Hydroxides around a core which may be microscopically small and sometimes completely transfoemd into Mn Minerals
Polymetallic Nodules or Manganese Nodules
Type of Evaporite deposits formed at arid climate in rift zone at or near continental margins
Marine Evaporites
Type of eveporite formed either extenstional fault block at high sturtcural levels or in topographic lows in rain shadow levels
Lacustrine Evaporites