oral cavity Flashcards
the oral cavity is seperated into two parts
oral vestibule (outer) between lips teeth andteh cheeks
and oral cavity proper (inner) floor and thr roof
the walls of teh oral cavity
cheeks the buccinator muscles
buccinator muscle nerve
buccal branch of facial nerve
the floor of teh ral cavity
genio, mylo and tongue
the roof of teh oral cavity
is fromed teh hard and soft palate
hardpalate: the horizantal plate of teh palatine bone an dteh palayien processo fteh maxillae
muscles of teh soft muscle
tenosr and leavtor veli palatini
musculus uvulae
soft palate ns
all by teh pharyngeal branch of teh vagus nerve excpet for the tensor veli palatini by the medial pterygoid muscle ( trigemnal)
teh arches
palatopharyngeal arches and palatoglossal arches that form the lateral margin of teh orophrayngeal isthmus
and palatine tonsils
teh tongue description
a muscle that forms part of teh floor of the oral cavity and a part of teh anterior wall of teh oropharynx
teh apex of the tongue
sist behind teh incisor teeth
the bones the tongue is attched to are
mandibel and the hyoid bone
the tongue is divded into righta nd oleft halves by the
median fibrous septum
the tongue is divided into anterior and posterior portion by the
sulcus terminalis
at the apex of teh sulcus terminalis there is teh
foramen cecum an embryological remenant
the intrinsic muscles of the tongue are
not attached to bone confine dtpo teh tongue
the fibers are : longtiudinal, vertical , transverse
the nerve supply of teh intrinsic muscles of teh tongue
hypoglossal nerve
action of teh intrinsic muscles
alter teh dhape of teh tongue
extrinsic muscles are
attachjed to boen and teh soft palate
the extrinsic muscles are
genio, hyo, stylo, palatoglossus
extrinsic muscles innervation
hypoglossal except for palatoglossus pharyngea branch of vagus
tongue innervation anterior 2/3
general senstaion : lingual branch of manidbular division of trigeminal nerve
taste : chorda tympani from teh facial
tongue innervation of teh posteriro 1/3