Exam 3 - Module 6 quiz Flashcards
Which of the pair-points best reflects a metabolic alkalosis? Note: A= normal and PCO2 isobars = isopleths. Also, don’t be distracted by the blood-buffer line.
Which expression best reflects increased respiratory rate, without necessarily precipitating a significant change in PaCO2?
A. tachypnea
B. hyperventilation
C. orthopnea
D. dyspnea
A. Tachypnea
Which hematological variable represents the best index of decreased FiO2?
A. decreased plasma [HCO3-]
b. decreased PaO2
c. bradypnea
d. increased PaO2
B. decreased PaO2
Which primary disturbance:compensation couplet is incorrectly paired?
a. respiratory alkalosis:metabolic acidosis
b. respiratory acidosis:metabolic acidosis
c. metabolic alkalosis:respiratory acidosis
d. metabolic acidosis:respiratory alkalosis
B. respiratory acidosis:metabolic acidosis
What is the expected change in PaCO2 secondary to a significant V/Q mismatch caused by diaphragmatic paresis?
a. PaCO2 increases
b. PaCO2 decreases
c. PaCO2 will not change
A. PaCO2 increases
A previously healthy Chihuahua named Sox developed a gastrointestinal illness, marked by intense and frequent episodes of nausea and vomiting. The following laboratory data were obtained after 9 hours of this condition: Body weight 3 Kg; Blood pressure 125/82 mmHg; arterial plasma pH = 7.56; PaCO2 = 39 mmHg; plasma [HCO3-] = 37 mEq/L, Urine pH = 7.8. Based on interpretation of these data, identify the primary acid-base disturbance.
Metabolic alkalosis
Identify the obstructive pulmonary disease.
A. impairment of mucus clearance
B. flail ribs secondary to blunt force trauma
C. pulmonary fibrosis
D. pneumothorax
E. diaphragmatic hernia
A. impairment of mucus clearance
True or False? Pulmonary embolism can lead to hypoxemia and hypercapnia and precipitate a combined respiratory and metabolic acidosis?
True or False? Atelectasis, secondary to a pneumothorax, can precipitate a major V/Q mismatch.
Is it probable that CNS-acting medications administered during anesthesia can reduce respiratory drive enough to cause a V/Q mismatch and lead to an acid-base disturbance that wasn’t present before the administration of the drugs?
Which mechanism is responsible for the movement of gases across the alveolar:blood interface?
A. active transport
B. simple diffusion
C. filtration
D. facilitated diffusion
B. simple diffusion
Define tachypnea
abnormally rapid breathing
often shallow and typically a respone to conditions like fever, anxiety, pain, or lung disease
What is defined as an increased respiratory rate without nexessarily involving deeper breath
Does Tachypnea have an effect on CO2
Define hyperventilaion
increased ventilation rate and/or depth of breathing leads to excess loss of CO2
define hypocapnia
excess loss of carbon dioxide
What is defined as both rapid and deep breaths, causing reducing in blood CO2 levels. It can be triggered by anxiety, panic attacks, and metabolic acidosis
Define orthopnea
Difficulty breathing when lying flat, which improves when sitting or standing up
What is defined as where the animals is laying down and increases venous blood return to the heart, worsening pulomnoary congestion
Define dyspnea
subjective sensation or difficult, uncomfortable, or labored breathing (shortness of breath)
What is defined as non-specific breathing patthern that can include a wide range of symptoms including heart diseases, lung diseases, anemia or anxiety
Define FiO2
the fraction (percentage) of oxygen in the air that a person inhales