Metallic Bonding & Alloys Flashcards
In metals, valence e- are…
free to roam around- not belonging to any one atom
valence e- move about in what is referred to as a …
sea of e-‘s
what two vacant outer energy level orbital of metals overlap?
p and d oribtals
P and d orbitals allow outer e- to:
move freely among the metal cations
metallic bond:
chemical bonding formed as a = of the attraction btwn metal atoms and surrounding sea of e-
properties of metals:
- good conductors of heat and electricity
-strong absorbers and reflectors of light
free e- allow for easy….
thermal conductivity
When heat is applied to metals=
energy + , e- move more quickly
when electricity is applied to metals=
e- are attracted from the - end to the + end
ability of a substance to be hammered or beaten into thin sheets
ability of a substance to be drawn or pulled through a small opening to produce wire
Why are metals shining?
e- is metals are readily available to absorb photons of energy at many diff frequencies
- e- immediately emit photons and return to a lower energy level
= shiny reflective surface
strong forces of the metallic bond =
high melting points of most metals
molten metals can be poured to form…
metal alloys
Metal alloys:
metals atoms replacing other metal atoms or smaller metal atoms occupy small spaces btwn larger atoms
Metal Alloys types:
Brass, bronze, stainless steel, gold