Nose, Mouth, Throat Flashcards
name the functions of the nose
the nose is the first segment of the respiratory system
- it warms + moistens + filters inhaled hair, it is the sensory organ for smell
describe the size + components of the nasal cavity
inside nasal cavity is larger than external nose would indicate, anterior edge of cavity is lined with numerous coarse nasal hairs or vibrissae, the rest is lined with a blanket of ciliated mucous membranes
list the 4 sets of paranasal sinuses + locations
- frontal sinus = in frontal bone, above medial orbits
- maxillary sinus = in maxilla (above cheek bones) along sides of nasal cavity
- ethmoid sinus = between orbits
- sphenoid sinus = deep within the skull + sphenoid bone
list the 3 pairs of salivary glands, including the location and their duct openings
- parotid = largest gland, lies within the cheeks in front of ear, extending from zygomatic arch down to angle of jaw, ducts = stensen’s duct = runs forward to the buccal mucosa (opposite of second molar)
- submandibular = size of walnut. lies beneath mandible at angle of jaw, Wharton’s duct runs up + forward to the floor of the mouth + opens at either side of frenulum
3.sublingual = smallest gland, size of an almond, lies within the floor of the mouth, under the tongue
following tooth loss in the middle aged or older adults, describe the consequences of chewing with remaining maloccluded teeth
- causes further tooth loss
- muscle imbalance from mandible + maxilla out of alignment - produces muscle spasm, tenderness + chronic headaches
describe the appearance of a deviated nasal septum + perforated septum
deviated = looks like a hump or shelf in one nasal cavity
perforated = seen as a spot of light from a pen light
describe the appearance of a torus palatinus and explain its significance
normal variation is a nodular bony, ridge down middle of hard palate, benign growth arises after puberty
describe leukoedema
benign, milky, bluish, opaque area
describe cardidasis
white, cheesy, curdle patch on buccal mucosa + tongue scrapes off leaving a raw, red reface that bleeds easy
- THRUSH in newborns
describe leukoplakia
chalky, white, thick, raised patch with well defined boarders
lesion is firmly attached + does not scrape off
list the 4 point grading scale for tonsils
1+ visible
2+ halfway
3+ touching uvula
4+ touching each other
describe the clinical significance of these findings in the infant: suckling tubercle, Epstein pearls, and bednar
- suckling tubercle = normal infant - small pad in the middle of the upper lip from friction of breast feeding/bottle feeding
- Epstein pearls = normal newborn/infants = small, whitish, glistening, pearly papule along median raphe of hard palate + on gums where they look like teeth, they’re small retention cysts + disappear within first couple weeks
- bednar apthae = traumatic areas / ulcers on posterior. hard palate on either side of midline, result from abrasions while suckling
compare appearance of nasal turbinates + nasal polyps
nasal turbinates = quite vascular + tender if touched
nasal polyps = smooth, pale grey, avascular, mobile, non tender
describe the appearance of ankyloglossia
short lingual frenulum, fixing tongue tip to floor of mouth + gums
describe the appearance of fissure tongue
deep furrows divide papillae into small irregular rows, occurs in Down syndrome
describe the appearance of geographical tongue
patterns of normal coating interspersed with bright with bright red, shiny, circular bald areas caused by atrophy of filiform papillary, with raised pearly boarders
describe the appearance of black hairy tongue
not hairy but elongation of filiform papillae + painless overgrowth of mycelial threads of fungus, infection of tongue, occurs after use of antibiotics or smoking
describe the appearance of macrolossia
enlarge tongue + may protrude from mouth, may impair speech development, occurs in Down syndrome
describe the appearance of oral kapok’s sarcoma
small, flat, painless patches / bumps inside mouth that may be red, purple, pink, brown, black or blue
define aphthous ulcers
small, painful, round ulcers in the oral mucosa of unknown cause; aka chancre sores
define buccal
pertaining to the cheek
define candidiasis
moniliasis, a white, cheesy, curd like patch on the buccal mucosa die to superficial fungal infections
define caries
decay in the teeth
define cheilities
red, scaling, shallow, painful issues at the corners of the mouth
define choanal atresia
closure of the nasal cavity due to congenital septum between the nasal cavity + pharynx
define crypts
indentation on the surface of the tonsils
define epistaxis
nosebleed, usually from anterior septum
define epulis
contender, fibrous nodule of the gum
define fordyce’s granules
small, isolated white or yellow applies on oral mucosa
define frenulum
midline fold of tissue connecting the tongue to the floor of the mouth
define gingivitis
red, swollen gum margins that bleed easily
define herpes simplex 1
clear vesicles with red base that evolve into pustules, usually at lip-skin injection
define koplik’s spots
small, blue-white spots with irregular red halo scattered over mucosa opposite the molars: they are an early sign of measles
define leukoedema
bilateral opalescent white appearance on the mucosa that is a variation of the normal anatomy due to cellular changes
define leukoplakia
chalky-white, thick, raised patch on sides of tongue: precancerous
define malocclusion
upper or lower dental arches out of alignment
define papillae
rough, bumpy elevations on the dorsal surface of the tongue
define parotid glands
pair of salivary glands in the cheeks in front of ears
define pharyngitis
inflammation of throat
define plaque
soft, whitish debris on tooth
define polyp
smooth, pale grey, nodules in the nasal cavity due to chronic allergic rhinitis
define rhinitis
red, swollen inflammation of nasal mucosa
define thrush
oral candidiasis in newborn
define turbinate
one of 3 bony projections into nasal cavity
define uvula
free projection hanging down from the middle of the soft palate