ch 6 part 1reviews Flashcards
Why is DNA so valuable?
1-all living oragnism carry DNA in almost every cell in their body
2-every person’s DNA is unique except for identical twin
3-DNA is also exist in the things we leave behind like hair , blood , dead skin cells , saliva
the discovery of DNA structure was by ___________
james weston
francis in 1953
the structure of DNA is
X-ray crystallography data
and chargaff’s rule or complimentary base-pairing
review of DNA structure
1-douple helix held togather by hydrogen bond
2-complimentary base-pairing
2-monomers are nucleotide
4-sugar phosphate backbone
5-strands are anti paralle
unit of DNA ________and types
nucleotide , phosphate group
sugar , nitrogen-containg base
necleotide types :
c and p=sugar phosphate back bone
c and o=sugar
N and c =nitrogen-contating base
inforamtion flows in cell or central dogoma of biology
DNA transcription RNA translation protein
an organism’s complete set of dna
can found in nucleus
in eukaryotic cell
Linear or circular piece of DNA with specific base pair sequences
-contain many gene
linear in eukaryotic
circular in prokaryotic
sequence of nucleotide on chromosome
thar carriers info for RNA OR PROTEIN
-very improtant for protein synthesize
human have __________chromosome from father and mother
total is _______
alleles is
type ?
ali ill z
different form or version of gene that code for the same trait
orange and yellow and purple
any characteristic of an organism like eye color or height or flower color
DNA does not code for protein is ___________
and noncoding region is __________
noncoding DNA
How do genes work?
1-the gene is storehouse for information
transcripton versus translation
transcription ?
the gene sequense is copied from DNA to go between mRNA
translation ?
teh gene sequences is now encoded in mRNA which direct the production of protein