MSA 1 Review Flashcards
Suture Joining Frontal and Parietal Bones
Suture Joining the Parietal Bones
Suture Joining Occipital and Parietal Bones
Skull Bones that Surround the Ear Canal
The Upper Jaw Bone
The bone that forms the prominent part of the cheek and the outer side of the eye socket
Bridge of bone extending from the temporal bone at the side of the head around to the maxilla (upper jawbone) in front and including the zygomatic (cheek) bone as a major portion
Zygomatic Arch
Only movable bone of the facial skeleton
The lower jawbone
Anterior Mandibular Projection
Coronoid Process
Posterior Mandibular Projection
Mandibular Condyle
Shock Absorber that Separate Vertebrae
Intervertebral Discs
Cartilage Composing Intervertebral Discs
Number of Spinal Segments in Adulthood
Anteriorly Concave Vertebral Curvatures
Thoracic and Pelvic
Anteriorly Convex Vertebral Curvatures
Cervical and Lumbar
Anterior Portion of an Intervertebral Disc
The short, thick, cylindrical bony processes that project from the vertebral body and fuse with the laminae to form the neural arch
The part of the vertebra that connects the spinous process and the transverse process
The bony projection off the posterior (back) of each vertebra. It protrudes where the laminae of the vertebral arch join and provides the point of attachment for muscles and ligaments of the spine.
Spinous Process
Process projecting laterally from the junction of the lamina and the pedicle on each side of the vertebrae. The transverse process serves as a point of attachment for muscles that help move the vertebrae as well as ligaments that stabilize the vertebral column
Transverse Process
The doorway between the spinal canal and periphery. It lies between the pedicles of neighboring vertebrae at all levels in the spine.
Intervertebral Foramina
Number of Cervical Vertebae
An opening that is occupied by the vertebral artery and vein in the first six vertebrae and only the vertebral vein in the seventh
Transverse Formina
Spinous Processes of C2 to C6
Forked (bifid)
Spinous Processes of C7
Vertebra known as the atlas that supports the head.
Vertebra know as axis. It pivots around dens (odontoid process) during rotation of the head.
Number of Thoracic Vertebra
Spinous Processes of Thoracic Vertebra
Long, Pointed, w/ Facets Articulating with Ribs
Number of Lumbar Vertebrae
Lumbar Vertebrae Bodies
Large and Strong (weight support)
Lumbar Vertebrae TVPs
Project posteriorly at sharp angles
Lumbar Vertebrae Spinous Processes
Short, Nearly Horizontal
Number of Fused Sacral Vertebrae
Joints Connecting Iliac Crests to Sacrum
Sacroiliac (SI) Joints
Number of Fused Vertebrae of the Coccyx
Composition of the Thoracic Cage
Ribs, Thoracic Vertebrae, Sternum, and Costal Cartilage
Functions of the Thoracic Cage
- Support Shoulder Girdle and Upper Limbs
- Protect Viscera
- Breathing
Number of Ribs
24 (12 pairs)
Number of True Ribs (joined to sternum directly via costal cartilage)
14 (7 pairs)
Number of False Ribs
10 (5 pairs)
The Last 2 Pairs of Ribs
Floating Ribs
Part of the Sternum
- Manubrium (upper)
- Body (middle)
- Xiphoid Process (lower)
Where Sternal Manubrium and Body Meet
Sternal Angle
Composition of the Shoulder/Pectoral Girdle
Clavicle and Scapula
Function of the Shoulder/Pectoral Girdle
Support Upper Limbs and Attachment Areas for Muscles
What the medial/sternal clavicular end articulates with
Joints Connecting the Clavicles and Manubrium
Sternoclavicular Joint (SC Joint)
What the lateral clavicular end articulates with
Part of the Scapula Articulating with the Clavicle
Acromion (via Acromioclavicular Joint)
Hook-shaped bone structure projecting anterolaterally from the superior aspect of the scapular neck
Coracoid Process
The shallow, vertically elongate concavity that receives the head of the humerus
Glenoid Fossa
Functions of the Pelvic Girdle
- Support Trunk
- Provide Attachments for Lower Limbs
- Protection
Composition of Coxa (hip bone)
- Ilium
- Ischium
- Pubis
Superior and Largest of Coxa
Inferior Posterior Part of Coxa
The Butt Bone
Ischial tuberosity
Interior Anterior Part of Coxa
Joint where the 2 pubic bones articulate
Pubic Symphysis
Formation of the 2 Pubi
Pubic Arch
Cup shaped cavity on the lateral surface of coxae articulating with the head of the femur
- Bind bones together
- Allow movement and bone growth
- Most common joint
- Involves articular cartilage, joint capsule, synovial membrane, synovial fluid
Synovial Joint
- Composed of hyaline cartilage
- Reduces friction during joint movement
Articular Cartilage
Free Moving Joints
- Dense CT
- Reinforce Joint Capsule
- Connect Bone to Bone
- Prevent Excessive Joint Movement
- Joint with movement in different planes but not rotational component
- MCP joints
- Wrist Joint
- Joints with sliding and twisting movements
- AC and SC join; carpals/tarsals, facet joints of vertebrae
Gliding (plane) Joint
- Joint with movement in only one plane (flexion and extension)
- Elbow, interphalangeal, ankle, knee* (modified)
- Joint with rotational movement around central axis
- Radius and ulna; atlantoaxial joint
- Joint with movement mainly in two planes
- Thumb