NAVLE - O.O.O's Review 1 Flashcards
Cat sustains multiple bite wounds
Pasteurella spp
Cat was seen playing with dental floss
Absence of P waves
Atrial fibrillation
MM are muddy colored/ acetaminophen ingestion
Obese cat that with severe idiopathic hepatic lipidosis
Enteral feeding via a gastrostomy tube
Prevent by alkalinizing diet
Calcium oxalate
Surgery to remove a foreign body from the small intestine
- Longitudinal incision distal to the foreign body
Rx of Young dog with bilateral lameness of the forelimbs
Endometrial biopsy -
breeding prognosis
Purpura hemorrhagica in horses is most often secondary to -
Streptococcus equi subsp equi
Chicken with lymphoid tumors
– Genetic line of origin
Flattening and irregularity of the articular surface of the femoral head with small lucent areas
- Aseptic femoral head necrosis
Pruritic skin diseases
- Canine scabies
M. tuberculosis in dogs
- Contact with humans
Most common site of GIT Impaction in horses
- Transverse colon and pelvic flexure
Intermittent diarrhea, decrease milk, weight loss
- Paratuberculosis
Valvular endocarditis etiology and rx
– Erysipella. Rx Penicillin
Parrot with large brown scab over its crop
- Microwave heated formula
Abrx and anti-flea rx will reduce the risk of transmission
Bartonella henselae
Degenerative neutrophils in lung lobe
- Pulmonary adenocarcinoma
Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia
– autoagglutination
Evaluation of glycemic control in cats
- serum fructosamine
Urinating in the house at various locations and only when the owner leaves the house
- Anxiety disorder
A drop of the head when the left front leg bears weight
- Lameness of the right front leg
Ollulanus inicuspis
Hypertrophic gastritis
brisket edema, systolic jugular pulse, mumur at AV valve.
Vegetative endocarditis-
pruritus and numerous crusts
flea allergy dermatitis
Soft tissue swelling over the nasal bones
- Nasal adenocarcinoma
most common acquired cardiac defect in the dog
Mitral valve insufficiency
Firm lesion attached to mandible
– Actinomycosis
Polioencephalomalacia (Head pressing, blindness, convulsion) what part of brain is responsible?
– Cerebral cortex
Interstitial nephritis in cattle
- Leptospira spp
Edema of the muzzle
“Float the teeth”
- teeth are longest on the buccal surface of upper and the lingual surface of lower
Water deprivation test for diabetes insipidus
urine specific gravity < 1.007
Parrot with mucopurulent naso-ocular discharge and diarrhea with macrophages containing intracytoplasmic reticulate bodies
Chlamydiosis, Rx TCN
vomiting bile-stained fluid
Inflammatory bowel disease
Cat with pale mm, dragging its right rear leg and appears to be in pain
– Thromboembolism
solitary mass in the cerebral dura mater
Visceral larva migrans
Toxocara canis
Holding layer
Submucosa –
– lameness at elbow
Ununited anconeal process
multifocal necrosis and intranuclear inclusions in the liver, lung, and spleen of an aborted cow fetus
White cat with sore on ear, history of sunning
– Squamous cell carcinoma
prolonged gestations, dystocia, and retained placentas.
Examine hay/ pasture
Lameness in budgerigar.
- Kidney disease. Dx. Serum biochemistry
Multifocal hemorrhage and necrosis in multiple organs in neonatal puppies
Canine herpesvirus infection -
Adult worms in fibrous nodules in the trachea and mainstem bronchi
Oslerus osleri
Primary photosensitization
St. John’s wort
Atypical interstitial pneumonia
Restrict pasture grazing and corticosteroid therapy
Enlarged prostrate Rx
Rx for Bite abscess in cats –
Beta-lactam drugs
Electrical alternans -
Pericardial effusion
Chronic nonpruritic facial dermatopathy, characterized by erythematous crusted plaques around the eyes, ears, and mouth.
Zinc deficiency
Spaying and decrease chances of mammary cancer –
1st heat (0.5%), 2nd heat (8%), 3rd heat (24%)
Donor RBC, Recipient plasma
Major cross match
Donor plasma, recipient RBC
Minor cross match
Associated with grass awn migration
Actinomyces –
Broad based budding organism
Blastomycosis –
Coccidiomycosis –
Hemolytic anemia, Heinz body, meth hb
Mothballs –
Extremely painful jaw, NSAID
Crainio mandibular osteopathy –
– Splenectomy
EDTA chelator
Paint (Lead)
Thinning skin
Adrenal asymmetry
Low cortisol after 8 hours
High cortisol after 8 hours
Increase co2 production, o2 consumption, muscle rigidity
Malignant hyperthermia –
Nasal aspergillosis Rx –
malignant hyperthermia
Primary site for blastomycosis in dogs
– Lungs
pathological fracture and metastasis
Osteosarcoma –
No universal donor
Cats –
Blindness in cat –
retinal detachment
low protein diet in cats
Taurine deficiency, central retinal degeneration –
Adult dog with megaesophagus and aspiration pneumonia
Polymyositis –
Mammary gland enlargement in cats
Hypertrophy –
Hunting dog, head shaking, and scratching ear
Malassezia –
potassium bromide, phenobarbital
Rx of epilepsy –
Malodorous stool with blood, mucus, shows flagellate orgs. Dx PCR
Trichomonas –
Hemophilia Dx.
Expiratory dyspnea in cats
Asthma –
Sternal murmur in cats
Complication of heartworm disease in dogs
Glomerulonephritis –
Quadrilateral ataxia and injection tremors in kittens, cant work on straight line
Parvo –
Histomonas Rx
– Ronidazole
– Congenital inherited cataract
Maine, coons
Alopecia, scaling, crusting
Microsporum –
Pruritus with no mites –
Food allergy
– Emetic in cat
– best site for blood gas analysis sampling
Femoral artery
– Pug with seizures
Pug encephalitis
– Rx diabetes insipidus
– Used to stabilize patients with bradycardia
– Ventricular fibrillation
– Ventricular tachycardia
– Hit by car, lung sound almost absent