Music 103 - Test 4/Final Flashcards
- anti-german romanticism movement in France
- realistic effects through suggestion and impression
- went against all german ideals
- acceptance to Wagner’s ideas
- looked to music of earlier times
- styles bridged 19th & 20th centuries
- primitivism, expressionism, Impressionism
- second half of 20th century
- exoticism, non-western world
- unsophistication /simplicity –> works of art
- strong rhythms, dissonant combinations, narrow melodies, programmatic
- Paul Gaugin - The Day of the God
- master of orchestration
- tonal harmony with extensive chromaticism, modulations, unresolved dissonances, frequently shifting rhythmic patterns
- orchestral works, tone poems, opera
- effect –> more important than cause
- obscure tonality, unconventional approach, unusual instrument use, mod/expression supersede form
- wrote for piano
- whole tones, pentatonic
- influenced by travels
Indonesian orchestral band/rhythm
- Russian, left at age 28
- composed music for ballets
- firebird, petrushka, le sacre du printemps
- rise of the industrial revolution
- depicted cold/impersonal life
- interest in subconscious
- dark and abnormal –> highly emotional
- painting –> Van Gogh (starry night)
- literature –> strindberg
- influenced by Brahms, Strauss, Wagner, Freud (psych)
- wrote atonal but preferred the term pan-tonality
twelve tone technique
- use all twelve tones
- glides from note to note
- emancipation of dissonance
- design with geometric planes and muted tones
- unrealistic but expressive
- experimentalism
- quarter tones, polytonality, space & chance
- General Putnam’s camp
- experimentalism
- tone clusters, innovative use of piano (strings)
- The Banshee
- 12 tone pieces
- total serialism with mathematical relationships b/w musical elements, concrete music, recordings
- ensembles for synthesizers
indeterminate, aleatory, random, chance music
leaving significant components to be determined by performers or chance
- placed things inside piano (prepared piano)
- experimented with silence, audience participation, aleatory music
- The Perilous Night
- composer, accordionist, educator
- qualities of sound, avoided meter/pulse, not symmetric
- sound patterns
- traditional polish folk music w/ avant-garde concepts
- medieval & early music styles, tone clusters, strong concern for human suffering
- extended range of traditional instruments
- Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima
- synthesize acoustics & electronic sounds, hyperinstruments
- enhanced performance => led to Guitar Hero
- Flora
electronic enhancement of instruments to extend sound & capability
prepared piano
- things placed inside piano to alter sound
- didn’t know what sounds would be produced (chance sound)
les six
- Auric, Durey, Honegger, Milhaud, Poulenc, Tailleferre
- inspired by popular jazz cafe music heard in France
- typical french => wrote for entertainment
study of music
study of music w/ specific cultures
- music b/w WWI & WWII
- classical, absolute, not programmatic, clear forms, balance, firm harmonies w/ 20th century sound , bitonal & polytonal chords/passages
- revivals of classical period music
- reflected the changes in social/political structure (1920s)
- neoclassicist
- Russian composers were forbidden to use expressive compositions
- story telling/morals => peter and the wolf
- functional music (Gebrachsmusik), practical, strong harmonic use
- composed sonatas, solo concertos, music to accompany film/dance
- stir emotions => Trumpet sonata
- child prodigy/hungarian composer
- Hungarian/other easter european countries folk music
- first ethnomusicologist => peasant music
- narrow melodies, sonorities, complicated arrangements, chords built on fourths, dissonance
- concerto for orchestra
- studied with Boulanger in Paris
- influence of jazz, folk, tunes, hymns
- appalachian spring, fanfare for common man
- bridged gap between art & popular
- strong use of jazz
- rhapsody in blue
- porgy and bess => one of the earliest operas
- experience of african americans in music
- racially mixed family
- first composition performed by a major symphony & first opera published
- Afro-American symphony Symphony => culture through music
- neoromanticism => new interpretation of romantic (emotions)
- diverse tonality, chromaticism, songlike, expressive
- Adagio for Strings
repetitive (almost hypnotic) music based on western ideas but affected by non-western techniques
- pioneer of minimalistic music in 1960s
- incorporated elements of indian and jazz in compositions
- keyboard study no.1
- studied indian tala (rhythmic measure)
- composed music with tension b/w melody & rhythm in indian rather than western tradition
- Koyaanisgatsi
- studied in Ghana w/ Ewe tribe
- compositions influenced by african drumming o contrast with electronic music of the time
- clapping music, drumming
- used elements from north/south american music
- used texts from gospels, apocrypha, modern latin american poetry
- the cave, short ride in a fast machine
Ellen Taafee Zwilich
- 1st woman to win Pulitzer Prize in music
- composer => widely performed & recorded music
- Concerto Grosso 1985 –> chosen to write piece for the ceebration of 300th anniversary of Handel’s birth
- Symphony no.1
diagetic music
music that comes from within an object in film i.e. radio/tv
nondiagetic music
music heard by the audience (score)
film score
music that aides the movie and adds something to allow the audience to feel certain emotions/connect with film
earliest (~1920s) electronic musical instrument
- invented by Russian physicist
classic film score
- John Williams
- romantic sound to popular favor
- symphony orchestra scores
- Indiana jones, harry potter, jaws
main body of work of a given period
use of more than one meter at a time
octave displacement
melodic concept involving the selection of pitches from various, sometimes distant, octaves
expressive slide between pitches
two or more rhythmic patterns performed simultaneously
avoidance of a tonic note and of tonal relationships in music
series of tones on which serial composition is based
exploration of previous unknown aspects of musical sounds
quarter tone
interval halfway between half steps
two or more keys at the same time
tone cluster
chord built on seconds
musique concrète (concrete music)
music consisting of recorded and electronically altered sounds
recorded “natural” sound stored digitally and subject to electronic manipulation
modern dance
contemporary dance form, usually performed barefoot with steps/gestures/costumes freely designed for each work
literary movement sharing the ideals of impressionists
musical comedy
musical show combining the entertainment of vaudeville with the integrated plot characteristic of operettas
ensemble finale
final scene of a music show, or of an act within the show, in which several soloists simultaneously express their individual points of view in different words and music
concept musical
musical show presenting ideas subject to the audience’s interpretation and leaving situations unresolved
sound track
all of the dialogue, sound effects, and music of a film
- temporary film score, composed of existing music
- prepared to demonstrate the typeof music desired to a film’s composer
- popular style of music in early 20th century inspired by african-american culture
- different styles generally share dance beat, syncopated rhythm, improvisation
occurrence of accents on weak beats or between beats
piece in a ragtime
popular piano style in which syncopated melody in right hand is accompanied by a regular dupe pattern in the bass
melodic section of a march or rag
- originated as kind of song and evolved to jazz
- classical form is strophic, twelve bars to each verse
blues notes
flexible tones chosen subjectively from between the half steps of tonal scales
improvised singing on neutral/nonsense syllables
piano style derived from the formal and harmonic structure of blues with bright mood and fast tempo
small jazz ensemble
New Orleans jazz
music performed by a small combo whose soloists take turns improvising on a given tune
white musicians version of New Orleans jazz
sweet jazz
high arranged style with little room for improvisation
symphonic jazz
concert music with the sounds of jazz but no improvisation
highly improvisatory style of big band music also referred to as big band jazz
complex, highly improvised style of jazz
cool jazz
mild style, performed by bands of moderate size, often including instruments not typically associated with jazz
free jazz
style in which musicians improvise independently, sometimes producing a random effect
third stream
combination of jazz and concert music
jazz-rock, fusion, jazz-rock-fusion
melds rock rhythms and electronic instruments with collective improvisation, extreme ranges of volume, and rapid shifts in meter/tempo/mood that are not characteristic of rock