anatomy of the eye Flashcards
the bony orbit of teh eye is what shpe
the base of the bony orbit opens into the
the apex of the bpony orbit extends to the
posteromedial portion ( optioc formaen)
bony orbit roof
frontal spehnoid
bony orbit floor
maxillae zygomatic palatine
lateral wal of the bony orbit
zygomatic and sphenoid
medila wall of te bony orbit
lacrimal ethmoid maxilla spehnoid
orbital fissures and formina
superiro and inferior orbital fissures , ethmoidal fromina and optic canal
optic canal transmits
optic nerve and its meningeal sheaths and the opthalmic arteyr
superior orbital fissure transmits
cranial nerve 3,4 opthalmic of 5, 6 and branches opthalmic nerve and opthalmic vein
ethmoidal foramina transmist
ethmodial vessels & nerves
inferior orbital fissure transmists
infraorbital and zygomatic branches of maxillary nerve and vessels
muscles of the eye
extra and intra ocular
extra movemnt of the eye
intra shape of the lens control the pupil size
extrinsic muslces of teh ye
4 recti ( superior inferior medial andlateral )
2 oblique ( superior inferior)
levator palpebrae superioris
nerve supply of teh exrrinsic muscles of the eye
oculomotor nevre