ch 8 mitosis p3 Flashcards
the type of cell division by which a single cell divides in such a way as to produce two genetically identical “daughter cells”.
نوع الانقسام الخلوي الذي تنقسم به خلية واحدة بطريقة تنتج “خليتين وليدتين” متطابقتين وراثيا.
Generation of new, genetically identical cells
before mitosis begin(interphase)
DNA replicate and now chromosome consist of ________
2 chromatid
chromosome during all cell cycle except __________
after replicate DNA each chromosome appears as two identical linear DNA molecules held togather at the centromere is ________and two of it called ___________
sant rimeeera
sister chromatid
mitosis characteristic :
-produce genetically
-cell division
-chromosome number does not change
Cells are diploid (2n) : 2 copies of each chromosome
-nuclear divison
- create duplicate
doop lic it =تكرار
dup li cate
mitosis phases :
what happend in interphase :
G1 Phase: This is the period before the synthesis of DNA.
S Phase: This is the phase during which DNA synthesis takes place.
G2 Phase: This is the phase between the end of DNA synthesis and the beginning of the prophase.
what happend in prophase :
1-chromosome begin to condense
2-nuclear envelope break down
3-spindle form
4-centrosome move to opposite poles
1- يبدأ الكروموسوم بالتكاثف
2- انهيار الغلاف النووي
3-شكل المغزل
4-تحرك الجسيم المركزي إلى القطبين المتقابلين
kin dans/N villip/spin dill/santro sohm/
con/ dense /en ve lope/spindle/centrosome
what happened in metaphase
1-Centrosomes are at opposite poles
2-chromosome line up in the middle of the cell and along the metaphase plate or cell equator
1- تكون الجسيمات المركزية على قطبين متقابلين
2- يصطف الكروموسوم في منتصف الخلية وعلى طول الصفيحة الطورية أو خط استواء الخلية
aak way tir =خط الاستواء
equ ator
what happen in anaphase :
Sister chromatids are pulled to opposite ends of the cell as the
microtubule shorten
يتم سحب الكروماتيدات الشقيقة إلى طرفي نقيض من الخلية مثل
تقصير الأنابيب الدقيقة
what happens in telophase :
1-Chromosomes begin to uncoil
2-spindle breaks down
3-Nuclear envelope begins to form around each set of chromosomes
4-cytokinesis begin
5-nucleolus reapear
تبدأ الكروموسومات بالتفكك
ينهار المغزل مرة أخرى
يبدأ الغلاف النووي بالتشكل حول كل مجموعة من الكروموسومات
يبدأ التحريك الخلوي
un coy ill/ cyto kn e sis/nook lee yil s
un coil=straight/ cyto kin esis
physical seperation of cytoplams
what would cytokinesis do to animal and plant cell :
animal cell : cleavage
plant cell : cell plate
klee vij /foh roh/
cleavage / furrow/ انشقاق
Mitosis :
Produces 2 genetically identical daughter cells
Follows chromosome duplication
4 phases
Each new cell gets an exact copy of the DNA
Process used by cells to grow and to replace old cells that have died
somatic cell that completed Cell division without cytokinesis would have ____________
two nuclei and twice the DNA compared to the onset of Division
Mitosis without cytokinesis results in a cell with____________
more than one nucleus but a connected cytoplasm