mediastinum Flashcards
mediastinum borders
superiorly tghoracoc outlet
inferiorly diapghram
anteriorly sternum
posteriorly vc
at the sternal angle
mediastinum division
tracheal bifurication
pulmonary trunk divsion
arch of the azygous vein
the end of the ascending aorta
the beginning and end of the arch of aorta
the beginning of teh descending thoracic aorta
superior mediastinum contents
eso, trachea, large arteries and veins, thoracic duct, remenant of thymus, sympathetic trunks
anteri0or mediatsinum contents
few lymph nodes , loose connective tissue, sternopericardial ligaments , mediastinal bramches of internal thoracic artery, sometimes degenerated or remains of thymus gland
middle mediastinum contenst
1 - T h e p e r i c a r d i u m
2 - T h e h e a r t
3 - T h e a s c e n d i n g a o r t a
4 - T h e l o w e r h a l f o f t h e s u p e r i o r v e n a c a v a
5 - T h e t r a c h e a l b i f u r c a t i o n a n d b o t h m a i n b r o n c h i
6 - T h e p u l m o n a r y t r u n k a n d r i g h t a n d l e f t p u l m o n a r y
a r t e r i e s a n d v e i n s
7 - T h e r i g h t a n d l e f t p h r e n i c n e r v e s
8 - T h e d e e p p a r t o f t h e c a r d i a c p l e x u s
9 - T h e t r a c h e o b r o n c h i a l l y m p h n o d e s .
posterior mediastiunum contents
1-The descending thoracic aorta
3-Accessory azygos veins
4-sympathetic chains
5-splanchnic nerves
6-Vagus nerves
7-The azygos
8-The esophagus
9-The thoracic duct
10-lymph nodes
right brachiocephalis is formed by
right subclavion and right internal jugular
rbv begins at the
posteriro to the right clavicle at the medial end
rbv compared to the lbv is more
shorter and more vertical
lbv journey
it moves towards the right side passing in an inferior direction to form the superior vena cava posteriro to the lower edge of the first cc ont the right side
the lbv is more ehat compared to the rbv
longer and more horizantal
superior vena cava carries blood from the
head neck upper limbs
superior vena cava journey
begins at the posteriro lower edge of the right first cc
penetrates teh pericardium posterior to the lower edge of the 2nd right cc
and it terminates and penetrates the heart at the level of the 3rd right cc
azygous vein formation
right ascending lumbar vein and right subcostal
azygous vein passes from the
aotic opening
azygous vein journey
goes up to T5 arches forward on the root of the right lung at the level of teh sternal angle and empties into the superior vena cava posteriorly before the superiro vena cava penetrates the pericardium
azygous vein tributaries
lower eight righjt intercostal veins
mediastinal veins
right superiro intercostal veins
superior and inferior hemiazygous bveins
inferiro hemiazygous formatons
left ascending lumbar vein and left subcostal vein
inferior hemiazygous ascends through what structure
left crus of diaghpram
inferior hemiazygous journey
at the leevl of T8 it joins teh azygious vein
tributariesof inferiro hemiazygous
mediastinal veins
lower left intercostal veins
posterior intercostal 9,10,11
superiro hemiazygous union
posteriro intercostal veins 4-8
joins teh azygous vein at tehlevel of T7
aorta parts
ascending descending arch abdominal aorta
ascending aorta begins at the
base of the LT
the ascending aorta ends at the
level of sternal angle
the ascending aorta is enclosed by
fiborous pericardium
ascending aorta branches
right and left coronary arteries
arch of aorta ending and begiining
sternal angle
branches of arch of aorta
brachiocephalic trunk
arch of the aorta i present to the lft or right of trachea
brachiocephalic trunk ks present to teh left or right of trachea
behind what joint to the right does the brachiocephalic trunk divide ino
right sternocalvicular joint
branches of brachiocephalic trunk
right common carotid right subclavion artery
arch of aorta left common carotid artery journey
upwrad to the left of trchea and enters teh neck at the left sternoclavicular joint
arch of aorta left subclavion
upwrad to thelaft of tracha and esophagus enters teh root of the nck and arches over the apex of the left lung
descendibng thoracic aorta
- Begins: sternal angle
- Runs downward in the posterior
mediastinum - Then forward and medially to reach
the anterior surface of the vertebral
column - Ends: 12th thoracic vertebra
through the aortic opening
descending aorta branches
- Posterior intercostal arteries:
to the lower nine intercostal
spaces - Subcostal artery
- Pericardial arteries
- Esophageal arteries
- Bronchial arteries
pulnmoary trunk descriotion
Begins: upper part of
the right ventricle and
runs upward,
backward, to the left
* about 2 inches
* Ends: concavity of the
aortic arch
pulmonary trunk branches
- Right pulmonary
artery - Right behind the
ascending aorta
and superior vena
cava to enter the
root of the right
⚫ Left pulmonary artery
⚫ left in front of the descending aorta to enter the root
of the left lung
ligamentum arteriosum vonnects what two things
aortic arch to the left pulmonary trunk
in emvryo ductus arteriosus
right vagus nerve info
posterior to the eso
posterolateral to the brachiocephalic artey
lateral to trachea
posterior to the huglim of the lung
vagys nerve penetrates tehdiaphragm
phreniuc nerve stiops at it
left vgaus nerve anterior to the esophagyus
phrenic nerve anterior to the highlim of the lung
right recurrent laryngeal will hook over the right subclavion artery
left recurrent will hook over the aortic arch under he ligamentum arteriosium