foot anatomy Flashcards
plantar aponeurosis description
it is a thickening in deep fascia located underneath
the apex is attcjed to the calcaneum
it divides into five slips that go into every toe at the base
how many layers does the muscleso f the sole of the foot have?
first layer of the muslxes of teh sole of the foot
abductor hallucis, flexor digitorum brevis, abductor digiti minimi
second layer of themuscles of the sole of the foot
flexor digitorum longis tendon
flexor hallucis longus tendon
quadratus plantae
third layer of the muscles of the sole of the foot
adductor hallucis
flexor digiti minimi brevis
flexor hallucis brevis
fourth layer of the muscles of the sole of the foot
interossei, pernous longus tendon, tibilalis posterior tendon
arteries of the sole of the foot
medial and lateral plantar arteries ( posterior tibial artery branch) and dorsalis pedis artery
medial longitudinal arch bones
calcaneum, talus, navicular, the three cuniferoms and the firdt three metatarsals
lateral longitudinal arch bones
the cuboid, calcaneum and the fourh and fifth metatarsal
transverse arch bones
the three cuniferoms the cuboid and the bases of the metatarsals
maintenance of tghe medial longitudinal arch
1.Shape of the bones:
for example, the sustentaculum tali holds up the talus
The rounded head of the talus is the keystone
in the center of the arch
The inferior edges of the bones are tied together by the plantar ligaments
The most important ligament is the plantar
calcaneonavicular ligament
(spring ligament)
Suspending the arch from above are the tibialis anterior and posterior and the medial ligament of the ankle joint
maintenance of tghe lateral longitudinal arch
1-Shape of the bones: Minimal shaping of the distal end of the calcaneum and the proximal end the cuboid
The cuboid is the keystone.
The inferior edges of the bones are tied together by the long and short plantar ligaments
Tying the ends of the arch together , FOR EXAMPLE, the plantar aponeurosis
Suspending the arch from above are the peroneus longus and the brevis
maintenance of tghe transverse longitudinal arch
Maintenance of the Transverse Arch
Shape of the bones: The marked wedge shaping of the cuneiform
bones and the bases of the metatarsal bones
The inferior edges of the bones are tied together by the deep transverse ligaments, the strong plantar ligaments
Tying the ends of the arch together is the peroneus longus tendon.
Suspending the arch from above are the peroneus longus tendon and the peroneus brevis
flat foot results
Is a condition in which the medial longitudinal arch is depressed or collapsed.
The forefoot is displaced laterally
The head of the talus is no longer supported
The body weight forces it downward and medially between the calcaneum and the navicular bone.
The causes of flat foot are both congenital and acquired
When a person wears high-heeled shoes, however, the distribution
of weight changes so that the ball of the foot may carry up to 80%
and the heel 20%. As a result, the fat pads at
the ball of the foot are damaged,
joint pain develops, and structural changes in bones may occur