lung Flashcards
apex and base of the lung
apex above the clavicel
base sits on teh diaphragm
the lung has two surfaces
costal and mediastinal that contains the hiulm of the lung
the lungs borders
inferior border that seperates the base from the costal surface
the anterior border and posterior border sepoerate the costal surface from the medial surface
the pulmonary ligament is composed of the
parital and visceral pleurae
structures in the lung hilum
main bronchus posteriroly , pulmoary artey and two pulmonary veins lymphatics and nerves
right lung charectristics
slightly larger and more superiorly located
has three lobes and two fissures
oblique fissure of the right lung
runs from theinferiro border backward and upward until it reaches teh posteriro border 2.5 in below the apex
horizantal fissure of teh right lung
runs horizantally at the level of teh midaxillary line at thelevel of the 4th cc until it meets with teh oblique fissure of the midaxillary line
left lung description
smaller than the right lung
contains a carotid notch that accomadtes the heart and has two lobes seperated by an oblique fissure
trachea descripotiom
A flexible tube also called
* Extends through the mediastinum
and lies anterior to the esophagus
and inferior to the larynx (Starts at
* Anterior and lateral walls of the
trachea supported by 15 to 20 Cshaped tracheal cartilages.
* Cartilage rings reinforce and
provide rigidity to the tracheal wall
to ensure that the trachea remains
open at all times
* Posterior part of tube lined by
trachealis muscle
trachea anteriorly
The sternum, thymus, left
brachiocephalic vein, brachiocephalic and left
common carotid arteries, and the arch of the
trachea posteriorly
esophagus and left recurrent
laryngeal nerve
trachea right side contents
The azygos vein, the right vagus
nerve, and the pleura
trachea left side contents
The arch of the aorta, the left
common carotid and left subclavian arteries,
the left vagus and left phrenic nerves, and the
trachea blood supply
upper 2/3 from inferiro thyroid lower 1/3 from the bronchial arteries