Exam 3: Module 6: Acid-Base Flashcards
define cyanosis
mucous membranes, skin, or extrimities turn a bluish or purple color (discoloration)
What indicates the presence of deoxygenated hemoglobin (reduced hemoglobin) in the blood, which results in inadequate oxygen delivery to the tissues (hypoxemia)
What drug class can be given to manage heart failure and reduce pulmonary congestion
ACE inhibitors
What is defined as difficult or labored breathing
What is defined as rapid and shallow breathing
T/F: Dogs place themsevles in unusual positions to ease breathing
What is open-mouth breathing a sign of?
respiratory distress
What is cyanosis
bluish or puprlish color of skin, lips, or around the eyes
If an animal has respiratory problems, will they have excercise intolerance or normal exercise?
exercise intolerance
Define orthopnea
- discomfort when laying down flat
- common in people with heart and lung conditions
What are the anatomical regions that may help ideentidy the cause of respiratory distress
- airway
- pulomonary parenchyma
- pleural space
- thoracic wall
What part of the respiratory tract is used for part of the lungs responisble for gas exchange
pulomnary parenchyma
What is the thin gap between the two layers of tissues that surround the lungs and lines of the chest cavity
pleural space
What respiratory conditions come from:
- decrease in ventiltation (hypoventilation)
- increase concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood = decrease in blood pH value
Respiratory Acidosis
What are some examples of acute inhibition of medually control center that can lead to respiratory acidosis
- opiates
- sedatives
- anesthetics
- oxygen deprivation
- cardiac arrest
What are some examples of chronic inhibition of meducally control center that can lead to respiratory acidosis
- extreme obestity
- brain lesions
Define paresis
weakness of voluntary movement or patrial loss of voluntary movement or imparied movement
What can paresis (MG. paralysis, drugs, and hypokalemia) leads to in the acute form
respiratory acidosis
- due to disorders of skeletak muscles / chest wall
What can paresis (spinal cord injury), extreme obesity and rib fractures) lead to in the chronic form
respiratory acidosis
- due to disorders of the skeletal muscles / chest wall
What are some examples of acute airway obstruction and what can they lead to?
- aspiration
- laryngealospasm
leads to respiratory acidosis
Define aspiration
when food, liquid, or other materials are accidentally inhaled into the lungs
Define laryngealospasms
sudden and involuntary contraction of vocal cords that make it hard to breath and speak
What are some examples of chronic airway obstruction and what can it lead to
- neoplasia
- collapsing trachea
- layrngeal paralysis
- may lead to respiratory acidosis