arm muscles Flashcards
what is the name of the shoulder joint?
ball and socket joint
what is the type of teh shoulder joint?
what are the articulating bones of teh shoulder joint?
the heead of the humerus and teh glenoid cavity
describe the movement of teh shoulder joint
flexion,extension,hyperextension, medial and lateral rotation. adduction and abduction and circumduction
what muscles help strengthena nd stablize the shoulder joint?
muscles taht surrond the joint and the rotator cuff muscles
Fill in the blank
the cuff name is given to the of the (name the uscles)
tendon of the subscalpularis, infra and suprasoinatous, and teres minor
Fill in the blank
Cuff muscles are fused to the ? of the joint
what sides do the cuff rotator muscles cover?
anteriorly, superiorly and posteriorly
where is the weak point of the shoulder joint?
True or False
Can the shoulder joint be easily dislocated?
the arm muscles is surronded by?
Deep fascia
Explain the job of the deep fascia
it encloses two intramuscular septa: lateral and medial
where are the the two intramuscular septa attached to?
the supracondyler ridges of the humerus
what divides the arm into anterior and posterior compartments?
the humerus, the two intermuscular septa
name the 3 muscles of the anterior compartment of the arm
biceps brachii,coracobrachialis, brachialis
origin and insertion of coracobrachialis
origin: coracoid process / insertion: middle of the shaft of the humerus
what cord does the musculocutaneous nerve stem from?
lateral cord of brachial plexus
the actions of the biceps brachii are
flexion of the elbow joint, flexion and stabliazation of the shoulder joint and its the main supinator muscle on the radioulnar joint.
origin of the brachialis
from the medial and lateral intramsucular septa and from the lower 1/2 of the shaft of the humerus
nerve supply for brachialis
medially musculocutaneus nerve
laterally radial nerve
insertionof biceps brachii
inside the radial tuberosity
by an apenarosis into the superficial fascia
nerve supply of coracobrachialis
musculocutaneus nerve
action of the coracobrachilais
adduction of the arm
flexion of the shoulder
origin of biceps brachii
long head: supra glenoid tubercle (intracapsuluar ,extrasynovial)
short head: tip of the coracoid process
nerve supply of biceps brachii
musculcutaneuos nerve
insertion of brachialis
ulnar tuberosity and coronoid process
the main flexor of teh elbow is
the posterior muscles are called
triceps brachii
insertion of the triceps brachii
inside the olecranon process and the fascia of the aconeus muscle
the name of the small traingular msucle posteriorly
anconeus muscle
what head of the triceps brachiis origin is the infraglenoid tubercle ?
the long head
which head is considered to be “deep”?
medial head
posterior to teh humerus above the spiral groove is the origin for what head?
lateral head
medial head origin?
posterior to the humerus belwo the spiral groove
where does the brachial artery begin
llower border of the teres major msucle
in what direction does the brachial artey travel?
medially down the humerus
at the lower end of the humerus the brachial artery turns
name the branches of teh brachial artery
profundai brachii artery
superior and inferior ulnar collateral arteries and the muscular branches
a joint is also known as
what cervical numbers is the musculcutaneous nerve made out of
what muscle does teh musculocutaneus nerve pierce
how is the lateral cutanueos nerve formed?
pierces the fascia that is lateral to the tendons of the biceps
where does the lateral cutaneous nerve supply?
anteriorly lateral to teh skin of the forearm
what cord is the radial nerve formed from?
posterior cord in the b rachial plexus
nerve supply of the triceps brachii
radial nerve, seperate branch supplying each head
action of the triceps brachii
extension of the elbow
weak extension of the shoulder
the job of teh rotator cuff muscles
helps hold the head of teh humerus in the glenoid cavity during shoulder movement
the median nerve is formed because of what two roots from what two cords?
lateral and medial roots and cords
cervical numbers of the median nerve
C5,6,7,8,and T1
the nerve that runs laterally to the brachial artery at first then crosses over and runs medially is
the median nerve
the radial nerve cervicals number are C5,6,7,8, and T1 and that is because
the radial nerve gives branches of nerve fibers from all 5 roots
the anatomical journey of the radial nerve
exits the axilla and runs posteriorly of the brachial plexus
with teh profunda brachii ( a branch of brachial artery) they enter the posterior compartment
but before doing that, the radial nerve gives out two branches that wll supply the long and medial head of the triceps brachii muscle
runs down inferiorly towards the radual (spiral) groove and wraps around laterally supply the lateral head of the tricpes brachii
giving two sensory branches
1inferior lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm
2 dorsal anetbrachial cutaneous nerve of the forearm
and pierces the lateral intramuscular septa and enters the aterior compartment being situated between the brachioradialis and brachialis
the end of the brachial artery
opposite the neck of the radius
what artery is most commonly used to meausre blood pressure?
brachial artery
the lateeral cutaneous nerve enters teh forearm,how?
enetrs the elbow at teh cubital fossa and passes between the heads of the two pronator teres muscles of the forearm