Medication/Sampling - large animal Flashcards
The process of forming stones in the urinary tract.
A toxin that has been altered so that it does not cause disease but is able to induce the production of protective antibodies. The immunogenicity, however, remains intact and makes toxoids suitable for use as vaccines. Immunizations against tetanus and botulism are examples of toxoids.
The act of straining to urinate.
Of, related to, producing, or resembling serum.
Septicemia and symptoms
Invasion of the bloodstream by microorganisms (usually bacteria) from a focus of infection. It is accompanied by fever, chills, prostration, pain, nausea, and diarrhea.
Anestrous state resembling pregnancy that occurs in various mammals, usually after an infertile copulation; pseudocyesis, false pregnancy.
Delete this card. roprioceptive
Activated by, or related to, stimuli that arise within an animal.
Pregnancy toxemia
Sudden demand for energy by fast-growing fetuses that can occur in the last few weeks of pregnancy. Rapid breakdown of body stores releases ketones, leading to ketoacidosis. Occurs more commonly in ewes with twins than with a single fetus.
common neurological disorder in ruminants
Brain swelling and inflammation lead to necrosis of brain tissue and death.
animals on high-concentrate diets are at higher risk
less important -Also known as cerebrocortical necrosis,
Diagnosis is confirmed postmortem.
(Hint to remember - Naclerio and the goat conv)
Inflammation of the pericardium.
Umbilical infection or inflammation.
Inflammation of muscle.
Also known as lymphoma; cancer of lymphocytes and lymphoid tissues and the third-most commonly diagnosed cancer in dogs.
Ketosis (large animal)
Nutritional disease of cattle and sometimes sheep, goats, or swine that is marked by reduction of blood glucose and the presence of ketone bodies in blood, tissues, milk, and urine; food requirements exceed consumption
Combined inflammation of the cornea and the conjunctiva.
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
A medical emergency believed to result from oxygen deprivation during the birthing process that can vary in severity, depending on the age of the fetus, length of oxygen deprivation, and severity of hypoxia.
Foals often seem normal after birth but develop progressive symptoms, including failure to recognize the mare; inability to stand, walk, or nurse; vocalization; and seizures. Commonly referred to as “dummy foal” or “equine maladjustment
Lower than normal levels of blood glucose resulting in lack of fuel to the brain and other organ
Glucose absorption test
A test used to determine whether a horse is properly absorbing nutrients.
Gangrenous mastitis
Inflammation of the mammary glands is called mastitis.
causes gangrene of the gland with a distinct blue line of demarcation separating normal and affected tissues. Secretions from affected glands are watery, gangrenous portions are cold to the touch, and these portions of the gland will eventually slough off. Toxic and gangrenous mastitis may cause death.
Fecal transfaunation
Repopulation of the gut with healthy flora from another horse.
Process- During fecal transfaunation, the feces of a healthy horse are mixed with water and the fluid strained off. The fluid is then administered into the stomach of a sick horse via a nasogastric (NG) tube so that good bacteria can pass through the stomach and colonize the hindgut. It is critical that the donor horse is healthy and receives negative culture results for harmful organisms, such as Salmonella and Clostridium
Giving birth - pigs
Failure of passive transfer. (check if duplicate)
Deficient levels of antibodies absorbed by the gut in animals dependent on colostrum for immunologic protection. Failure can occur because colostrum contains inadequate levels of antibodies, or because the animal is not able to absorb adequate quantities of antibodies.
Foals with FPT-
Snap test determines if foals have this- If immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels are low (<800 mg/dL), plasma is given
At high risk of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), sepsis, corneal ulcers, meconium impaction, diarrhea, and septic arthritis.
Endotoxin, which is a cell-wall component of gram-negative bacteria, can enter the bloodstream via compromised tissue and cause significant illness
Difficult birth. This term can be applied to difficult birth in any species, which can result from a number of causes such as large fetus, small dam, or malpositioning.
Uses the correlation between colostrum density and IgG (antibody) concentration to measure of colostrum quality
The first milk, which contains the antibodies.
Antitoxin (check if duplicate)
antibody, formed in the body by the introduction of a bacterial poison, or toxin, and capable of neutralizing the toxin
Drenching refers to the oral administration of a liquid drug such as deworming medications. Generally, the nose is slightly elevated, and the dose syringe is inserted between the interdental spaces. The liquid is released onto the tongue for swallowing by the animal.
Balling guns
used to give oral tablets to cattle, sheep, and goats. The balling gun is inserted toward the pharynx until the thumb rings of the balling gun reach the corner of the animal’s mouth. The plunger is depressed to release the tablet.
Nasogastric tubes purpose
inserted to empty the stomach in gastric overfilling, administer medications, provide gastric lavage, and provide nutrition in animals that can’t eat. .
Nasogastric Tube Placement horse
To place a nasogastric tube in a horse, stand to one side of the horse for safety. Direct the tube into the nose ventrally and medially until resistance is felt. Move the tube carefully back and forth to encourage swallowing, then the tube can be advanced with limited resistance once swallowed. Once there’s certainty that the tube is in the esophagus, it can be advanced to the stomach. Impacted material can be removed by inserting and then removing water.
Orogastric Tube (large animal)
It’s preferable to use the orogastric tube in food animals and camelids due to the smaller nasal passages in these animals. A speculum (roll of tape or PVC pipe) is used for passing the orogastric tube.
Equine IV injections
The most common site for IV administration in the horse is the jugular vein. The cranial half of the right jugular is preferred (to protect the esophagus and carotid artery).
Equine IV catheter
The jugular vein is also used to apply an indwelling catheter. If this isn’t possible for any reason, the cephalic or thoracic vein is used.
Normally, 14-gauge × 5.25-inch over-the-needle (OTN) is used in adult horses. Smaller catheters can be used in younger or smaller horses. As described for small animals, the area for catheter placement is shaved and aseptically prepared, and local anesthetic is used to desensitize the area.
Bovine injection sites
coccygeal vein (small amounts)
Bovine Jugular injection
The jugular vein is the most common site for IV administration in cattle. Proper head restraint (halter, head-gate) is used to pull the head away from the site of injection. Pressure is placed in the jugular groove to occlude the vessel during venipuncture. Once the needle is inserted, the pressure can be removed and medication injected. After injection and removal of the needle, digital pressure is applied to the injection site to prevent hematoma formation.
Bovine Coccygeal Injection
Small volumes of nonirritating substances can be injected using the coccygeal vein. While the animal is restrained, the coccygeal vein is located by palpating the midline of the tail’s ventral surface (at the level of the second or third coccygeal vertebra).
Bovine catheter
Placement of a catheter in the jugular vein in the bovine species usually requires the creation and use of a relief hole (after application of local anesthetic) due to the thickness of bovine skin. Catheters can be placed in the cephalic vein if the jugular veins can’t be accessed.