body temperature regulation ch10 Flashcards
Regulator vs conform
regulator : has set point and maintains the variable within a consistent range
conform : has no set point and variable fluctuate with changes in the external envionment
Regulator example :
water salt=low concentarion
water salt=high concentration
conform example :
water temperature Low=body temperature low
water temperature high=Body temperature high
a homeostatic process that maintains a steady internal body temperature despite changes in external conditions. Maintaining a body temperature within a tight range (between 36.5 to 37.5°C) allows for the enzymes and immune responses of the body to maintain proper functionality
thir mo requlation=التنظيم الحراري
thermo regulation
The ability of an animal to modify its behavior or physiology in order to maintain a range of body temperatures
temperature affect on :
1-rates of biochemical reaction
2-protein structure and function
3-rate of diffusion
how does animal generate body heat :
1-endotherm حرارة ثابته
2-ectotherm حرارة خارحية
N doh thirm/aac to therm
endo therm / ecto therm
endotherm called ____________ function :
1-generate heat internally
2-regulate blood flow or adjust rate of metabolism
3-torpor and hibernation
tohr pir=motor inactivity/hi ber nation=سبات شتوي
ectotherm called _________function
1-Maintain body temperature through behavior
2-Get heat primary from the environment
Range of temperatures in endotherms in which no energy expenditure is needed to maintain body temperature
X pand itch ir
expend iture=سبات شتوي
Thermoneutral zone منطقة حياد
thir moh nooch rill
therm o neutral
metabolic rate versus temperature
a person with a high metabolic rate will have a higher body temperature compared to someone with a lower metabolic rate. As body temperature goes up, so does metabolism
state of reduced metabolic activity during which the animal’s body temperature drops
when does hibernation use ?
Used by animals to conserve energy during times when food is not readily available
might be short or long time and torpor
kin serve
method for regulation body temperature :
1-physical method=bear
2-cellular method=human being
3-behavioral method=
4-physiological method=dog
animal regulate body temperature by ____________
regulate blood flow
___________and_____________take advantage of evaporation
aa vap ir ation=التبخير
eva por ation
Panting and sweating
pan ting
pan ting=يلهث
what happens when thermoregulation fails?
Abnormally high body temperature. This may be caused as part of treatment, by an infection, or by exposure to heat
hi bir thirm ya
hyper ther mia
1-Body temperature is too high
2-Heat exhausting or heat stroke
is a condition that occurs when core body temperature drops below 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius). It is a medical emergency the body loses heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a dangerously low body temperature
Body temperature is too low
_________located in the hypothalamus
thermostat=منظم الحراره
thirm s tat
therm o stat
what are 4 mechanism to regulate body temperature ?