ch 1 part 1 reviews Flashcards
chapter 1
scientific thinking
____________ and ___________are essential in the modern world.
scientific thinking and biological literacy
An intellectual activity that encompasses observation, description, experimentation, and explanation of natural phenomena
Not just a body of knowledge
Not just a list of facts to memorize
pathway by which we can come to discover and better understand our world
نشاط فكري يشمل الملاحظة والوصف والتجريب وتفسير الظواهر الطبيعية
the study of living things :
How do we define living things
Made of one or more cells
sensitivity and responsiveness
growth and development and reproduction
evolutionary adaptation
General fact-based understanding of the basics of biology, the scientific method and the political, social and legal implications of scientific information
Scientific Literacy
scientific litercy examples :
how to think scientifically
How to use the knowledge we gain to make wise decisions
skepticism is okay
Biological Literacy means
the ability to use scientific inquiry to think creatively about problems with a biological component, to communicate these thoughts to others,
and to integrate these ideas into our decision making