ch 4 part 6 reviews Flashcards
Passive transport of water molecules across a membrane in response to solute concentrations
water pores
cells can swell or shrink depond on ____________
direction of water movement
the relationship between the concentration of solutes inside the cell and solutes outside the cell (in solution)
types of tonicity ?
hypertonic and hypotonic and isotonic
dehydrated celery
contain many of dissolved molecules or solute relative to water molecules
distilled water
contain fewer dissolved molecules than celery cells
osmosis in distilled water and salt water :
in distilled water ,fewer solute
water will diffuse into the celery equalizing the water concentration inside and outside
in salt water contain more dissolved molecules than celery cells
water move out
isotonic solution
i soo ton ic
concentration balanced
water movement balanced
solute concentration lower in extracellular
=water in
solute concentraion higher in extracellular =
water diffuse out the cell
Transport that requires the input of energy to move molecules across a membrane
active transport
characteristic of active transport :
-large molecules
-molecules move against concentration gradient
-types primary and socendary
primary active transport
uses ATP,
secondary active transport
-that uses an electrochemical gradient
-from lower concentraion to hifher concentration
basic example of active transport
the uptake of glucose in the intestines in human physiology
Endocytosis and Exocytosis __________
move large particles
absorption of large particles INTO a cell
export large particles out of the cell
the particles are _________in the plasma membrane and there are three ways or types of endocytosis
is a type og endocytosis by which cells engulf large paticles
phagocytosis way :
-plasma membrane form pocket-like enclosure around a large particel
the particle is transported into cell by vesicle
receptor- mediated
type of endocytosis by which engulf specific particles
__________is protein receptor in plasma membrane of liver cell
and then the plasma membrane form vesicle engulfing LDL
LDL is broken down and used to make useful particles
LDL is broken down into ?
cholesterol can be used in _________hormone like ___________
estrogen and testosterone
shuttles particles out
by enclose the particle and merge with plasma membarne to release their content