leg compartment Flashcards
deep fascia forms?
two intermuscular septa
what divides the compartment of the leg?
the two intermuscuklar septa that are attached to the fibula with the interossous membran
compartments of the leg
anterior , lateral and posterior
anterior compartment origin
fibula and interosseous membrane
blood supply of anterior compartment
anterior tibial artey
nerve supply for anterior compartment
deep peronal nerve
action of anterior compartment
all act as dorsiflexors of the ankle joint
any muscle that has the name tibilias in it action
invert the foot at the subtalar and transverse tarsal joint
any muscle that has teh name peronous in it action
evert the foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal joint
muscxles of the antweior compartment from medial to lateral
tibialis anterior, extensor halluicis longus, extensor digitorum longus, peronous tertius
extensor retiinaculum desc
superior and inferiror
thickening of deep fascia that holds the tendons in place
inferior is y shaped and in front of the ankle joint
flexor retinaculum of tehfoot
imerges from the medial malleolus of tibia and extends to medial surface of calcallenum
pernous longus origin
lateral surface of shaft of fibula
pern=onous longus insertion
base of the first metatarsals and medial cunieform passing through the cuboid groove
pernous brevis origin
lateral surface of shaft of fibula