ch 4 part 1 reviews Flashcards
chapter 4 :
The smallest part of you
Organisms are Made of :
cells :
The smallest unit of life that can function independently and perform all the necessary functions of life
unicellular and multicellular are organism (true or false)
who says “observed cells using a microscope and name them cells “and when __________
Robert Hooke in 1665
cell theory is one of the ____________theories in _______________and one that is universally accepted by all biologist the theory states that :
-all living organism are made up of one or more cells
-all cells arise from other preexiting cells
Most cells cannot be seen with the naked eye
Studying Cells
Instrument that magnifies an object
magnifaction function :
makes small object look larger
resolution :
the ability to distinguish detail
types of microscopes :
Light microscopes
electron microscopes
eggs :
some of the largest cells
Every cell on earth falls into one of two categories:
prokaryotic :
1-cells that do not have nucleus and organelles
2-first cell on earth
example : bacteria and archaea
organelle , nuclear membrane
cells with internal compartments called ___________
plasma membrane in prokaryotic :
encloses cell , contain :
jelly like fluid inside cell
one or more loop containing genetic info
granular body in the cytoplasm that covers genetic info into protein structure
cell wall
protects and give a shape for the cell
protective outer coating
hair like projection that helps cell to attach to other surfaces and sometimes play role in DNA transfer
flij aal m
flag ellum
whip like projection
that aids in cellular movement
eukaryotic :
~10,000X larger than prokaryotic cells
nucleus contain the cell’s DNA
organelle : membrane bound compartments with specialized function
two catagories of eukaryotic :
Differences between Plant Cells and Animal Cells-final :
structure not found in plant cell= animal:
structure not found in animal cell=plant :
cell wall
occasionally found in animal :
Evolution of Eukaryotic Cells theory :
endosymbiosis theory
نظرية التعايش الداخلي
N doh sym be yo sis
endo symbiosis
endosymbiosis theory
Provides explanation for the origin of
two types of organelles : mitochondria , chloroplast
Endosymbiosis :
two organisms living together with one inside the other
pathway of endosymbiosis :
ancestor eukaryotic : DNA , plasma membrane
ancestor prokaryotic : proficient at covering food and oxygen into energy
ancestor eukaryotic : engulf prokaryotic thereby will merge
this engulfed prokaryotic will evolved into organelles such as mitochondria where as chloroplast will develop through similar endosymbiotic parnership
pathway of endsymbiosis theory :
-ancestor prokaryotic
-infolding plasma membrane (nucleus forming)
-endosymbiosis(aerobic bacterium , cynobacterium)
-ancestor eukaryotic