Classics - Test 2 Flashcards
an account of the genesis or origin of the gods
an account of the genesis or origin of the cosmos
the world or universe conceived of as a rationally ordered, attractive whole
furies, ferocious female spirits who haunt those who shed kindred blood, drive them mad
functions as primordial principle that sets world in motion
- also referenced to be son of aphrodite in later years
- covers mother earth [prevent any birth of a successor]
- 12 titans with Gaea > youngest Cronus casrates father uranus to free himself/siblings and throws member into sea
- Zeus defeats father Cronus and most of the other Titans in a battle
- to win > Zeus enlists other divinities as allies [Olympians of his own generation, the Cyclopes and the Hundred-Handers]
Zeus defeats Typhon a monster born from the Earth/from sister&wife Hera
Zeus and allies defeat the Giants
figures that serve similar functions/perform similar deed
- son of Hyperion
- dwells in east (ethiopia)
- drive four-horse sun chariot
- son tried to drive it once but scorched the earth so Zeus blasted him with a thunder bolt (why ethiopians have black skin)
- the daughter of hyperion
- dawn goddess
- in love with Tithonus [eternal life without youth]
- mother of Memnon, killed by Achilles
- daughter of Hyperion
- drives two-horse night chariot
- falls in love with mortal shepard Endymion [eternal sleep/youth]
- 1 of 12 titans sentenced to tartarus
- 3 sons: prometheus, atlas, epimetheus
- supported Zeus against titans
- pseudo champion of humankind
- son Deucalion survived universal flood
- Deucalion’s 3 kids lend names to future races (Hellen, Dorus>Aeolus>Xuthus, Ion)
- accepted Zeus’ gift to punish humans after Prometheus’ deception [Pandora]
- “after-thinker” > after thought
- “all-giver/all-gifted”
- received various gifts (i.e. Hermes thievishness)
- opened jar of evils releasing all except hope
- comparable to Eve
- father of gods and men
- associated with thunderbolt, eagle, nectar (Ganymede)
- Olympia is most important Zeus shrine
- Dione (Zeus’ lover at Dodona)
- supposedly aphrodites mother (another interpretation than sea foam born)
- oracle provides prophetic responses to questions [reportedly oldest in Greece]
young trojan taken bby Zeus to become cupbearer of god on olympus [rape of ganymede]
Zeus and Lovers
- Metis > Athena
- Themis > Horae [seasons]: Eunomia [good rule], Dice [justice], Irene [peace] & Moerae [fates]
- Mnemosyne > Muses
- associated with cows, respectable matron, scepter, crown
- jealous of Zeus’ affection at Ganymede
- slighted by trojan prince Paris
- in illiad = argives represent greeks and hera sides with them
- deception of zeus shows his wayward ways > mad
- 3 children w/ zeus > Ares, Hebe/Youth, Hephaestus
- one of big 3 gods > “earth-shaker”
- assoc. trident/3-prong fishing spear/harpoon, earthquakes, fish
- Isthmus of Corinth
- sea chariot drawn by hippocamps (sea-horses w/ fish tales)
- Arion (child by demeter, happened in form of horses), pegasus, triton (mother amphitrite), the hero Theseus (mortal woman)
- messenger god, patron god of heralds, patron god of cattle-rustlers and herdsman, businessmen and thieves
- assoc. winged shoes, staff, travelers hat, lyre
- zeus + maia [arcadia] > hermes > pan
- steals brother apollos cattle and admits to nothing even as he is a baby > gave apollo lyre to make up for cattle
- slayed Argos who guarded Io > Argeiphontes
- god of fire & smiths
- island Lemnos
- assoc. volcanoes, club foot
- made divine armor for achilles at request of his mother
- cyclopes help > smith gods from previous generation freed by zeus from tartarus
- birthed athena
- hesiodic tale > born asexually from Hera after athena
- married to one of the graces or aphrodite
- thrown from heaven either b/c he helped hera and was thrown to lemnos by zeus OR hera didn’t like him and threw him down > raised by nereids/barbarians of lemnos
- in anger hephaestus traps hera in a throne and dionysus gets him drunk and brings him back to free her
- “far shooter”
- god of music, healing, leader of muses
- zeus + leto
- assoc. lyre, bow, arrows, quiver, arrows of plague (healing/poison), laurel (daphne)
- sides with trojans
- delos = sm. island, reported birthplace, major sanctuary for Apollo to the Ionians
- son Asclepius rescued after mother killed for seducing another even though she was carrying Apollo’s child > also god of healing
- Delphi = major sanctuary, used for purification rituals
argive heraeum
famous sanctuary of Hera at argos
daughters of king proetus of argos
- goddess drove them mad when they somehow insulted her statue
- thinking they were cows, wandered the peloponnese
- birth goddess
- prevented/delayed by hera to apollo/artemis’ and heracles’ birth
- merman w/ elongated fish bottom half
- calms sea by blowing into conch shell
- promotes fertility among flocks/herds
- depicted ithyphallic
- goats feet + horns (sometimes other goat traits)
pan loved syrinx but she didn’t want to give up her virginity so she asked to be spared and was turned into a reed. Pan cut the reed and played music
roman spirits of the environment
stone heap, boundary marker for shepherds, travelers, merchants
quadrangular stone pillar with bearded head and erection on front
- lucky charm, ward off evil influences
similarities to the east
1 - come from water generation (Anu - Oceanus)
- primordial pair separated
2 - castration of sky god (Anush - Uranus)
3 - cut/bit off genitalia (Kumarbi > pregnant when swallows them - Cronus)
4 - storm god defeats monster born of previous generation (Marduk - Teshub - Zeus)
five ages
Gold > made by gods, ruled by Cronus
Silver > made by gods, zeus covered them for their arrogance
Bronze > terrible & mighty, destroyed themselves
Heroes > many died in battle (Troy & Thebes)
Iron > troublesome, evil, soon to be destroyed