Nervous System 2.2 Module 3 Flashcards
What do the spinal nerves connect to?
The spinal nerves connect to the spinal cord via roots
Dorsal root?
Ventral root?
FACT list
8 central nerves 12 thoracic nerves 5 lumbar nerves 5 sacral nerves 1 coccygeal nerve
What is a mixed structure?
The mixed refers to a structure having both sensory and motor fibers (the dorsal and ventral roots merge)
what do spinal nerves branch from?
The spinal nerves branch to form dorsal and ventral rami
What is the dorsal rami?
The dorsal rami provide sensory and motor innervations (to supply with nerves) to the skin and smaller back muscles
What is the ventral rami?
The ventral rami provide sensory and motor innervations to the rest of the trunk and larger limbs (FIG)
What is the nerve plexuses formed by?
The nerve plexuses are formed by the ventral rami, the plexuses contain fiber of different spinal nerves, the fibers from each rami project many pathways
What are the overlapping territories?
The overlapping territories means that each muscle receives input from more than 1 spinal nerve (important when spinal nerves are damaged)
what are the four main plexuses?
Cervical, branchial, lumbar and sacral
What is the order?
5 roots (rami), 3 trunks (inf, middle, sup), 3 cords (lateral, posterior and medial) and 5 peripheral nerves
What is the cervical plexus?
located under the sternocleidomastoid, innervates the skin
What is the brachial plexus?
the branchial plexus is located in the neck and innervates the upper limb