meiosis ch 8 p5 Flashcards
Cell division that produces reproductive cells with half as many chromosomes
a type of cell division that reduces the number of chromosomes in the parent cell by half and produces four gamete cells. This process is required to produce egg and sperm cells for sexual reproduction
organism reproduce in one of two ways
-asexual reproduction
-sexual reproduction
asexual reproduction :
-production of identical offspring by single parent
-bacteria fungi plant animalls
sexual reproduction
-production of offspring by fusion of 2 reproductive cell
gamete in process called fertilization
إنتاج النسل عن طريق اندماج خليتين تكاثريتين
الأمشاج في عملية تسمى الإخصاب
aafs pring/ ga meet / fir tell i zation
off spring/gamete /fertilization/نسل /امشاج/اخصاب
haploid versus diploid
haploid : cells with one set of chromosomes=meiosis
diploid : cells have 2 sets of chromosomes mitosis
In humans, only the egg and sperm cells are haploid
Fusion of two haploid cells creating a diploid individual
Two important outcomes of meiosis:
Cuts the number of chromosomes in half
Produces gametes that are genetically different
all offspring resemble each other but thery are not exactly the same
meiosis only take place in _______
meiosis begin with cell that has _________chromosome
meiosis 1 :
1- homologues separation
2-chromosome number is reduced
meiosis 2
separartion of sister chromatid
meiosis 1 chracteristic :
1-seperation of of homologues
2- reduced of chromosome number
3-divide it into 4 phases
prophase , metaphase , anaphase , telophase
meiosis 1 prophase :
1-replicated chromosome condensed
2-spindle is formed
3-nuclear membrane disintegrate
4-homologues pairs of sister chromatid come togather and cross over that cross over will generation variation
1-مكثف الكروموسوم المكرر
2- يتكون المغزل
3- تفكك الغشاء النووي
تتجمع أزواج المتماثلات الأربعة من الكروماتيدات الشقيقة وتتقاطع مع هذا التقاطع عبر تنوع جيل الإرادة
dis n tig rate , cras over =يتفكك و يعبر
dis in teg rate , cross over
crossing over
1-maternal and paternal chromatid exchange genetic material
independently assortment
how different genes independently separate from one another when reproductive cells develop
aa sort mint
assort ment
During Metaphase I the members of a homologous pair sort independently of each other.
أثناء الطور الاستوائي الأول، يقوم أعضاء الزوج المتماثل بالفرز بشكل مستقل عن بعضهم البعض.
Male and female gametes are produced differently :
1-Female gametes are larger than male gametes
In males, meiosis produces ____________sperm
4 equal sized
In females, one large ____ is produced
___________ is not divided evenly
______ body