Module 2 Formative Quiz Flashcards
Which adrenergic receptor is predominantly associated with causing vascular smooth muscle contraction
alpha 1
Which is the least expected consequence of NO (nitric oxide) action on vascular smooth muscle
- Activation of myosin light chain phosphate
- relaxation
- increased intracellular Ca2+
- increased PK+
Increases intracellular C2+
Which is the most reasonable explination for the presence and subsequent action of NO in smooth muscle cells?
- It is a pysical part of the plasma membrane
- it is already stored in the vascular smooth muscle cells
- When endothelial cells are activated PNMT convenrts L-arginine to NO
- it diffuses from endothelial cells into VSM
it dissues from endothelial cells into vascular smooth muscle
what is the predominant cellular products of PLC beta activation
Atropine is classified as a?
which of the following warrants exclusion from a list of systemic responses to the fight or flight phenomena.
list: bronchodilation, positive cardiac chrontropism, increases hepatic glycogenolysis, increased threshold of reticular formation
increases threshold of the reticular formation
which statment about alpha 2 receptors near exercising skeletal muscle is likely true
- They are ionotropic and can bring skeletal muscle to threshold, thereby increases strength
- their activation probably increases skeletal muscle perfusion during exercise
- they cause vascular resistance to increase
their activation probably increases skeletal muscle perfusion during exercise
which statment best desribes the role of yohimbine in anesthesia
- induction and antibiotix
- induction and anaglesia
- reversal agent
revesal agent
what is the adaptive sig. of bronchodilation as the predominant characterisitc / property assoaicted with sypmatheteic activation - fight or flight
reduced airway resistance
It is probable / likely to have more than one GPCR on a cell membrane (of the same cell)?
Are you likley to find more than one ionotropic receptor on a skeletal muscle cell?
Catecholamine-O-methyl-transferases are directly responsible for what?
decreasing the T1/2 of catecholamines
which structure / organ in the body receives projections neurons from the ANS, alcks contact with a proper second projection neuron, but behaves like a modified second projection neuron
adrenal medulla
which of these compounds is associated with muscarinic receptors?
which enzyme is responsible for the degradation of circulating acetylcholine