Immunology pharmacology Flashcards
Vaccines come in many different forms, such as (7)
Modified live
Recombinant (using new genetic combinations)
Inactivated (or killed) vaccines
vaccines involves killing the organisms with heat or chemicals that leave the antigens mostly unchanged.
Usually very safe, lasts in storage, and are unlikely to cause the disease itself.
usually don’t give a strong immune response, need to be repeated, and sometimes contain preservatives that can cause allergic reactions.
Live vaccines
Not as common
Made from living bacteria or viruses which may be virulent (able to cause disease) or avirulent (not able to cause disease).
Stimulate the immune system more vigorously
Require fewer doses
Are cheaper
Usually don’t have adjuvants (other aids or contributors) added
Harder to store
May give the disease to the animal
May cause disease in people who get them into their skin
May be contaminated with other microorganisms
Modified live vaccines
take the live organism and process it to remove the organism’s virulence.
Many viruses can be vaccinated for in this way.
Pregnant animals may abort.
Sometimes the animal contracts a mild form of the disease.
Vaccines may contain preservatives that can cause a reaction when administered.
Recombinant vaccines
Made by modifying the DNA of the organisms in various ways to produce vaccines.
Are safe
Provide effective immunity
Some can be administered orally
What six factors may determine an animal’s response to immunization?
1) health and age,
(2) the type of vaccine given,
(3) the route of administration,
(4) concurrent incubation of infectious disease,
(5) exposure to an infectious disease before complete immunity is reached, and
(6) drug therapy.
Toxoid injection
a vaccine for producing immunity to a toxin rather than to some organism
Antiserums (or antibodies) to specific toxins.
Passive immunity
The protection lasts only 7–14 days.
given for acute deep injuries in horses to help protect against the effects of tetanus.
Autogenous vaccines
vaccines that are tailor-made for a specific location, using the actual organisms found at that site.
provide better protection because they use specific organisms. Poultry farms sometimes use this type of vaccine.
polyvalent vaccine.
is also called a Mixed vaccines
are able to provide protection from more than one organism in the same injection.
Not having to inject the patient multiple times is an advantage.
Stem Cells
Cells found in embryonic tissue and the adult animal that have the ability for self-renewal, a lack of cellular specialization, and can give rise to other more specialized cells.
added to killed vaccines increase their ability to stimulate the immune system but may cause severe local reactions at the location where they’re injected.
Regenerative medicine
is the use of cells and growth factors to improve the repair of damaged or poorly functioning tissues or organs, usually orthopedic disorders
signs that the animal is reacting to the vaccine include the following
Hives (skin blotches, redness, swelling)
Lack of coordination
Swelling of the face or the muscles
Immunosuppressive agents
are drugs used to treat immune-mediated disorders.
autoimmune disease
is a disease in which the body’s immune system attacks itsel
Signs used to detect hypovolemia are
based on perfusion and include:
pale mucous membrane color,
increased capillary refill time,
weak peripheral pulses,
cool peripheral extremities,
Skin turgor %s
0 euhydrated
5 mild
7/8 moderate
10 Severe
Skin turgor mild dehydration
(w ~ 5%) Minimal loss of skin turgor, semidry mucous membranes, normal eye
Skin turgor moderate dehydration
Moderate (w ~ 8%) Moderate loss of skin turgor, dry mucous membranes, weak rapid pulses, enophthalmos
Skin turgor severe dehydration
(. > 10%) Considerable loss of skin turgor, severe sunken eyes, tachycardia, extremely dry mucous membranes, weak/thready pulses, hypotension, altered level of consciousness